The best boy on campus

Chapter 1410 Fight in the rain!

At the same time that Shi Jiandong sent Fatty Li and Shitou to take people to Xiaolong Building to kill Liu Boyang, Liu Boyang was "inviting" the four Chang Lao brothers and four to drink in the most luxurious private room of Xiaolong Building. As companions, as for Datou Han Bin and others, they have brought all their men to ambush around Xiaolong Building, waiting for Shi Jiandong's men to throw themselves into the trap.

Liu Boyang drank and ate food as if nothing had happened, but Chang Laoqi and the four brothers were not feeling well. They watched Liu Boyang drink from a big bowl, and they didn't even move the chopsticks on the table.

"Hehe, although the play is fake, but the food and drink are real, you don't eat it now, and if there is a fight later, you will have no time to eat it." Liu Boyang laughed.

Chang Laoqi frowned and said, "Why do I feel that you are a little unreliable in this matter? Do you really think that with just one phone call, Shi Jiandong's people will fall into the trap?"

Liu Boyang smiled and asked, "Otherwise, what do you think?"

Chang Laoqi said coldly: "I don't think he will! I have also dealt with Shi Jiandong, he is not such a stupid person!"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "On the contrary, it is because he is smart that he has a reason to fight me head-on! Uncle Da, what do you think?"

Liu Boyang turned his head to look at Cao Daman who was standing in the corner. Cao Daman was stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Indeed, based on what I know about him, he will definitely come to take revenge. Shi Jiandong is a person who must take revenge, and now he is in a state of collapse. On the edge, his head is not clear enough, and he must not have thought that I would betray him in turn."

"If things go well this time and we successfully wiped out Shi Jiandong's gang, uncle, you have made up for it. I might consider letting you stay in the Dragon Elephant Gang." Liu Boyang laughed.

Cao Daman said lightly: "No need, I don't want to have anything to do with the underworld in the future. I will quit the Dragon Elephant Gang and find a legitimate job to make a living." The two gangs, let alone being a traitor enough, will be ashamed to help Hun in Longxiang in the future.

While talking upstairs, Han Bin suddenly called and said that Shi Jiandong's gang had arrived, and the brothers were ready to do it anytime!

Liu Boyang hung up the phone, and under the astonished eyes of Chang Laoqi and others, he stood up and said, "The main dish is here, let's go, let's go and see for ourselves!"

Today, Xiaolong Building is destined to have a bloody battle. Liu Boyang has asked Zhang Yaoyang and Han Bin to block the nearby streets in advance, and all irrelevant passers-by have been dispersed. The next few ushers who had seen the world, the others, including the boss, were quarantined.

Fatty Li and Shitou brought the elite backbone of Shi Jiandong's gang. More than 1000 people came, and two to three thousand lower-level boys were also on the way. At this time, the sky was getting dark and the clouds were overwhelming. The torrential rain seems to be to create an atmosphere for the upcoming massacre.

Fatty Li and Shitou came down from the leading van on the left and right, each with a rifle in his hand, Fatty Li dragged the butt of the gun backwards, and held a machete in the other hand and shouted to the younger brothers who were crowded behind him: "Little ones!" You guys! Listen to me, enter the Xiaolong Tower later, kill everyone you see, and chop everyone you meet! You can’t let one go, do you hear me?”

"I heard it!!" The shouts from behind shook the sky, and countless younger brothers raised their machetes at the same time. The underworld in the capital was fighting, and they rarely used guns like the Northeast or S Province. There is no other reason, this is the imperial city Gener, whoever dares to shoot here simply doesn't want to live.

Fatty Li was very satisfied with his morale, and was about to lead people in, when suddenly the stone next to him stopped him: "Wait a minute! Something's wrong!"

"what happened?"

"Didn't you see it? It's too quiet around here, the street is obviously blocked, there must be an ambush!" Shitou said coldly.

Fatty Li glanced around proudly, and said lightly: "So what? We have a thousand brothers here, are you afraid of him? No matter how powerful Emperor Yang Qing is, his lair is not in the capital, so the Dragon Elephant Gang Those little miscellaneous fish that can't get on the table are not enough to watch!"

Shitou frowned, and was about to say something when suddenly there was a bang from the sky and a loud thunder, and then the bean-sized raindrops fell down, and countless fine rain lines intertwined between the sky and the earth.

"Look, God is helping us today! Such a heavy rain will definitely wash away the blood!" Fatty Li sneered.

As soon as the words fell, a man suddenly turned out from the corner of the alley that entered Xiaolonglou, with a machete in one hand, wiped the rain from his face, and said with a grinning smile: "Fatty Li, what did you say?" Not bad! This rain is really timely, we can kill as much as we want!"

"Big head? Haha, is there no one left in the Dragon Elephant Gang? When will it be your turn to come out and talk? Shitou, have you seen this? This is what you call an ambush. Today we Let's settle the old and new grievances with Longxiang and these tortoises, brothers, do it!" Fatty Li greeted, and more than 1000 younger brothers from behind immediately rushed up with machetes, their faces were terrified, and they raised their knives and shouted: " Brothers, let's go too! Avenge brother Ming!"

The more than 300 dragon elephant gang members behind the big head also shouted in unison, and rushed forward with machetes and iron lock wrenches, seeing that the two sides were about to fight together, but at this moment, the roads around There was also a loud cry of killing from above, and the younger brothers of the Dragon Elephant Gang from all directions continued to encircle and encircle. The leaders were Lou Tiannan, Han Bin, Zhang Yaoyang and others. A total of more than 5000 people were gathered here. The Shi Jiandong gang, which was still very powerful just now, suddenly fell behind in terms of numbers. In the middle, keep pushing toward the middle!

"This-he-mother really has an ambush! Shitou, you crow's mouth, you really hit the spot!" Fatty Li didn't dare to be arrogant anymore. He thought that bringing 1000 people here would be enough to wash Xiaolonglou with blood. But who would have thought that he would be a complete (5) fool for a while, and throw himself into the urn!

"I told you earlier not to be too careless. Someone must have betrayed us! Fortunately, the two of us came here with guns, so we are not afraid of them! You cover me, and I will call Brother Dong and ask him to send someone over as soon as possible!" stone road.

Fatty Li covered Shitou behind him. Just as Shishi took out his mobile phone and wanted to dial a number, suddenly there was a "pop!" in his ear, and his mobile phone exploded immediately. The hand holding the mobile phone and half of his ear were all covered in blood. Beat badly!

Someone shoots! !

Fatty Li and the younger brothers behind him were stupefied immediately, but Shitou screamed and squatted down holding his ears. Fatty Li suddenly raised his head and saw Liu Boyang standing on Xiaolong Tower!

Liu Boyang put down the gun with a smile on his face, and gestured to Han Bin and the others to indicate that it was time to start. Han Bin immediately pointed his knife forward and said, "Brothers, kill!!"

Thousands of people came up again and engulfed the 1000 people brought by Fatty Li in a blink of an eye. Shi Jiandong's gang did not make any strong resistance, but was pressed to the ground by the Dragon Elephant Gang, and the screams were endless. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the rumbling thunder was accompanied by the screams of people before they died, forming a bloody and chilling picture.

The old cat, Cui Guodong, and others stood beside Liu Boyang, condescendingly looking down with itchy hands, and said to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, it's rare that brothers kill so hard, why don't we go down to add to the fun?"

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "No need, this is a conflict between the Longxiang Gang and Shi Jiandong's gang, let them resolve it themselves!"

ps: Ask for a monthly pass!Bros! !

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