The best boy on campus

Chapter 1405 The Tantai family is a sensation!

?Leaving the waste collection station, the old cat sat in the car and asked Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, do you trust that old boy so much? Are you afraid that he won't do things after collecting money?"

Liu Boyang said indifferently: "No, that's what makes Northeast thugs good. As long as you take the money, you'll lose both sides and you'll have to do things for your employer. Rogue criminals like them have to pay more attention to reputation, otherwise, who will dare to fight in the future?" Do something with them?"

Huzi said: "I'm not worried that that guy will kill us, but I don't quite understand, if we want to deal with Shi Jiandong, do we still need to find them? I can kill him by myself!"

Liu Boyang said: "You don't understand this. If a person surnamed Shi dares to destroy Ming, let's deal with him in the same way. First let people chop his tui and disgust him, and then we will do it with our own hands." Get rid of him!"

"Haha, Brother Yang has a good opinion, but then again, why did Shi Jiandong suddenly attack Mieming? And the timing was so precise, why did we wait until we all left after the meeting?" Hu Zi wondered.Uploaded by netizens == "".

"Do you still need to guess? There is an inner ghost in the Dragon Elephant Gang, and they have reported to Shi Jiandong a long time ago! I will go to the hospital to see Mieming first, and I will find out this matter later!" Liu Boyang said coldly!


Liu Boyang called Wan Ziliang and Zhang Xiangdong back, and together they came to the Second People's Hospital of the Capital, and went straight to the emergency room. Before that, Liu Boyang had already called Shao Junping and learned that Tantai Mieming was being rescued inside, and the situation was not optimistic.

"Brother Liu, you're here. How are you? Have you caught up with those murderers?" Shao Junping, Luo Zhibin, and Ye Baichuan rushed up to ask Liu Boyang when they saw Liu Boyang approaching.

Liu Boyang nodded: "I've caught up, I've already settled over there, don't worry. How is Mieming's situation?"

"It's terrible. Just after the examination, the group of doctors sent Mieming to the emergency room without even telling us the results. It is said that he will have a craniotomy. We have already told the news to Mieming's parents. It won't be long before they It's time to arrive." Ye Baichuan said with a serious expression.

While talking, they suddenly heard noises coming from the corridor. Everyone looked around and saw a group of family members with serious faces coming over, accompanied by several old doctors in white coats. In the middle was an old man with white hair. , wearing a dark green military uniform, with military ranks on his shoulders, and a cane in his hand, with an extremely stern expression.

"Come on, Mr. Tantai is personally dispatched, Brother Liu, you have to be careful when talking to him later, this old man is notoriously bad-tempered, whoever points at him will be the one to blame!" Luo Zhibin said.

Liu Boyang nodded, indicating that he understood.Mr. Tantai rushed to the door of the emergency room after a large group of people shouted and flocked, his eyes swept across Liu Boyang, Shao Junping and others like a falcon, and then locked on the operating room.

A noble lady in a brown coat with red eyes came over to Shao Junping and said, "Junping, tell aunt what's going on?"

Shao Junping hurriedly said: "Aunt Pei, we don't know about this matter, we only rushed to the hospital after hearing the news, we only know that Mie Ming was beaten by four outsiders, and someone paid for it, but No matter how specific we are, we don’t know…”

Luo Zhibin explained to Liu Boyang in a low voice: "This Aunt Pei is the mother of Tantai Mieming, the general secretary general of the Boao Forum for Asia."

Liu Boyang already knew that the Tantai family had an extraordinary background, so he was not too shocked, but Tantai Mieming's father shouted angrily: "How unreasonable! How dare you even touch my son! Then, have you seen those four people?" Where did they flee? What model of car did they drive? What was the license plate number?"

Shao Junping and the others quietly glanced at Liu Boyang, only to see Liu Boyang shook his head slightly. Since Liu Boyang has already taken care of this matter, he doesn't want anyone else to intervene, even if it is Tantai Mieming's father. The Northeast thugs are doing things for themselves now, how can they tell their whereabouts?

So Shao Junping and Luo Zhibin shook their heads in a tacit understanding. Tantai Mieming's father had nowhere to vent his anger, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call: "It's me! Tantai Junhua! Pick up your director immediately Telephone!"

The other end of the phone was startled, and said a few times, and immediately connected the call to the director's line. As soon as Tantai Junhua came up, he angrily scolded: "Old Zheng! My son was beaten in your jurisdiction, can you give it to me?" What is an explanation?——Yes! It’s being rescued in the hospital now!——You’re a fart! I don’t need your apology. Listen carefully, the people who beat my son were four out-of-towners. There must have been some cameras nearby Come down, I don't care what method you use, arrest those four people and bring them to justice in the shortest possible time, if you can't do it, you wait to take off your hat!"

After Tantai Junhua finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and no one in the corridor dared to breathe. Liu Boyang knew that he was definitely not a small official just by listening to Tantai Junhua's tone, and belonged to the kind of real power with great power figure.

"Hey! This unscrupulous thing, I have expected that he will have such a day! How many times have I told him, don't hate the underworld, I just don't listen to it! The idea is bigger than anyone else! This is You two have brought up a good son!" Tantai Mieming's grandfather suddenly spoke, and slammed his cane on the ground, venting the grief and anger in his heart!

Tantai Junhua and his wife didn't dare to contradict the old man, they only dared to say vaguely: "We also don't agree with Mieming hun-hei, it's him..."

"You still dare to say?! The son is not filial, the father's fault! Are you blaming me for scolding me wrong?" The old general blew his beard and stared, while Tantai Mieming's mother tugged at Tantai Junhua's sleeve, Tai Junhua fell silent.

The atmosphere in the entire corridor was dull. In addition to Tantai Mieming's grandfather and parents, many relatives from the Tantai family also came, such as Tantai Mieming's uncle and uncle, so many important people At the scene, it was very motivating to mobilize the crowd. The deans and leaders of the hospital came from various places in an endless stream to express their importance to Tantai's family.

Not long after, many high-ranking officials and friends of the Tantai family also came after hearing the news, among them was Bu Jiushen who Liu Boyang was familiar with. It's half a level lower, but the two are brothers with a good relationship.

Liu Boyang saw that he couldn't help here, so he talked to Shao Junping and the others, and took the old cat Cui Guodong and others to take a step ahead.

Now he is full of plans to find out the inner ghost of the Dragon Elephant Gang and seek justice for Tantai Mieming!


In today's era, if there is anything that travels faster than sound and light, it is undoubtedly the speed at which news spreads. The sudden attack on Tantai Mieming, the eldest brother of the Dragon Elephant Gang, spread throughout the capital in an extreme time, causing a lot of trouble. What a sensation!If only relying on the status of the eldest brother of the Dragon Elephant Gang, I am afraid that such a strong uproar would not have been caused. However, Tantai Mieming is still a well-known young master in the capital. Isn't it clearly an enemy of the Tantai family?

The members of the Dragon Elephant Gang also heard the news. Originally, after the Zen Conference held today, they were all very excited. After following a big brother like Liu Boyang, they will not worry about the development of the Dragon Elephant Gang. They are delighted , and suddenly heard that the former eldest brother Tantai Mieming had been killed, it immediately poured cold water on their heads, and immediately extinguished the excitement in their hearts.Those loyal backbones of the Dragon Elephant Gang, like Datou, exploded immediately, uttering cruel words to avenge the eldest brother, and even made an appointment to visit Tantai Mieming in the hospital.Liu Boyang immediately stopped their restlessness and called the leading figures in Datou to his hotel, saying that he had something to ask them.

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