The best boy on campus

Chapter 1407 Liu Boyang's revenge!

?Han Bin and Datou walked up one left and one right, and Uncle Da was in the middle. Uncle Da watched Liu Boyang lead the two of them towards his room, and immediately became nervous, and shouted: "Yang Qing God, what on earth do you want to do? That's my home, how dare you break into it casually?"

Liu Boyang sneered and said: "Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts calling the door, that's what you're afraid of? If there's nothing inside, do you still care about me going in?"

Uncle Da was startled and frightened, he slapped his face swollen and pretended to be a fat man, and said, "Okay! Then you go in, but I've made my words dead in advance, if you can't find any evidence, you must give me an explanation!"

Liu Boyang ignored him, and went straight into the room. Inside, the little boy and the little girl were sitting on the sofa watching TV. There was no one else in the room. Liu Boyang smiled at the momo little boy with a tiger hat, and said, "Little brother, Let me ask you something, where is your uncle's mobile phone?"

The little boy was quite mischievous, he made a face at Liu Boyang, giggled, but was disobedient, but the little girl jumped off the sofa, ran into the back room, took out Uncle Da's cell phone and handed it to Liu Boyang, flashing Looking at him with two big watery eyes.No pop-up tofu novel~~《》.

Liu Boyang opened it and saw that there was clearly the name Shi Jiandong in the call log!How dare that old bastard speak nonsense with his eyes open!This is his deathbed!

Standing behind Liu Boyang, Zhang Yaoyang and Lou Tiannan looked at each other, keeping everything in silence, followed Liu Boyang out of the door with a sneer.

The little girl didn't know that she had done something wrong, she bit her finger and followed the three of them, staring blankly.

In order to hide his guilty conscience, Uncle Da deliberately asked confidently: "How, did you find it?"

Liu Boyang walked over with a faint smile, stood in front of Uncle Da, shook the mobile phone in his hand and said, "You really don't cry when you see the coffin, tell me, you called Shi Jiandong at 38:[-]:[-] in the morning What are you doing? How dare you say you are innocent?"

Uncle Da was like a bolt from the blue, suddenly at a loss for words, he had calculated everything, but he never thought that Liu Boyang would start with his mobile phone and find out the key evidence that he secretly contacted Shi Jiandong, the call was too urgent at that time, and he forgot to delete it later He never expected to leave such evidence...

"Stop talking? Why did you swear just now? Why don't you continue to find reasons to confuse me?" Liu Boyang asked with a sneer.

Uncle Da couldn't say a word, knowing he was wrong, he turned his head away, but before Liu Boyang said anything, Datou Han Bin and the others couldn't control it. With a sound of "Pa!!", Datou slapped Uncle Da Uncle Da's fan flew out on the spot, and there were five bright red palm prints on his face!

"Fuck-you-mom! Cao Daman, you bastard! Why did Brother Ming treat you badly? At such an old age, you are not a human being and you are a dog?" Datou rushed forward to punch and kick Uncle Da while cursing, Han Bin Zhang Yaoyang and others also followed, and beat Uncle Da on the ground!

Uncle Da's bones are really hard, and he would not make a sound even if he hugged his head to death, even though his thin body was beaten like a sandbag with a "bang bang" sound!

Uncle Da's little nephew was startled, she immediately screamed, and ran up clumsily to grab the hands of Datou and the others, crying, "Don't hit me! Don't hit me! Don't hit my uncle, you are all Bad guy!"

The little boy in the room also ran out when he heard the movement, and sat on the ground in shock as soon as he took a look, crying loudly!

Liu Boyang didn't want the two young children to see such a violent and bloody scene, so he raised his hand and said, "Enough! Stop beating!"

Only then did Datou and the others stop, and before retreating, Datou gave Uncle Da another hard kick.

Uncle Da's little nephew rushed forward to hug Uncle Da and cried bitterly. Uncle Da turned over and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and hugged her into his arms, saying that Qianqian would not cry, while saying that he was fine...

Liu Boyang squatted beside Uncle Da, and asked calmly: "Uncle Da, listen, I'll call you Uncle Da, give me a reason, why did you collude with Shi Jiandong and betray the Dragon Elephant Gang?"

Uncle Da stroked his little nephew's forehead, and said coldly: "No reason! I think this gang treats me unfairly! When I helped Longxiang conquer the world in the early years, people like you are simply I didn’t join the club! But then Long Xiang died, and some newcomers flooded into the gang, and I gradually became less valued. Now even a few young backbones dare to make fun of me! Fuck!! Without me, How can there be the Dragon Elephant Gang today? Without the Dragon Elephant Gang, they are nothing!"

"You keep mentioning Xu Longxiang, which shows that you have a good relationship, but if you do this, have you ever thought about him? You betrayed the gang that you two brought down together!" Liu Boyang said lightly.

"Ha! What a joke! So what if we have a good relationship? Did Long Xiang think about me when he said his last words? Besides, I am not sorry for him. Since Long Xiang was handed over to Tantai Mieming. It’s changed, and now it’s in your hands, it’s even worse! I’m only sorry for you!” Uncle Da gritted his teeth!

"Hehe, after all, you still hate yourself for not becoming a big brother! So you take revenge on the gang, right?"

"Fart! If I wanted to be a big brother, I would have done it a long time ago, so I don't need you to say it? I'm just angry that you don't use me and don't respect me! Anyway, I'm a young man with a bad life. I'd rather be with you." Come and burn with stone!"

"I don't value you? I didn't say that, hehe, since you want to contribute so much to the gang and gain everyone's respect, then I will give you a chance. Aren't you connected with Shi Jiandong? Today's matter, Let's pretend it didn't happen, you continue to keep in touch with him, and maintain your status as an insider, but from now on you have to obey my orders, I will arrange a bureau, let you bring Shi Jiandong in, and you will follow my instructions Do it, understand?" Liu Boyang said lightly.

"You want to use me as a pawn?" Uncle Da asked coldly.

"Didn't you say it yourself? I hope to be reused. Of course, such a glorious and arduous task belongs to you! In addition, I advise you, don't try to play tricks on me, your ㊣(5) old life It's not rare for me, but before you make any choice, think about you two precious bumps, especially this little girl, she has love and righteousness at such a young age, I appreciate her very much." Liu Boyang finished with a smile , Thinking of the little girl's upside-down braid, the little girl immediately avoided it, and looked at Liu Boyang in horror with those big crying eyes.

"I'm warning you! Don't come here! One person does things and one person is responsible. What I do has nothing to do with other people!" Uncle Da said nervously.

"Hehe, I don't want Luan to come either. The premise is that you have to be obedient. Well, that's all I have to say. You can decide what to do by yourself!" Liu Boyang said with a smile, got up and walked out the door.

Uncle Da was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "If you want to deal with Shi Jiandong, with your power, it's a piece of cake. Why do you want to make arrangements and let me be your pawn?"

Liu Boyang turned around and said with a smile: "It's good if you understand! So, I just gave you a chance! If you want to thank, thank these two children. Even if I, Emperor Yang Qing, am not a human being, I will not be in front of such a small child. I don't want to affect the next generation of the motherland by killing you, haha!"

After leaving Uncle Da's house, Datou asked very unwillingly: "Brother Yang, let's forget about it? Are we going to be so cheap?"

Liu Boyang patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can only catch big fish by setting a long line. Since they dare to deal with the Dragon Elephant Gang internally and externally, they are too frustrated to deal with Cao Daman. I will wipe out Shi Jiandong's gang!"

ps: Urgently looking for a monthly pass! ! ! !Please help me!Vote for some!

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