The best boy on campus

Chapter 1142 If you want to beat someone, you have to get beaten first!

Listening to the stirring words of the master, Liu Boyang suddenly felt his blood boil!Good guy, I have never touched the path of this kung fu before, and today I finally feel like a frog at the bottom of a well jumps out of the well, and sees the blue sky after clearing the clouds and mist!

Just think about it, if you learn the master's peerless sword technique and practice close-body boxing to perfection, who will you be afraid of in the future?Empty hands can destroy those so-called masters!

"Master! Then you pass on the method of gathering and condensing Qi to me today!" Liu Boyang excitedly said. ()

Lan Fengtu nodded and said: "That's natural. It stands to reason that in kung fu, one should avoid being greedy for merit and rushing ahead, and should take a step-by-step approach, but now the timing is very special, and the people of J country are plotting against the law, so I dare not say how much free time I have to teach you kung fu , so starting from today, before you officially teach you boxing skills, you must first strengthen your body. I won’t talk about it today. From tomorrow onwards, every morning at seven o’clock, you will come here to stand and tie sandbags on your feet. Wensi can’t move, stand for at least an hour, and the wind and rain can’t stop, you can stand for a month before you talk. After standing on the pile, run back and forth along the mountain road twice, the time can’t exceed an hour, and you are not allowed to Rest, I will do it myself and temper you into copper skin and iron bones. When you pass the test of external skills, I will start teaching you how to gather and condense qi. When you pass the test of gathering qi and condensing qi, I will teach you foreign martial arts .Fisting Academy, if there is still enough time, I will teach you the sword technique!"

After listening to the exercise plan that Lan Fengtu had made for himself, Liu Boyang took a deep breath!The future self is even scarier than falling into hell!At seven o'clock in the morning, you have to come to stand, and you have to tie sandbags on your feet. The wind and rain can't stop!If you stand there for an hour, you won't even walk on the road after you get off, believe it or not?But the master didn't even give himself a little time to rest, and immediately let himself run back and forth along the mountain road twice!Entering the mountain from here, one trip is at least three to four thousand meters, and two round trips are four trips. That is 4000 meters per day, and the time cannot exceed one hour! ——Master, this old man wants to train himself as a superman!It is not so scary to say that it is a devil!

"What's the matter with your expression? Not confident or courageous? If you can't do it, it's still time for you to tell me now, and I won't force it!" Lan Fengtu looked at Liu Boyang with a look of embarrassment on his face, and said coldly.

Liu Boyang took a deep breath, straightened his back and said, "Master! I can do it! I won't back down!"

Lan Fengtu ignored it: "It's too early to say this now, let's stick to it for a month before talking. From today on, find two ten-jin sandbags for me to tie on my legs. I can't pick them up when I eat or sleep. When will I tell you?" You can pick it off if you can pick it off!"

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "Understood! ——Master, you just taught me to train me to become copper-skinned and iron-skinned before teaching me to gather Qi and condense Qi. What do you mean?"

Lan Fengtu said indifferently: "It's very simple. Experts say: 'Train your muscles and bones outside, and train your breath inside'! If you want to beat someone, you must first learn to be beaten! You don't have to do anything today, and I will let you suffer a little bit first. Unable to bear this kind of pain, after returning home, I wondered how I could reduce the pain."

When Liu Boyang heard this, he was startled again!Well!The master puts himself through devil-style training every day, and beats himself hard when he comes back. Even the sky will be gray in the future!Liu Boyang didn't want to ask anything else, he just wanted to know if Guodong's master also trained them in this way?


For the next whole day, Lan Fengtu really fulfilled what he said, and Liu Boyang also deeply realized how powerful his master is.Lan Fengtu was still very "generous" and didn't beat Liu Boyang to death, but promised Liu Boyang that he could run around in the small open space in front of the cabin. If he could escape his punches, it would be considered Liu Boyang's ability!

But what makes Liu Boyang ashamed is that his so-called skill is not even bullshit in front of Lan Fengtu. It is rumored that Lan Fengtu's skill is faster than that of an ape. Liu Boyang has experienced it today. A man with a shattered body, lying on the ground and rolling around many times, he really couldn't get up, but Lan Fengtu coldly reprimanded him: "Get out!"

Whenever he heard this sentence, Liu Boyang was so angry that he could only stumble to stand up again. Of course, he was greeted with merciless fists and kicks. As the saying goes, a strict teacher makes a good apprentice, Liu Boyang dare not say that he can continue to practice like this, I will definitely be able to become a peerless master. Anyway, Xiaoqiang, who is unbeatable, is sure to be himself!The copper skin and iron bones were originally beaten out!


When Liu Boyang was beaten up "inhumanely" by his master, Prince Nachuan, Liu Tianlong, Yang Tinglei, Cui Bajuan, He Jiuxiao, other bigwigs in the country, and people like Hutoubaoshan all came into the woods After seeing him, most people find it very funny to see Liu Boyang's miserable appearance, rolling like a mud monkey, but Liu Tianlong's relatives feel a little distressed for him!

But now that Liu Boyang has worshiped Lan Fengtu as his teacher, Lan Fengtu has the final say on how to practice, and others have to bear it no matter how much they can't bear it!Liu Tianlong believed in Lan Fengtu's character very much. He must have his reasons for ravaging his grandson so badly. It was impossible for him to harm his grandson? !

And every time Liu Boyang got up from the ground again and again, wiped the dirt from his mouth and stared at the blue phoenix map "viciously", the old people like Liu Tianlong felt a kind of relief again, the eyes of Liu Boyang What is revealed in this is an indomitable sense of struggle——unless Lao Tzu is beaten to death by you, even if I have only one breath left, I will stand up and refuse to admit defeat!

We must know that what Lan Fengtu tempered was not only Liu Boyang's muscles and bones, but also his strong will!

Leopard Shan once sat on the plum blossom pile, watched Liu Boyang being beaten to look like a human being, and smiled sarcasticly while nibbling melon seeds: "Boyang, don't think my uncle can't help you, but I have always supported you mentally! You But fight for uncle, don't be beaten by the old man!"

Liu Boyang got up from the ground for the first time, staggered and wiped the dirt on his mouth ㊣(5), pointed at Baoshan with an evil smile, and said, "Uncle Bao! Don't take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. I will find you to practice first!"

When Baoshan heard this, he laughed even worse, swaying his legs and said: "Okay! Then Uncle Bao, I will wait for you!"


At the end of the day, Liu Boyang was so exhausted that he couldn't even walk in the end. His whole body was beaten into a mess, and he leaned on the plum blossom pile to pant heavily. At this time, the sun was setting and the day was almost over.

But under the messy bangs, his eyes are red and red. Of course, this is not because he has cried, but because he is angry!He was not angry at his master's ruthlessness, but only at his own uselessness!Who can blame him for being beaten like a bear?Blame the master?joke!If he was more flexible, if he was stronger, how could he be beaten like this?It's a pity that I used to be complacent about that little skill, if I can't do it, don't blame anyone!

Lan Fengtu's strikes were very measured. Although he beat Liu Boyang until there was no good flesh on his body, he didn't really hurt his bones and organs. sequelae.

"Your performance today is not bad." This is the evaluation given by Lan Fengtu after he ravaged Liu Boyang for a whole day. It is unimaginable that he beat Liu Boyang for a whole day. It is reasonable to say that he also used a lot of strength, but he did not show up. Even with an overworked appearance, he can still say such words calmly.

"Master! Remember! I found out how to attack you, and tomorrow I will definitely not let you beat me up like this again!" Liu Boyang said "gritting his teeth"!

When Lan Fengtu heard this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

ps: Brothers, ask for a monthly pass...

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