The best boy on campus

Chapter 1126 Xanadu!

Regarding Lord Nachuan, Liu Boyang has been fascinated for a long time. He is the most famous underworld figure in the country. In terms of seniority, he is much higher than Liu Tianlong and the others. Today, he can finally visit this old ancestor with his own eyes. Liu Boyang is really very happy. excitement.

After learning the news that Liu Boyang was going to Fang Xiaobei, Liu Tianlong ordered Hutou to pick them up in person by helicopter. After all, the old prince's home is far away in Harbin, the northernmost province in the country. It takes at least one day and one night to get there, and Liu Boyang doesn't know the old prince's house, so someone must come to meet him.

"Uncle Hutou, what are my grandfathers doing there recently?" On the helicopter, Liu Boyang gently held Ma Xiaoyu's little hand and asked Hutou.

"I have nothing to do today, so I went hunting in the mountains." Hutou said with a smile.

"Fuck! So leisurely? Didn't I hear that Fang Xiaoxiaobei is very chaotic some time ago? The people of J country keep making troubles, why is it calm now?" Liu Boyang asked in surprise.

"That's right. I did have a few battles with the little devils a while ago, but those bastards didn't dare to show their swords and guns, and they would only do some stealthy deeds every time. But they did hide tightly, Mr. The prince has already cast a net in Fang Xiaoxiaobei, trying to find them, but he can't find them. Then we have no choice but to wait patiently for them to show up, we have no choice."

Liu Boyang sneered: "The people of country j are just as courageous! But aren't they very arrogant this time? Aren't they going to contact the old man of country e, the mafia of country m, and the gangsters in Fang Xiaohua's South Asia to launch a general attack on country z together? So many forces still dare not show their faces openly?"

Hutou didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Listen to you, if they don't come to attack country Z, you don't seem to be happy. I don't know if the mafia in country m got involved with them, but Fang Xiaonan and country e There is indeed news that people from country j have colluded with people from country j. However, rumors are rumors after all, and no one knows what the situation is. So far, people from country e and those from South Asia and overseas have not infiltrated country z. .”

Liu Boyang nodded, "The people of country j are really fed up and have nothing to do. They plan conspiracies all day long. This nation is really annoying!"

Hutou laughed: "When you see the old prince, tell him that, he loves to hear it."

When Lord Nachuan was admiring the lanterns on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he encountered a surprise attack by ninjas from country j. Although he was not the one who died, this incident has always left him in the heart. Now in the whole country, Mo, who has the deepest hatred for the people of country j Too much for him.


The helicopter flew in the sky for more than six hours, and finally arrived in Harbin City. It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon.

In today's season, spring has already bloomed in province S and everything has recovered, but in province hl, the weather still seems to be like winter, very cold. Liu Boyang and others shivered from the cold as soon as they got off the plane, "Uncle Tiger Head, Why is Fang Xiaoxiaobei so cold?"

"When you came here, I asked you to wear more clothes. Don't you believe me, now I know I didn't lie to you? Just kidding, this is the northernmost place in Z country, and it will be at least one month later than S province in spring, plus here It's also cold in spring, so it's your first time to get used to it. When you arrive at the old prince's house, I'll help you find some coats to wear." Hutou said with a smile.

Don't look at what Hutou said, but he was only wearing a thin piece of clothing, and even the collar buttons were unbuttoned, revealing the strong chest muscles inside. Liu Boyang had to sigh again for the vigor of Hutou, followed He hiked into the mountain and walked towards Lord Nachuan's house.


Prince Nachuan's lair is not in the urban area of ​​Harbin, but in a hidden mountain in the western suburbs of Harbin. There are not many things in Fang Xiaobei, even if there are many mountains. The old prince put his home here, and there are many reasons for it Consider, first of all, it is very hidden and safe here. As long as outsiders don’t turn on the radar, they generally don’t want to find it. Then there is the original ecology in the mountains. The air is fresh and pollution-free, which is convenient for health preservation. Finally, there are a lot of game in the mountains, and the green food is healthier. The long-lived old prince nourished it.

But as a group of people walked into the mountains, the temperature became lower and lower. The air here is really clear. After inhaling it, the whole lungs are cool, which makes people feel refreshed.Ma Xiaoyu was shivering from the cold, bowed her head and followed behind Liu Boyang's buttocks silently. Liu Boyang took off his coat and put it on her body, which made the girl feel a warmth.

"It's almost there." Hutou took a look at Ma Xiaoyu with pale lips, and said proactively.

As we continued to walk inside, the scene that greeted our eyes really shocked Liu Boyang and his brothers. In ancient times, there was such a thing as a land of abundance and a paradise, and the area where the old prince of Nachuan lived was absolutely unique in the world. Fairyland!

In the center of a large valley surrounded by mountains on all sides, there stands a huge palace-shaped building made of pure wood. The grandeur of this villa is at least ten times stronger than Liu Tianlong's White House. Even Ma Junsheng's manor Incomparable!

The second half of this large villa is directly built on the mountain, while the front is set between the valleys, which is simply an architectural miracle. The entrance is full of all kinds of world-class, even limited-edition luxury cars, all parked there On the green grass.

grassland? ——Don't be surprised, this place is so magical, you can't imagine, surrounded by mountains, the temperature is extremely low, and in some places even snow can be seen, the lair of Prince Nachuan occupies a huge area The land is full of wild flowers and weeds, and more than a dozen green fruit trees grow here naturally. The air is permeated with the fragrance of soil, the deliciousness of petals, and there are all kinds of rare birds and fluffy butterflies in the starry sky. Flying and chirping among the dotted flowers, hares and pheasants pecked and grazed everywhere, and they didn't dodge when they saw people coming, as if they were not afraid at all.

If some cherry blossoms or snow petals fall from the sky at this time, the artistic conception will be even more beautiful, what an unknown paradise!

Ever since her brain suffered amnesia, Ma Xiaoyu's life has been spent in a kind of cold darkness. Now she has become seldom talking, and seldom laughing, but until today, Liu Boyang finally saw her reappear. smiling face.In such a fairytale-like dream environment, Ma Xiaoyu cheered and ran to the grass in front like a curious little girl, where a fluffy little white rabbit with big ears was grazing. Seeing her coming, she hid Don't hide, stare at her with a pair of big eyes, it's too cute!

Ma Xiaoyu smiled lightly, hugged the soft little white rabbit in her arms, and stroked it gently, it was unusually cute and charming.

"It seems that Xiaoyu's sister-in-law likes this place very much. Brother Yang, Lord Nachuan's place is picturesque, even more fairyland than fairyland. If sister-in-law can stay here for a while and feel the nature kindly, maybe it will be beneficial to her recovery! "Huzi said.

Liu Boyang nodded, looked at Ma Xiaoyu, then looked at the surrounding environment, and praised: "Prince Nachuan is really good at keeping healthy, I really don't know how he found this kind of place."

Hutou smiled and said: "I'm not surprised at all, you underestimate Prince Nachuan too much, the number one leading predator in the country is not just talking, if he doesn't even have the ability to set up a family and keep healthy, he Dare to be called the oldest person in the country? This is just one of the many magical residences of the old prince, and he has several more mysterious ones. You haven’t seen the sky villa in the mountains where the old prince really lives. He can live in it all. in the sky!"

Liu Boyang clicked his tongue when he heard it, he is now one-half of the same province, but he is not at the same level as Prince Nachuan at all, the gap, the standard of living, is more than ten Thousands of miles away!

"Your master, Lan Fengtu, has been involved in good fortune. He is capable of defying the sky, and his medical skills are outstanding. Didn't the old man say that? His acupuncture method has a great hope of curing my little sister's illness, so you don't have to worry about it." There is no one in the old prince’s house now. I will take you to a hot spring bath inside to relieve fatigue, and then I will take you into the mountains. The old prince takes the big guys into the mountains to hunt. He will not come back until the sun sets. We are here Waiting here is useless." Hutou said.

ps: I'm sick... I wrote a chapter for more than three hours, I have a headache to death, and the update is slow, everyone forgive mebr>

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