The best boy on campus

Chapter 1380 1 stone stirs up waves!

?Liu Boyang was very relieved when he heard Song Jiayao say this. He smiled seriously: "Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I'm just joking with you. I will take this matter seriously and won't let your grandpa's life-long hard work go to waste. " "."

Song Jiayao gave a "hmm" and murmured: "Boyang, when are you coming back...I'm so bored in dt city by myself, I miss you."

"Hehe, I'll be back soon!"


In the next few days, while Zhou Jianwei was busy with the foreign guests, he began to discuss with the high-level officials about the establishment of a state-owned coal monopoly enterprise. Liu Boyang was also invited to meet with several higher-level officials The leader, Zhou Jianwei and Secretary Huang have helped Liu Boyang say a lot of good things. The high-level executives expressed their interest in Zhou Jianwei's proposal, but this matter will have to wait for a while when the committee is held, and it will be voted on the agenda. Liu Boyang is now the only one All we can do is wait for the good news.

After working in the capital for so many days, the matter finally came to an end. Liu Boyang felt a sense of relief, and during this time there was no assassin to attack again. Liu Boyang became more familiar with Shao Junping, Luo Zhibin, Ye Baichuan and others. Before leaving the capital, They also specially formed a group to go out to play once. Accompanied by Wang Qian, Liu Boyang went to several famous tourist attractions in the capital, such as Badaling Great Wall, Summer Palace, Fayuan Temple, Xiangshan, and spent a lot of money on Wangfujing Commercial Street. Liu Boyang I bought a lot of small gifts for Song Jiayao and Peng Xiaoxiao.

On the second day, he got on the plane to Province X, Liu Boyang had to rush back to Dt City, and then returned to Province S with Song Jiayao.Two hours later, the plane landed at DT City Airport, Song Jiayao called, and she, Peng Qihai, and Peng Xiaoxiao drove over to greet her in person.

Just after getting off the plane, Wang Qi held Liu Boyang tightly with her little hands, looking a little nervous, Liu Boyang asked her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

Wang Qian bit her lips and shook her head, but said nothing. Liu Boyang knew that she was afraid of meeting Song Jiayao and Peng Xiaoxiao, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Jiayao and the others are very sensible girls, follow me openly, I will introduce you to them later, and you will be sisters from now on."

Wang Qi gave a low "um", but still seemed a little nervous.


Walking out of the airport, Liu Boyang saw Song Jiayao wearing a snow-white down jacket standing on tiptoe and waving excitedly to him: "Boyang! I'm here!"

Liu Boyang walked over with a smile, Peng Qihai, Song Jiayao and Peng Xiaoxiao came up to meet him, Peng Qihai smiled and said: "Boyang, I have heard about your stay in the capital these few days, congratulations, you have done better than me It's not too bad to imagine!"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Don't mention it, I actually took a lot of detours. If I had known Shao Junping and the others from the beginning, I wouldn't have delayed my return until today."

"Hehe, it's good to be back. What did you and Minister Zhou talk about? Go back and talk to Uncle, and I'll analyze it for you." Peng Qihai said.


The group continued to walk out, Peng Qihai asked Secretary Li to drive, Song Jiayao took serious glances at Wang Qian several times, and asked Liu Boyang angrily, "Say! Who is she?"

"She is... a new girl I met in the capital." Liu Boyang was a little embarrassed.

"I know she is your new acquaintance in the capital, I asked her what is the relationship with you!" Song Jiayao refused to let go.

"She is just like you, she is also my woman..." Liu Boyang had just finished speaking, seeing Song Jiayao's face suddenly changed, and hurriedly said: "Shh! Don't get angry, I will introduce her to you when I go back , this girl Wang Qian is actually quite pitiful..."

Song Jiayao complained: "Okay, let me tell you why you didn't take me there at that time, so you had ulterior motives! Hmph! If I had known earlier, I should have followed you. Let's see if you still dare to play tricks!"

"Daughter-in-law, one size is equal to one size, don't think about it, I really didn't think about it at the time..."

"No matter," Song Jiayao puffed her cheeks and said, "Boyang, tell me about you, come to dt city with me, it's only a few days, you dated two girls in a row, go back It’s no wonder the sisters aren’t angry afterwards!”

"Okay, okay, you also know my husband's charm. It's normal to attract little girls. Besides, Xiaoxiao and Wang Qian are both good girls. Please take care of me! I bought you a lot in Wangfujing shopping mall. What about the stuff, go back and see if you like it."

Liu Boyang put in a lot of effort to coax Song Jiayao well, but Peng Xiaoxiao on the other side was not happy, this guy only had Song Jiayao in his eyes, and he hadn't said a word to him since just now, she was furious He coughed a few times to show his indignation.

"Uh, huh, huh, smile, I'm also bringing you a lot of small gifts from the capital, I hope you like them. ——You two are alright, don't put a stern face on Wang Qian's face, it makes me so embarrassed to be caught in the middle Huh? Just smile, at worst, I’ll kneel down on the washboard to make amends..."

When Peng Xiaoxiao and Song Jiayao heard what Liu Boyang said, they finally couldn't help but pursed their lips and laughed. Wang Qian walked up to her at the right time and called, "Sister Song, Sister Peng, hello!"

"Hmm... Your name is Wang Qian? You work in the capital? Where are you from?" Song Jiayao was soft-hearted after all, and couldn't bear to see Wang Qian's embarrassment, so she took the initiative to start a conversation.



Back at Peng's villa, Liu Boyang narrated what happened in the capital. Peng Qihai listened, pondered for a long time, and said, "Boyang, you have made friends with noble people this time. The so-called 'Four Young Masters in Beijing', I have also heard that although they are all young and nothing to be afraid of, their family power is huge, even worse than your grandpa Bu. Minister Zhou actually wants to use your resources to establish A national coal company, this is also a great thing for you, as a major shareholder of a state-owned enterprise, you can make money without losing money! Unfortunately, this is unfortunate news for us other coal bosses!"

Liu Boyang was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

"It's very simple. If the country wants to build large-scale coal (5) coal, it must be a monopoly. At that time, not only the coal mines in your hands will be confiscated, but all the coal mines in the country will be confiscated! Don't we people also Is it going to hurt the fish in the pond?" Peng Qihai smiled wryly.

Liu Boyang suddenly went around the corner. No wonder Zhou Jianwei said that this would be a huge project that would cause a sensation in the whole country. It should be studied and discussed slowly. The self-reselling of coal mines is just an introduction. The big bosses like Peng Qihai will all be "unemployed"...

"Uncle Peng, I'm really sorry. I really didn't expect the nature of this matter to be so serious. I didn't want to drag you down..." Liu Boyang quickly stood up and said.

Peng Qihai smiled bitterly, and said: "Boyang, you don't have to blame yourself, it's not your fault, in fact, I've been mentally prepared for it, the country will do this one day, but I didn't expect it to be like this Hurry up. Judging from the current situation, I also have to make a statement and take the initiative to resell my coal mines to the country, otherwise the price given by the country will definitely be unfair when the time comes for large-scale acquisitions."

"Uncle Peng, please don't say that, after all, I'm the one who got you in trouble..." Liu Boyang apologized.

"Hehe, silly boy, I don't blame you for saying it. I told you that the country is going to ban private coal mines. You don't have to worry about me. Uncle Peng and I have been around until today, and we won't make money-losing business. It's just... Boyang, you have to be fully prepared, when the country really starts to set up a state-owned coal company, you will become the enemy of the coal industry in Z country!" Peng Qihai sighed.

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