The best boy on campus

Chapter 1151 Cui Guodong VS Wan Ziliang!

After the results of the first competition came out, the nine strange men and the brothers of Liu Boyang were slightly startled. Although Long Tianyang had improved his combat effectiveness after more than two months of tempering, there was still a certain gap between Long Tianyang and the old cat. The old cat threw half of the tree trunk casually, grabbed Long Tianyang's hand and pulled him up. The two looked at each other and laughed.

"You brat! I've forgotten all the novels I taught him, and I'm really ashamed to lose so soon!" Qin Kui said dissatisfiedly, pursing his lips.However, there was not much intention to really blame Long Tianyang in the tone. After all, those of them who are masters can see that Long Tianyang is indeed not on the same level as the old cat, and it is understandable to lose.

Cui Guodong and Wan Ziliang were the second pair to walk into the open space.Now Cui Guodong's regular weapon in battle is no longer the Juanbadao, but the two crescent-shaped steel sabers of his master Situ Feng.These two steel knives are very particular. They are by no means the big ones like ghost knives on the market, but two crescent moon slender blades with thinner handles and wide and sharp blade tips. Cui Guodong It is holding two handles with the backhand, and the blades are attached to the sides along the arms. This fighting posture can be used to attack and retreat. If you have to describe it concretely, I don’t know if you have any experience with the legendary demon hunter in the West. Impression, probably like that!

And Wan Ziliang's posture in battle is far less cool than Guodong's. He directly dragged the 70-jin mace into battle.Since ancient times, no matter what dynasty, as long as anyone dares to fight on the battlefield with a mace, he must be a fierce tiger!For example, Song Gongming's Thunderbolt Qin Ming, who can compete with the leopard head Lin Chong, dare you say that he is not fierce? !

"Brother Guodong, offended!" Wan Ziliang held the end of the black mace, kicked the top of the stick with one foot, held the whole stick in his hand, and stared at Cui Guodong and said!

"Crack!" Cui Guodong sharpened the two blades against each other with a smile, and said, "Let the horse come here!"

Wan Ziliang didn't hesitate, he picked up a weight of more than 70 kilograms and slammed it at Cui Guodong. With a "sudden" sound, the big iron bar full of stabs hit Cui Guodong's forehead. It doesn't need to be fancy, as long as it hits someone, it will die!I've only heard of someone who can't be killed by cutting someone with a knife, but I haven't heard of anyone who can survive being hit by a mace!Wan Ziliang's more violent round, the strength is beyond the limit!

Cui Guodong raised his arms in an instant, and with a sound of "Dang!!", the huge club head hit the two blades in front of his arms, sparks exploded, and Cui Guodong's feet were nailed to the ground without moving. The stick slid sideways for several meters away, Wan Ziliang saw that he couldn't make a blow, he retracted the stick and then thrust forward suddenly, Cui Guodong dodged sideways, and the two knives in both hands suddenly stuck the head of Wan Ziliang's stick like scissors , Wan Ziliang was taken aback, and pulled it hard, but he couldn't pull it out at all, so he himself was stuck in front of Cui Guodong, only to see Cui Guodong suddenly let go of the knife, Wan Ziliang couldn't catch up, and fell back, Cui Guodong was alone He plunged forward, his figure was as fast as lightning, and by the time Wan Ziliang reacted, Cui Guodong's blade had already pushed his neck down!

Big weapons such as mace and mountain axe have both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that their aura is very scary, but the disadvantage is that if your first strike is unsuccessful, the next step will be very troublesome, because an inch is an inch. It's cumbersome, and it's impossible to dodge flexibly. With Cui Guodong's dexterity of double knives, it's no problem to restrain Wan Ziliang!

With a knife on his neck, he couldn't give up if he wanted to. Wan Ziliang let go of the mace unwillingly, only to hear Cui Guodong smile and say, "Old Wan, are you convinced?"

Wan Ziliang said duplicity: "Submit it! But just now I suffered the disadvantage of making the first move. If you make the first move, it will not be so easy to get close to me!"

Cui Guodong laughed: "Aren't you still dissatisfied? That's fine, I'll give you another chance. This time I'll make the first move. How about you attack me?"

Wan Ziliang blushed and said, "You said this, I didn't ask you!"

With a smile, Cui Guodong hooked the mace on the ground with his toe, and dropped it into Wan Ziliang's hands again, and said with a smile: "Then do it again!"

Holding a mace in his hand, this time Wan Ziliang learned to be smart, standing far away, he didn't plan to make the first move at all, and the result of making the first move might be to show his flaws first. Thinking about it carefully, he and Long Tianyang both It was the same loss!

"Are you ready?" Cui Guodong asked with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, come!" Wan Ziliang clenched his mace tightly and waited.

Cui Guodong laughed, stretched his body, and rushed up against the wind like a ferocious leopard. He was able to rotate his body 360 degrees in the air, and the two crescent knives rushed to Wan Ziliang in an instant like a spinning top. Wan Ziliang was shocked, and quickly stabbed Cui Guodong with a mace in the direction of Cui Guodong's approach, which caused a "dangdang" sound of metal collisions, but with the sparks flickering, Cui Guodong still rushed to Wan Ziliang at an extremely fast speed. In front of him, a scimitar suddenly shot out from his hand, Wan Ziliang leaned back, and saw that the scimitar was flying straight to his chest, the hilt was grabbed by someone, Cui Guodong smiled as firmly as Mount Tai and said: "Fall!" Let me down!" Gently knocked Wan Ziliang's chest with his hand, and Wan Ziliang fell to the ground as expected.

Rubbing his chest and getting up, Wan Ziliang had nothing to say now, he dusted off the dirt on his body, and said with a wry smile: "There's nothing to say, brother Guodong, you're so perverted, you can't even stand against my mace." Dare to charge forward, I am completely convinced!"

Cui Guodong smiled: "That's because your stick couldn't touch me at all, and was blocked by the knife. In fact, Lao Wan, you are not as fast as I am, otherwise you wouldn't even be able to touch me!"

Liu Boyang looked at it clearly from the side, and said with a smile: "Guodong's growth is really amazing. With those two knives, forty or fifty people will never want to touch him in the future."

Yang Lin agreed with a smile, then turned to Gao Zhenfei and Zhang Xiangfang and said, "Dafei, Xiangfang Xiaoxiao, you two go first, Huzi and I will compete last."

Gao㊣(5) Zhenfei nodded, without saying much, he walked into the open space with the unattractive farewell hook, Cui Guodong and Wan Ziliang hurried down.

In Zhang Xiangfang's novel, his heart was beating non-stop, and he was very uncertain. Let him compete with Gao Zhenfei. He really didn't dare to think about it. To save himself, he still took a deep breath, then dragged his gun backwards and walked to the position opposite Gao Zhenfei.

Among the nine strange men, Zhao Jinglong, the eighth, said to Zhang Xiangfang: "Don't be afraid of him! The farewell hook can only exert its power in close combat. You only need to wield the advantage of the spear length!"

Zhang Xiangfang nodded his head, looked at Gao Zhenfei and said, "Brother Dafei, you're making a fool of yourself!"

He suddenly raised the tip of the gun, held the barrel of the gun with one hand, and pointed the sharp tip at Gao Zhenfei coldly!

Gao Zhenfei remained calm, although he was playing tricks with his brother, he was not careless at all, slowly lifted the farewell hook, circled his hands, and put on a very weird pose!

Suddenly, Zhang Xiangfang made a move. He flipped the barrel of the gun with both hands and flew towards Gao Zhen like a windmill. It is one of the tricks of playing guns. Zhuanqianghua can not only attack indiscriminately, but also form an airtight protective circle around the body with quick speed, taking offense as defense, and having both offense and defense! -

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