The best boy on campus

Chapter 1382 "Blood Night Bat" Alonso!Even

?In the evening, Liu Boyang invited Steven and others to dinner to deepen their understanding of each other. With a blushing face, he said to Liu Boyang: "Master Liu, I haven't come to country Z many times, and this time, it's only two short times. I haven't tasted what women in your country are like yet. , can you arrange one?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Yes. "》."

"Preferably... a college student..." Steven grinned.

Liu Boyang called Cui Guodong over, whispered a few words in his ear, Cui Guodong looked Steven up and down, smirked, and turned to make arrangements.

Liu Boyang asked the old cat to help Steven and others to open a room in the hotel. Steven and the entourage wobbled up the stairs. After a while, the lady Cui Guodong called for them arrived, and none of them was Z The girls from country E are all international students who came to Harbin to study in universities in Harbin. Steven and his fellows were so drunk that they couldn’t tell the north from the south. They are still women from their own country who come and play, and it is estimated that they will be aggrieved after waking up.

Liu Boyang and his brothers laughed and left the hotel, Liu Boyang was not willing to let the girls from country Z take advantage of these long-haired old men, no matter what you say, they are also the resources of their own country, and the rich water will not flow to outsiders.

Everyone in Liu Boyang walked to the door of the hotel, and just about to drive away, suddenly Christina, who was born as a killer, keenly caught a trace of danger, and said to Liu Boyang: "Be careful!"

And at the same time, Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei and others all felt it, Liu Boyang tilted his head like lightning, a bullet flew past his ear, hit the ground with a "bang", sparks exploded in the darkness!

"There's a killer!" Li Wanhao and the others regained their composure and shouted subconsciously!

Liu Boyang touched his fiery ears, looked up at the building opposite the hotel, it was pitch black, but there was only a trace of metal reflection flashing on the window on the thirteenth floor, "It's there!" Cui Guodong pointed!

As soon as the words were finished, the old cat and tiger son Wan Ziliang and Zhang Xiangdong rushed up desperately. There were four doors in that building, and the four of them acted separately, so that the murderer could not escape through any door.

"Brother Yang, are you alright?" Gao Zhenfei asked.

Liu Boyang shook his head and said expressionlessly, "It's okay!"

He and Gao Zhenfei stood still like two javelins. The boys around spontaneously ran over to surround the building. The sound of gunfire alarmed countless pedestrians in the hotel and on the road, and everyone ran over in panic to watch the excitement.

But at this moment, an extremely shocking scene happened on the thirteenth floor. A black image jumped out of the thirteenth floor with its wings spread like a big bat, and then swooped towards Liu Boyang in a gliding posture. The crowd was in an uproar. Is this the fuck making a movie?In real life, can someone really fly down from the sky? !

"It's 'Blood Night Black Bat' Alonso from Country X!! Liu Boyang, you have to be careful! This man is one of the most terrifying killers in the world!" Christina exclaimed suddenly!

Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei frowned, and Liu Boyang had already grasped the Knife in his hand—with the experience of being attacked in the capital, he knew that someone would trouble him during this time, so he had already prepared himself, and Gao Zhenfei’s parting hook was also prepared. Ready, the two are ready to go, ready to meet the enemy at any time!

Gao Zhenfei said in a deep voice, "'Blood Night Bat'?"

"Yes! He is known as the King of Killers in Country X! A figure on the silver list of world masters! In this era, many people don't believe that there are vampires in the West, but Alonso is one of them. His biggest hobby is to suck human blood!"

"Why do I, mother, feel so disgusted? It's like making a science fiction movie!" Cui Guodong sneered and shrugged his shoulders. He had already taken out two half-moon scimitars from the car, and he was ready to go into battle at any time!

Christina didn't say anything, her expression was unprecedentedly dignified, and she also prepared all the hidden weapons in her body. Everyone in Liu Boyang didn't know how powerful Alonso was, but Christina knew it very well. When Alonso first debuted, he slaughtered three marquises of Country X by himself, killing more than a thousand people!It is really a demonic existence!

Seeing Alonso gliding down at a very fast speed with the help of two huge black bat wings, the passers-by on the street were frightened. Many women screamed, and naughty little boys pointed excitedly. Watching the "trapeze", they kept cheering, thinking it was Batman in the movie, but it didn't take long for them to pay the price for their curiosity. When "Blood Night Bat" Alonso was five or six meters away from the ground, he suddenly opened his eyes. Opening his hands, he sprinkled several small black balls, which exploded one after another when they hit the ground. Christina exclaimed: "It's the 'corrosion poisonous mist'! Flash!" , A large cloud of blood-red smoke rose up, quickly diffused, and covered the entire street like a fog. Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei, Cui Guodong and others couldn't figure out the situation, so they could only flash first. At this time, those people shrouded in the blood-colored fog screamed one after another. Through the neon lights on the road, Liu Boyang clearly saw a beautiful little girl screaming and covering her eyes. , Two streams of bright red blood flowed down her eye sockets, and then the little girl's clothes, hair, and even skin began to disappear!The two small hands she was covering her face eroded into muscles in an instant, and the muscles disappeared quickly, turning into white bones. The little girl was already crying in pain, and the bones turned black in the blink of an eye, and then slowly ablation...

A living little girl turned into a puddle of blood in just a few seconds!

Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei and others saw it, they were startled and distressed, but the red blood mist was thickening, there was no way to rush in to rescue them, let alone how anxious they were!

The scene in front of me was unspeakably horrifying. Except for the poor little girl, all the innocent pedestrians shrouded in blood mist were almost corroded into blood by ㊣(5) just like the little girl. Many people were like in "Resident Evil". They were howling like bloody corpses, their clothes were gone, their skin and muscles were gone, some had their stomachs ripped open to reveal the messy internal organs inside, and they were still running helplessly crying...

"Who the fuck is this guy!! Damn, just to kill me alone, is it necessary to be so ruthless?!" Liu Boyang asked furiously!

Even a world-renowned killer like Christina couldn't bear to see the tragic scene in the blood mist. She tremblingly said: "If you want to understand the horror of Alonso, this is just the beginning! Liu Boyang, if you believe Me, let’s retreat right now! It’s absolutely not wise to confront the ‘Blood Night Bat’ head-on! You can’t save anyone but yourself!”

"Why does this kind of person trouble us? Who is he working for?" Cui Guodong asked coldly.

"Whoever pays him will work for him! But the person who can hire him must be very famous in the world! - Don't talk about it! Before Alonso catches up, let's retreat!" Christina was full of anxiety !

"Withdraw? Where to withdraw? This bastard has killed so many of my brothers, you want me to withdraw? I don't care what he is 'Blood Night Bat', he must be killed today!" Liu Boyang said angrily!

Liu Boyang's rage was not without reason. He, Gao Zhenfei, Cui Guodong, Li Wanhao and other skilled people naturally escaped in the blood mist just now, but the younger brothers who brought with them were not so lucky. Inside, besides, the old cats and tigers have all run into the building and have not come out. How can I run first?

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