The best boy on campus

Chapter 1375 Knocking on the door in the middle of the night!

?Hearing the sound of "squeaking" water in the room, Liu Boyang felt even more restless. The bathroom doors in hotel rooms are always made of that kind of hazy glass. From Liu Boyang's angle, he can faintly see Wang Qian's delicate The touching jade body, to be honest, Liu Boyang really wants it...

Liu Boyang lay on the bed and waited for an unknown how long. Finally, the door of the bathroom was opened, and a fresh fragrance came over his face. Wang Qian was not wearing anything, only wrapped her body in a snow-white bathrobe. His beautiful feet slowly approached Liu Boyang...

"Did you finish washing?" Liu Boyang had nothing to say and said nonsense.

"Hmm..." Wang Qi responded softly. After bathing, she was even more beautiful and moving. Her skin was shatterable, her cheeks were moist and fragrant, and even the way she gently wiped her hair with a towel looked extraordinarily beautiful. seductive...

The towels in high-end hotels have water-absorbing properties, and Wang Qi wiped off the water droplets on her body after a while. Liu Boyang's mouth was dry and he wanted to take a bath in the bathroom, but Wang Qi walked over with blurred eyes and sat down. Beside Liu Boyang, the pink-faced peach blossom asked: "Liu Boyang, you like me?"

"I... like it." Liu Boyang didn't want to spoil the scenery, so he said something that he couldn't figure out the answer to.

"I want to follow you in the future, is that okay?" Wang Qian looked at Liu Boyang seriously and asked.

"You want to be my girlfriend?"


"But I've already..."

"You already have a girlfriend, don't you?" Wang Qian asked with a smile.

"Yes..." Liu Boyang didn't want to deceive her, and nodded his head honestly. A man does something and doesn't. Liu Boyang really can't resist the behavior of a prodigal son in love, who gets girls from others by cheating...

Wang Qian's eyes dimmed, and then she lowered her head and said, "I don't long as you, Boyang...have my place in your heart and want me, I don't care about anything, I just want to be your woman..."

"But I already have several girlfriends, are you really not afraid of being wronged?" Liu Boyang sat up and asked her.

When Wang Qi heard this, she became happy instead, as if seeing the dawn again: "So you have many girlfriends, haha, then I'm not afraid, I'm still afraid that you will look down on me if I become a mistress. Woolen cloth……"

"Silly girl, you are so beautiful, even a man would like you when he sees it, why do you always belittle yourself? Is there anything worse about you than others?" Liu Boyang gently touched her delicate face and said.

Wang Qian's eyes were slightly red, and she said: "But my family is not well off. My parents are very ordinary people, and they are divorced. I can't even pay the tuition fees. I came out to look for a job before I finished high school. , Later I heard that the salary of "Heaven and Earth" is high, so I went. I have always been very principled, and I have never had sex... I just feel that I have a bad background and I am not worthy of you. If you don't dislike me, I will I will stay by your side for the rest of my life, give birth to a child for you, and accompany you..."

Liu Boyang was really moved by Wang Qian's sincere words. He gently put Wang Qian in his arms, kissed her and said, "Silly girl, what are you talking about? As a girl, if you can do it like you It’s not bad, it’s not your fault that your family is not good, so don’t be so arrogant in the future, okay? I promise you, from now on, you will follow me and be my woman. I swear to God, I will take good care of you and never let you Be wronged, and no one can bully you!"

"Really?" Wang Qian smiled happily, even tears welled up, her two pure white jade arms hugged Liu Boyang's neck tightly, her face was full of happiness.

Liu Boyang was sitting unsteadily at first, but he was thrown back by Wang Qian, and he accidentally lay back on the bed. Wang Qian took advantage of the situation and lay on his chest, "Then can I call you husband from now on?"

"Nonsense, what's your name if you don't call me husband?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile, tapping the tip of her nose.

"Hehe, hubby, tonight...let me serve you...Although I haven't seen your other girlfriends, I promise you will feel that I am more comfortable than them..." Wang Qi smiled slyly.

"Fuck, don't you sit on stage? Where did you learn those things?" Liu Boyang asked.

Wang Qi giggled and fell on Liu Boyang's chest: "He works in 'Heaven and Earth', and these are the most indispensable things there. I have seen all kinds of guests, and I know all kinds of ladies on stage. a little bit……"

"Really? Hehe, then you can show me your hands?" Liu Boyang said with a smirk.

Wang Qian smiled charmingly, got up from Liu Boyang's body, offered her small tongue, and kissed Liu Boyang together. A soft and tender hand slid gently on Liu Boyang's body, stroking his muscular muscles... …

Liu Boyang was sucking Wang Qi's sweet tongue, tasting the fragrance greedily. Wang Qi's lips were like jelly, tender and slippery, it was really hard to put down...

After kissing Liu Boyang for a long time, when Wang Qian's face was flushed by Liu Boyang's kiss, she gently opened her mouth and began to gently kiss every muscle on Liu Boyang's body, like a dragonfly touching water, itchy and comfortable...


Liu Boyang really hasn't tried this kind of comfortable and refreshing feeling for a long time. I didn't expect that this girl Wang Qian can even master the legendary ice and fire. I don't know who she learned from. When her cherry mouth slowly sucked During the stay, Liu Boyang's [-] pores all over his body were immediately refreshed. The soft and moist, warm package can send people to heaven...


After Wang Qian "served" Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang also took the initiative, pressed Wang Qian under him, and performed a good foreplay. Finally, under Wang Qian's blurred and happy eyes, he successfully stabbed into her body... …


Liu Boyang is also a ferocious character in this regard. This is the first time that Wang Qi has been demanding for a long time, and finally Wang Qi can no longer feel the pain. There is only happiness and indescribable mysterious satisfaction. The bed sheet is stained with blood. It proves that she bid farewell to the virgin era...

㊣(5) Finally, following Liu Boyang's domineering sprint, Wang Qian let out a high-pitched scream and her body shook like a sieve. She ushered in the beauty for the first time in her life, and Liu Boyang finally got her wish, and she was branded in Wang Qian's body. Make your own eternal imprint...


After the passion, both of them were out of breath, even Liu Boyang was exhausted, and Wang Qianxiang was dripping with sweat, and she didn't even have the strength to move a finger.But at this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, which shocked both of them.

"It's so late, who is knocking on the door?" Liu Boyang was a little suspicious, could it be that Shao Junping and the others came to "drop in"?

There were three knocks on the door, Liu Boyang had no choice but to wrap up in his nightgown, patted Wang Qian's face and said, "Lie down obediently, I'll go and have a look."

"En!" Wang Qi nodded obediently, and tried her best to use her pure white arms to pull the sheet over, covering herself from head to toe.

Liu Boyang got off the bed with bare feet, looked out through the peephole, and saw a strange man standing outside, well-dressed and looked like an upper-class person.

Liu Boyang frowned and pulled open a crack in the door. The guy actually pushed the door open impatiently and walked in. Seeing Liu Boyang like this, he was shocked, then looked at Wang Qian lying on the bed, and said angrily: "You two Who is this? How is it in my room? What did you do?"

Liu Boyang was startled when he heard the words, and Wang Qian on the bed also looked at him in confusion. Liu Boyang didn't want his woman to be seen by other men, so he withdrew the strange man, and said coldly, "Who are you? Are you leaving?" Wrong door? Which eye of yours sees that this room is yours?"

"[-] on the fifth floor, isn't that?" the strange man asked suspiciously.

"Open your eyes to see clearly, this is the sixth floor, [-] on the sixth floor! Your room is below!" Liu Boyang said coldly.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it seems that I made a mistake, hehe, I've disturbed you two, I'm leaving now!" The strange man finished speaking, and walked out with an apologetic smile on his face. Liu Boyang frowned and looked at him , I always feel that something is wrong.

ps: Ask for a monthly pass! !

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