The best boy on campus

Chapter 135 Brother Yang, something went wrong!

"But having said that, my wife, you are really attractive when you are naked. You have such a good figure, and your whole body is white and pink. I still think about it. When will you... oh, stop pinching, I won’t say anything, can’t I say nothing?” He was pinched again on the arm, and Liu Boyang had to ask for a detour again *bubble! Book*

After calling twice, she finally called out Sun Xiaorou from the kitchen. She came out with a smile while wiping her hands and asked, "What's going on? Why is Brother Yang screaming so miserably?"

Song Qianxia suddenly jumped out of Liu Boyang's arms, and complained to Sun Xiaorou: "Xiaorou, brother Yang bullied me"

Of course, the reason why he jumped out of Liu Boyang's arms all of a sudden was because he was embarrassed to let Sun Xiaorou see the two of them hugging each other. Song Qianxia still felt shy...

"Really? Why did he bully you? Let's go, my sister will take you to settle accounts with him." Sun Xiaorou deliberately put on a big sister's head, took Song Qianxia's little hand and walked towards Liu Boyang

"Hey, Qianxia, ​​don't blame me. When did I bully you? I just said..." Liu Boyang deliberately lowered his voice, giving a look of hesitation.

We must know that Liu Boyang is playing tricks, just like his fighting skills, he is invincible...

"Just what did you say?" Sun Xiaorou was really fooled, and then he asked

"I'm just saying, the three of us must find a chance to play double poker in the future, I didn't say anything else," Liu Boyang said pretending to be innocent

Two wives tease together, it's awesome

"You..." Sun Xiaorou's face flushed red when she heard the beauty, and she angrily ran up and kicked him, "No wonder Qian Xia said you bullied people, Brother Yang, you are too bad."

Song Qianxia didn't understand what the double ps meant, and quietly ran over to pull the corner of Sun Xiaorou's clothes to ask her, making Sun Xiaorou really dumbfounded, there is such an honest and innocent little girl in the world, she had no choice but to lie down She whispered the general meaning in her ear

When Song Qianxia heard it, she suddenly jumped up, her pretty face flushed, and like Sun Xiaorou, she ran up to "clean up" Liu Boyang, and the three of them quickly made a fuss laughing and joking.

After the quarrel was over, Liu Boyang held the two wives in his arms one by one, and said seriously: "Oh, let's stop the quarrel. To tell you the truth, it's great that I, Liu Boyang, can have both of you at the same time."

Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia all pursed their lips and smiled, without saying anything, they leaned their heads on Liu Boyang's chest, and drew circles on his chest with two pale fingers

"Don't worry, I will do what I say, and I will love and protect you in the future," Liu Boyang said firmly.

"Hehe, then we will see Brother Yang's performance in the future." Sun Xiaorou laughed.

Liu Boyang paused for a while, then suddenly asked Song Qianxia: "Qianxia, ​​tell me, did you see Xiaorou and I leaving together on the playground at noon today, and that's why you left?"

As soon as these words came out, both Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou were taken aback. Sun Xiaorou didn't know what was going on at all, and looked at Liu Boyang with wide eyes, and then looked at Song Qianxia with a very complicated and apologetic look. , I don’t know what to say, but Song Qianxia obviously didn’t expect Liu Boyang to have guessed it. After a moment of stunned, she nodded truthfully.

"Qianxia, ​​I'm sorry, it's hard for you." Liu Boyang sighed. He could feel the heartbreak of Song Qianxia at that time, so he felt very sorry.

"Brother Yang, don't say that. They didn't blame you. You and Xiaorou are boyfriend and girlfriend. It's normal to be together... Hey? By the way, I remembered it when I said this, you two Why did you lie to me in the infirmary that day? They are boyfriend and girlfriend and you still say it’s not true.” There was still a sentence in his mouth, “I was so happy at the time.”

"And Xiaorou, you too, you took the initiative to help him lie to me!" Song Qianxia puffed her cheeks and said to Sun Xiaorou

"Hehe, I had no other choice at the time. If I admitted that I was Brother Yang's girlfriend, it would be strange if you didn't cry. Qian Xia, you have to be considerate of our feelings." Sun Xiaorou said softly

Liu Boyang smiled and nodded, "Xiaorou, she really didn't want to make you sad by doing this. Besides, she knows how much I love you, and she doesn't want me to lose you." I don’t know how many times I’m full of gratitude

Song Qianxia turned her head back and forth, stared at the two of them for a while, and suddenly smiled, "Okay, I know you guys are good to me, I don't blame you guys, but don't lie to me in the future. If there is a secret, it is the secret of the three of us."

"Hehe, fine," Liu Boyang replied

"Yeah, it's almost seven o'clock now. Let's go to school quickly. If we go late, we will be in trouble. I will be absent from class in the afternoon. If I don't go, I will be scolded by the teacher." Song Qianxia looked at her watch and exclaimed

Both Liu Boyang and Sun Xiaorou nodded

The three of them didn't hesitate any longer, they tidied up their things one after another, and just about to open the door and go out, suddenly Liu Boyang's phone rang, and when he answered it, it was a call from one of his younger brothers:

"Brother Yang is bad, something happened, Guo Xiao and the others were arrested by the police. Where are you now? Come and see."

"What?" Liu Boyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and handed over the key to Song Qianxia to lock the door. He rushed out and went downstairs, asking as he ran, "Be clear, when did it happen? Now?"

"Yeah, Brother Yang, I don't know who called the police just now, but four police cars came all at once, and immediately took Guo Xiao and the others away. Guo Xiao and the others were running here before, but after being chased by those guys , according to the ground line, it is a violent beating. After the beating, you will be escorted to the car. Now the police car is blocked by our school guards at the school gate. Come and take a look," said the boy on the other end of the phone

"Wait, I'll be there right away." Liu Boyang hung up the phone, squinted his eyes, and guessed who called the police, could it be Li Zifeng?

That bastard has become such a bear?

Doesn't he know that it's a big taboo in Taoism to lose the place and go to the police?

Damn, if you can't afford it, don't play it. If something goes wrong, call the police. It's Mao's job.

Call the police?Report your grandma's dung bastard, it seems that you are still easy to clean up

Song Qianxia and Sun Xiaorou chased after him in a hurry, and ran to him one by one and asked anxiously, "Brother Yang, what happened?"

The two of them saw that Liu Boyang's face suddenly changed after receiving a call, and they immediately had an ominous premonition, full of worries.

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