The best boy on campus

Chapter 117 It's Scary!

The current underworld is no longer someone who speaks hard with his fists, but an era of playing with his brain, even if he can fight, he is still a thug, and he can't become a big climate at all.

Hua Snake is much stronger than Dayong. It is the nature and characteristics of that guy to be cunning and slippery when he sees the wind. At the same time, that is also a skill. Don't think that only one person can do this. In the end, it is precisely because of this that Hua Snake can rule the entire Nanjiaxiang, while Dayong can only cover two wines in Beijiaxiang. The difference is too far

It is said that the scourge lives for thousands of years, this is true, but unfortunately, the scourge of the flower snake met Liu Boyang, so his good life came to an end within a few days

The two were talking in front, when suddenly the younger brother standing behind Li Zifeng yelled loudly: "I'm grass!"

When two boss-level characters are talking, if a younger brother interrupts rashly, it is a big taboo. This shows that the younger brother is very ignorant. Correspondingly, it also shows that his boss usually does not know how to discipline

Li Zifeng and Dayong immediately frowned, and the pimp was more able to see things, so he immediately volunteered to turn around, and wanted to scold the ignorant younger brother for the boss, but suddenly he also stared and shouted: " my day"

Guess what he saw. On the other side of the playground, a group of people crowded around like wasps, a large black area, and directly surrounded the entire playground in a small circle.

And the one walking in the front is Liu Boyang, who is walking in the center. On the left is the ferocious old cat, on the right is Yang Lin, whose face is sinking like water, and next to him is shaking his body with a cigarette in his mouth, laughing in a very unruly manner. Cui Guodong

Four people walked in front, followed by nearly [-] people

Almost all the boys who came out of the first year of high school were mobilized, and nearly half of the students in the second year of high school were mixed in, and it was overwhelming. The invisible evil spirit seemed to blow up the wind on the playground, and the directly rolled leaves circled the dry grassland. spin around

so fucking scary

want to make a movie this is

Dayong's eyeballs were bigger than light bulbs, he put his hands on the motorcycle, leaned out for nearly half a meter, stared at that side, opened his mouth wide and asked, "Crazy...crazy...who is that? Huh?" Dayong is not brave anymore, he is already so shocked that he can't speak easily

Li Zifeng was also frightened and stupid at this time, I am stupid, is that Liu Boyang?Where did he recruit so many people?

"That's... Liu Boyang" Li Zifeng said hesitantly, swallowing hard in his throat

"Liu Boyang?" Da Yong turned his head slowly, unable to react for a while

"It's the one I asked you to fight." Li Zifeng gritted his teeth and said at this time that he was also afraid. It would be pure nonsense to say that he was not afraid. There are less than 50 people on his side, and the least on the other side. There are also two hundred of them, each of whom can drown himself by spitting

"What? Are you kidding me?" Dayong shouted at the top of his voice

"No kidding, whoever jokes with you, that's the one I want to deal with," Li Zifeng said angrily

"You're just messing with me." Dayong swallowed and said

"Who the hell is messing with you? How can I be so idle now? What, are you afraid? Don't dare to rush up with me? Let me tell you, I understand these little bastards in the school, they just rely on their numbers Everyone, if you show your strength a little, they will be honest, don't be afraid." Seeing Dayong's posture, Li Zifeng was about to retreat, so he immediately persuaded anxiously

He, Li Zifeng, is a hero, but he doesn't want to stumble at this juncture, how many people are watching, if he shrinks now, he won't be the boss in the future, he can't let go of his status and women

The only way now is to drag Dayong to meet the enemy with him, and pulling Dayong is the wisest choice. Not only does he have an extra helper, but he can also give himself courage. At worst, he will have someone to accompany him in death dead piece

He really hoped that the facts would be as he said, that what Liu Boyang brought was a group of mobs, and they would break up as soon as they were frightened. Praise Kai, climb directly to Peng Yousheng

There is a price to be paid for everything, Li Zifeng is completely determined this time, he wants to take a gamble

"Madman, are you kidding? How many people have you offended?" Dayong asked with a bitter face

"Only one of these should be called by that kid." Li Zifeng gritted his teeth and said

"Why the hell did you provoke such a villain? Where did you greet so many people?" Dayong said with a bitter face

"Dayong, you won't be afraid anymore. This will make me look down on you, brother. We are all people who lick blood at the knife's edge. How can we be afraid of these bastard students today?" Li Zifeng decided to use the aggressive method

"But, but..."

"Dayong, no, but you see, so many younger brothers behind us are watching. If we shrink back at this time, what face will we have to be the boss in the future? It doesn't matter if I mess around in school, but you still have it." What about the two places, if it gets out, you will be scared away by a group of brats, will you be able to cover it in the future?" Li Zifeng continued

The anger in Dayong's heart, as long as you can say, isn't this driving ducks to the shelves?What the fuck did I say? The peak of the sheep came here to help you, so fucking, this time it’s a big mess

However, I have to say that Li Zifeng's two aggressive words are still very useful. If Dayong shrinks back at this time, he will put his head in his crotch and be a man in the future.

Dayong is not a fool, he knows that Li Zifeng is provoking him, but now he is really dumb and eats coptis, and he can't tell the pain, just like a delicate big beauty in front of him has stripped off, and he has to do it if he can't do it here.

"Then what should we do?" Dayong howled directly with a crying sound

This voice directly surprised Li Zifeng, what the hell is that?Too unlucky, people who speak in this tone are not far from death

So Li Zifeng said unhappily: "Dayong, what are you afraid of? I assure you, those bastards are just bluffing. Regardless of how many of them there are, they will never dare to come and play hard with us. You treat me like Li Zifeng is here!" The reputation in the school is blown?"

It's not unreasonable for Li Zifeng to have a well-thought-out plan, just like the old cat used to deal with dozens of Ning Gaoning's younger brothers by himself, as long as your methods are strong and hot enough, you can definitely calm the other party. It's just a group of students in the school. To put it bluntly, they are shrimp soldiers and crab generals, what are you afraid of?

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