The best boy on campus

Chapter 1417 Birthday Banquet!


Three days passed in a blink of an eye. As Liu Boyang expected, when the bad influence of the heavy rain gradually dissipated, many sensational facts surfaced: Shi Jiandong was hanged in the hospital, more than 1000 of his subordinates disappeared, and the boss of Qingpitang The unexplained disappearance of Lai Qingpi caused an uproar in the capital to varying degrees, and even ordinary people could smell the danger inside.

From the time when the Jia brothers were exterminated to the downfall of the boss of Qingpitang, everything was not accidental, someone must have secretly planned all of this!

Ever since the underworld forces took root in the capital, there has never been such a series of strange things happening like this. Countless underworld big brothers are in danger, afraid that they will be the next to be unlucky.

But these things did not affect Li Futu, the highly respected "Big Brother of the Heavenly Gate" in the capital's underworld. Just today, he held a grand birthday party for his goddaughter Li Jing as usual. Although Li Futu has several wives, he doesn't know For some reason, he has not given birth to a boy and a half girl even at his age. This Li Jing is a well-known celebrity in the capital. She met Li Futu at a party in the aristocratic circle, and she was very fond of Li Futu. , worship as godfather.

Many people who like to make a fuss secretly speculate that Li Futu is old and unscrupulous. Li Jing is his goddaughter in name, but in fact it must be his love-fu secretly. But this kind of thinking is really wrong to blame Li Futu. It doesn't mean that Lao Niu eats grass, he really regards Li Jing as his own daughter.

With the reputation of "Big Brother Tianmen" in the capital, no one who is a gangster would dare not give face to Mr. Li, so from early morning, countless guests have been flocking to Li's villa. Not only included some gangsters, but also all kinds of elites in the capital's political, business, and entertainment circles. They all came to support Li Jing because of Master Li's face.

Li Futu has many real estate properties in the capital. The villa where the banquet was held is located away from the city center and close to the suburbs. Well, Li Futu took advantage of the power in his hands, not only invited a squad of traffic policemen to help him maintain order, but also arranged a lot of loyal Tianmen boys around to play a protective role as much as possible.

At three poles in the sun, the iconic car of Xiong Kaishan, the eldest brother of Huotou Gang in Dongcheng District, finally appeared in front of everyone. It was a black Land Rover, and besides Xiong Kaishan, there were also Liu Boyang, Lao Mao, Cui Guodong, and Huzi sitting in it. The four of them, under the command of the traffic police, Xiong Kaishan parked the Land Rover inside the queue on the road, then took out his small gift and got off the car.

Smiling and nodding to the traffic policemen on duty, Xiong Kaishan walked inside and secretly said to Liu Boyang: "Emperor Yang Qing, you really decided to attack Master Li today? Are you crazy? Come and see None of the people Mr. Li supported is someone who is famous in the capital. If you fail, do you still want to leave? Besides, Mr. Li is shrewd and must have taken precautions today. I don’t know how many Tianmen boys are around. , I advise you to give up this idea, there is still time to go now!"

The smile on Liu Boyang's face didn't diminish, and he said with a light smile: "Since we're here, how can we go halfway? It's not my style to do things halfway. Stop talking nonsense and lead the way!"

Xiong Kaishan had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk inside. People who knew him greeted him, and Xiong Kaishan responded with a nod and a smile, but don't worry too much...

When the five people walked to the door of Li's villa, they found Li Futu in a black suit, accompanied by his wives, entertaining the guests with a smile on his face. Shaking hands, you can't see the airs of the boss of Tianmen at all.

This is the first time Liu Boyang saw Li Futu, and he was older than he imagined, because his hair at the temples was white, and his face was wrinkled, but his body was still very strong, his spirit looked good, and he was very important aura.

Xiong Kaishan came to the entrance of the villa with a complicated mood and a smile on his face. Li Futu greeted him first, and said with a warm smile: "Hehe, Kaishan is here. We haven't seen each other for a while, come quickly and let me have a look." , you kid looks more stylish than before!"

Xiong Kaishan was sweating profusely on his head, and hurriedly said modestly: "Oh, Mr. Li, don't make fun of me. How can I dare to say anything in front of you? Today is the girl Jingjing's birthday. I am an uncle." No matter what, please come to join us, Mr. Li, this is a gift I prepared for her, please help me see, will she like it?"

As Xiong Kaishan spoke, he handed the prepared gift to Li Futu. Inside was an expensive lady's watch. Before Xiong Kaishan, in order to make Li Futu, Li Jing, and his daughter happy, he specially made it from country f. But Futu pushed his hand away with a smile, and said: "Don't tell me, today is Jingjing's birthday, why don't you give this gift to her directly, I think Jingjing will be very happy with such an exquisite gift!"

The two chatted casually for a few more words, Li Futu's eyes suddenly fell on the four Liu Boyang brothers, and asked: "Kaishan, who are these..."

"Oh! He is my distant nephew. These three are his children. I didn't want to bring them here today, but this kid will follow whatever he says. He said he wants to see the big scene of the luxurious banquet in the capital. I There is no other way, I have to use your precious land, Master Li, to open their eyes, and I didn't say hello in advance, don't mind!" Xiong Kaishan pointed to Liu Boyang and said.These are all the words he discussed with Liu Boyang in advance, Liu Boyang is sure even if Li Futu becomes suspicious, but today is his precious daughter Li Jing's birthday, he will never turn away the guests.

Li Futu took a meaningful look at Liu Boyang again, and said with a chuckle, "So it's your nephew, the young man is very energetic, where did you come from?"

Liu Boyang was very clever and sloppy, and said with a smile: "I came from my hometown. I used to hear my uncle mention your name, Mr. Li, and I always wanted to meet you. Today I finally got my wish. Mr. Li, your house really big!"

"Haha, the young man can still talk! That's fine, go in with your uncle, I'll let the family prepare food and drink inside, there are authentic old capital snacks, even if you haven't eaten them before!" Li Futu laughed. road.

Xiong Kaishan and Liu Boyang thanked Li Futu and walked inside. Before entering the hall, they suddenly heard a commotion from outside the door, and saw a white Maserati sports car rushing towards, and stopped at the entrance of the villa. , came down from the inside, a beautiful girl wearing a black noble princess dress, yelled "Daddy!" to Li Futu loudly, then stepped on high heels and threw herself into Li Futu's arms like a gust of wind, screaming to her heart's content , the guests around said "Hello, Miss Li", "Happy Birthday" and so on, and Liu Boyang knew that it was the legendary Li Jing.

Soon, another figure came down from the white Maserati. It was Huangfusong in a white suit. Today he looked extraordinarily handsome and handsome. He greeted Li Futu very politely.

After Xiong Kaishan looked at it, he sighed to Liu Boyang: "I always think that it was an extremely wrong decision for you to choose to fight today. Even the young master of the capital has come. You are really stepping on the tip of a knife and playing with fire!"

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