The best boy on campus

Chapter 1426 Chatting with the Prime Minister!

After receiving the call from Liu Boyang, Song Jiayao was also very excited, asked for leave from school, and came to the capital overnight accompanied by Jiu Wenlong and Feng Bo. They came with the contracts of those large coal mines in X province. The contracts were stamped by Mr. Song himself, proving that those coal mines and kilns belonged to the Song family. "".

Liu Boyang took Song Jiayao and the others to Zhou Jianwei's home that day. Zhou Jianwei roughly estimated the weight of those contracts. In today's environment where coal resources are scarce in the world, their total value has exceeded 500 billion. It has risen nearly 20.00% before, and such a large-scale property is enough to serve as the foundation for the country to establish a large coal company.

Zhou Jianwei asked Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao to take the contract home first, and then go directly to the State Council office to find him the next day. He will directly contact the leaders of relevant ministries and commissions to study the preparation of the coal company in detail.Of course, in order to ensure the real existence of the coal mines and kilns mentioned in the contract, the country may have to send a special inspection team to X province and nearby provinces to investigate whether the Song family really has such a large-scale coal kiln.

Liu Boyang can also understand this. After all, this is a major project that can affect the whole country and even the future, and the country must act cautiously.But Zhou Jianwei told Liu Boyang that he believed in those contracts, and the expedition team was just going through the motions, which showed that the country attached great importance to this matter.


The next day, Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao came to the office of the State Council with the contract as promised. A deputy prime minister in charge of the country's economic construction actually came here to attend the meeting, which really flattered Liu Boyang!

Before Premier Song walked into the meeting room, he also praised Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao, saying that Liu Boyang was young and promising, manly, and dared to be the first in the world. It was natural for Song Jiayao, a little granddaughter who rarely met With the utmost care, he patted his chest and assured Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao that since they believed in the country so much and contributed tens of billions of assets to help the country establish large state-owned enterprises, the country would definitely not treat them badly. If you have any questions, you can come to him directly!


The seminar went on all morning, and Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao also waited for the whole morning in anxious mood. The result of the discussion was that after the expedition team returned from going deep into X Province, if everything was fine, the large state-owned coal company would immediately At the beginning of the establishment, the state will also take out [-] billion as the registered capital and share the position of the chief shareholder with Liu Boyang, but Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao do not need to participate in the management of the company at all, and only wait for the profit and dividends every year. Specialized elite personnel will be assigned to conduct company operations.

At noon, Premier Song personally held a banquet in the Great Hall of the People. This was a real state banquet, and it was only for Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao!

Even though Liu Boyang has experienced countless storms, he also felt very excited and nervous. He and Song Jiayao followed a group of central dignitaries to the Great Hall of the People. All kinds of fragrant delicacies from mountains and seas were already set on the dining table, which made people feel ashamed move.

Song Jiayao seemed a little nervous, her little hands held onto Liu Boyang tightly, and she never left her. Liu Boyang had no choice but to let her sit next to him, and then used all his confidence to chat with the approachable Premier Song.

Prime Minister Song is already an old man. There is not a single famous event in the country that he does not know, not to mention the things Liu Boyang did in the Northeast, even the big troubles that broke out in the capital some time ago. He also knows everything well, but he doesn't mention a word, but only cares about the daily life of Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao.

"Jia Yao, you should be in the third year of high school now? The college entrance examination is coming up next year. You must study hard and don't delay, especially don't let this brat always affect you. You must get into a good university, understand. Is it?" Premier Song asked Song Jiayao kindly.

Song Jiayao nodded obediently and said, "Yes! Grandpa, I know!"

Prime Minister Song looked at Song Jiayao's sweet appearance, seemed to think of something, and sighed softly: "You and Ah Xiao really look alike, no wonder he loves you the most among all his children and grandchildren! Your grandfather You know his temper, although he left you a large inheritance, he definitely hopes that you can make a fortune for yourself! Our Song family has backbone, you must remember it!"

Song Jiayao responded seriously: "Grandpa, don't worry, I understand these principles, and I will definitely not let you and grandpa down!"

Although Song Jiayao called Prime Minister Song "Grandpa", this is just a respectful title. She still doesn't know the relationship between Premier Song and her grandfather. If you only look at the old yellowed photo left by grandpa Son, they are like brothers, but for some reason, the two of them have not recognized each other for a long time. In their time, there must have been many things that happened, and Premier Song didn't want to mention these things, and of course Song Jiayao didn't know each other. Not stupid enough to ask.

But Prime Minister Song may be "thinking about people when looking at things" today. Looking at Song Jiayao, he unknowingly opened up the conversation box, and said in a deep voice: "I owe Ah Xiao too much. After so many years, I can't make up for it." The harm I caused to him back then. Now that Ah Xiao has passed away, I am afraid that this guilt will be buried in my heart forever, and will be buried in Babao Mountain with me in the future. Jiayao, I should compensate you, whether it is you or Your grandfather, I should really compensate you. I have been too busy all these years, and I have forgotten the ways of the world. From now on, please remember my words, I am not only the prime minister of the country, but also your grandfather! Xiao Xiao is dead, let me take care of you for him in the future!"

When Song Jiayao heard Prime Minister Song casually mentioning grandpa's name, she couldn't help her eyes turning red. She cried and said, "Grandpa Song, please don't blame yourself, although I don't know the relationship between you and my grandpa. We as juniors shouldn’t ask about what happened in the past, but Grandpa said it himself ㊣(5) before he died, and he doesn’t blame you anymore! So don’t have any embarrassment when you experience it yourself, the past is all over Already!"

After listening to Song Jiayao's words, Prime Minister Song laughed and said, "It's good that 'the past is the past', that's right, Jiayao, you are so right, Grandpa Song, I should listen to you, don't always read those old things. Don't let go of old things, after all, I will go down to see Ah Xiao in a few years, and then I will have time to catch up with him again."

Song Jiayao said with red eyes: "Grandpa Song, what are you talking about, you will live a long life!"

"Hehe, I hope! Come on, let's not talk about these past events, you and Xiao Liu eat more dishes, today I specially asked the cook who entertains foreign guests to cook this table for you, and everything is worth ten thousand dollars on the outside Hard to find." Premier Song said.

After chatting with Prime Minister Song, Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao suddenly found that the atmosphere at the dinner table was not as tense as before. Finally regained consciousness, this little girl of feelings turned out to be the prime minister's distant granddaughter!All of them looked at Song Jiayao with submissive eyes, and at the same time, they also made up their minds. If a large coal company is really established, they must take good care of this little ancestor. Offending her is offending the Prime Minister!

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