The best boy on campus

Chapter 1144 Ma Xiaoyu recovers her memory!

When Liu Boyang ran back and forth along the mountain road with strong willpower, his body was almost exhausted. He stumbled back to the mountain, and found that the master was already standing in front of the plum blossom pile, and Liu Boyang called out weakly: "Master!" , I'm back..." Then he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground (win q coins,)

Lan Fengtu walked over quickly, pinched Liu Boyang's chest, then took out two herbal pills from his bosom, and stuffed them into Liu Boyang's mouth. After a short time, Liu Boyang felt his throat hurt, and opened his mouth in a daze. Eyes, he found that he was lying on the ground, and Lan Fengtu was holding a salt water bowl to feed himself.

"Now you know that learning martial arts is not easy? If you want to learn the real skills, you have to work hard! Practice three nines in winter and three days in summer, you are still far behind!" Lan Fengtu said lightly.

Liu Boyang bravely said: "I'm not afraid! I will definitely persevere! Master, was I late just now?"

Lan Fengtu said: "The timing is just right, but I overestimated your physical fitness and endurance. It turns out that you are only good at explosiveness, but not durable. I admit that I was a little harsh on you, but jade is not perfect, you are useless." With a good foundation, it has been wasted for 18 years, it is too late to temper you now, only hard work can make up for weakness, I also hope you can understand this truth."

Liu Boyang nodded, and struggled to get up from the ground: "Master, I understand. You did all this for my own good. I won't misunderstand you. Let's continue practicing. Are you still training your muscles and bones today? Hehe, I last night I've thought about it, this time it shouldn't be as miserable as yesterday!"

Lan Fengtu admired Liu Boyang's perseverance. Lan Fengtu put the water bowl aside and said with a faint smile, "Really? Then come, let me see if you are really enlightened!"

However, to Liu Boyang's surprise, the following process was horrible, and he was beaten to pieces by Lan Fengtu again. Anyone would say big words, but when it came time to fight with the master, it would not be the case. Liu Boyang even suspected Did Lan Fengtu hold back his hands when he beat him up yesterday, why did he become stronger as he improved?Or can't get up after being beaten by him?

"Is this what you call 'found the trick'?" Liu Boyang persisted until noon, when Lan Fengtu punched him down again. Seeing Liu Boyang panting, Lan Fengtu said coldly. (. Win call bill,)

Liu Boyang gritted his teeth secretly, but felt ashamed!

Lan Fengtu sighed and said, "You're still too impetuous! I've already told you that martial arts is the most dangerous thing to be greedy for success! You want to turn the situation around in one day, how can it be so easy?! Go down to eat first, and practice in the afternoon! "

Liu Boyang was unwilling to come down from the mountain. He had just taken a shower when he suddenly received a call from Yang Lin. He had already boarded the train. If there were no accidents, he would arrive in Harbin tomorrow night. Liu Boyang promised to pick him up at that time .


For the next few days, with Liu Boyang as the leader, the brothers all acted like they were going crazy, and they secretly followed their master to learn martial arts.Sure enough, Yang Lin came to Harbin late at night on the third day. Liu Boyang Gao Zhenfei drove to the train station to pick him up. After returning, Liu Boyang introduced Yang Lin to the Laughing Buddha. Lin Weitu, from now on, all of the Nine Great Miracles have their own apprentices except for the fourth Zhang Baxian.

But after three days, Lao Mao's hard work turned out to be very disappointing. He did not fight a tiger in the deep mountains, so he failed Zhang Baxian's test.Just when Liu Boyang wanted to ask the Qi brothers to intercede with Zhang Baxian, this sturdy and brute man took the initiative to find Lao Mao and agreed to take him as his apprentice.

Now even the old cat was surprised, obviously did not complete his test, why did he accept himself as an apprentice?Zhang Baxian explained with a smile: "That's because I have seen your performance in the mountains for the past three days. You didn't beat the tiger, not because you are not the tiger's opponent, but because there are not many live animals in the mountain now." It’s just that you can’t find the tiger. But in the past three days, you have killed two wild boars, one hungry wolf, and one mountain bear by yourself! This performance is already very satisfying!”

The brothers suddenly realized, no wonder Zhang Baxian dared to let the old cat go into the mountain to kill the tiger so brazenly. It turned out that he followed secretly for the past three days, just to prevent the old cat from making any mistakes.

But when the old cat heard what he said, he was immediately very angry. When he felt that he was desperately fighting with those beasts, this guy had been watching the show by the side!He can really do it too!The old cat became angry when he thought about it, and said to Zhang Ba first that you want to take me as an apprentice, but I don't want to accept you as a teacher. What kind of ability do you have, how dare you tease me like this? !

Zhang Baxian smiled and said nothing, and brought the old cat to the mountain. First, he played a few tricks with the old cat, but the result was the same as Lan Fengtu abused Liu Boyang. The old cat had no temper, and finally Zhang Baxian performed Pulling up a big tree with bare arms, a poplar as thick as a thigh was rooted upright on the mountain. He was able to pull it out by the roots, and the old cat was stunned. , I didn't expect such a fierce person to exist in reality!

Without further ado, the old cat kowtowed and worshiped his teacher. Since then, the nine masters have had their own heirs.


Time passed quickly, after ten days, Liu Boyang got up to train every morning, and finally he was no longer as tired as a dead dog like the next day. The horse gait on the plum blossom pile has also become a habit. Now he not only has a firm gait, but can even walk and slip on it. Lan Fengtu taught him a set of gait, and Liu Boyang walked smoothly. It looks good, even Yang Tinglei came in to watch, saying that he has made great progress.

In addition to stances, the 4000-meter running every day will not kill Liu Boyang. Although he is still very tired after running, he can recover a lot of energy with a little rest. The next step is to talk to Lan Feng As a trick, in ten days, Liu Boyang is not stupid, enough for him to completely understand the master's punching routines, so finally he doesn't have to be beaten, and even his mother doesn't know him (5).

Day by day, as the injuries on his body gradually eased, Liu Boyang was also growing at an astonishing speed. Although he hadn't learned the boxing and saber techniques of his master, his kung fu of dodging and escaping was proficient. Self-taught, flexible routines are all figured out by Liu Boyang himself, except for a pervert like Lan Fengtu, most people don't want to get close to him easily.


In ten days, Lan Fengtu gave Ma Xiaoyu two more acupuncture treatments, and the results were amazing. The girl can now recall the past, but there are still shadows on some parts, but it really only remains a matter of time.

When Liu Boyang told the family the good news, Ma Keer jumped up excitedly. She cried and talked to her sister Ma Xiaoyu for a long time through the phone, telling her all the worries and concerns, and Ma Xiaoyu was also very happy. Sigh, weeping and praising my sister for being sensible.But because Ma Xiaoyu had no memory of the whole process of the Dragon Gang's downfall and the War Soul Hall's rise, she naively asked her father about Ma Junsheng's situation. It's a long story to take the microphone with a smile and tell Ma Xiaoyu these things, I will tell you slowly when I have a chance.

How clever Ma Xiaoyu was, she immediately guessed that there must be something hidden in it, and immediately worried about her father's current situation.

And Liu Boyang was really afraid that the fact that Ma Junsheng was permanently disabled would irritate her. After all, she had just recovered and her situation was not stable yet, so she could only temporarily adopt the procrastination formula.

ps: Monthly ticket... In addition, the five groups are also full, and you can add six groups from today: 226528882 built by my sister Xiaoyi-

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