The best boy on campus

Chapter 1429 Mine accident!

?here we go again!here we go again!What annoys Liu Boyang most is that others always use the name of the security group to oppress him. Thinking about it carefully, since he joined the security group, has he gained any benefits?Except that time after killing someone in Dt City, Province X, I used the security team to scare away a few people, and listened to their greetings at other times, as if I wanted to join this broken organization!

However, what Liu Boyang is facing at this time is Chairman Gao, the leader of country Z!If I challenge him today, I will never have a good life in the future. "". So Liu Boyang considered it again and again, and agreed to Chairman Gao's request.I really want to protect Li Yuanhao. It is not difficult for Zhanhuntang. The most important thing is to let Chairman Gao remember my goodness, and let the country and the nation owe me a favor! ——Besides, Chairman Gao didn't say anything to death. He only said that he would temporarily put aside his grievances against Nachuanfeng. Wind collectors!


On the third day after the incident, the inspection team sent by the International Development and Reform Commission returned to the capital as scheduled. They verified the authenticity of the coal mines and kilns mentioned in the Song family contract, and handed in the inspection report. Several ministries and commissions centered on the Coal Resources Management Department Immediately set about establishing a large-scale state-owned coal company. The name of the company is "Z State Coal Coke Co., Ltd.", or "Z Coal" for short. The company is headquartered in the capital. They are elites in the industry hired by the state with a lot of money, and some personnel are sent to each specific coal mine in X province to supervise the transformation of coal mines and kilns and the improvement of the related one-stop industrial chain.

Liu Boyang returned the status of chief shareholder to Song Jiayao, so Song Jiayao became the youngest tens of billions rich woman in the country in one fell swoop, with a total asset of 500 billion RMB as a shareholder, accounting for 40.00% of the registered capital of "Z Coal" with the state , the other 20.00% is reserved for other coal mine owners in province x. Since the state has established "z coal", it intends to make it a monopoly company like "z petrochemical" and "z oil", and no longer allows the existence of private coal mines !

Unexpectedly, the country has just released the red-headed document of "banning private coal mines and nationalizing all coal kilns", which has caused a strong backlash from several provinces with large coal resources centered on X province. They think that the country is doing this It was too sudden and totally unreasonable. Under the stimulation, one by one actually made a lot of radical actions. This was the big trouble that Liu Boyang had never thought of before!


On the second day after the release of the red-headed document, a large coal mine in Dt City, X Province, which belonged to the Song family, suddenly exploded, killing more than 100 miners at the scene, and no less than 20 miners were buried in the landslide caused by the explosion. Under the mine more than [-] meters deep, life and death are uncertain, and emergency support is needed!

In addition, the gas leakage caused by the explosion also turned the entire mining area into a poisonous field. Those who approach it are in danger of life. A single cigarette butt may trigger another explosion like a nuclear bomb. The coal mine has become the worst place that no one should enter. Danger zone!

In Country Z, any accident in which more than 35 people died is considered a serious accident, but now more than 100 people died, and the total number of victims was as high as nearly 200!How can this not attract the attention of the people of the whole country?So on the day when the explosion happened, it was known by the people of the whole country through the news media, the public opinion was in an uproar, and people's eyes were all on dt city!

Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao soon learned the news of the explosion, and they were both very shocked!It is obvious that the explosion was man-made. Some people deliberately targeted the country's unreasonable banning policy. This is a manifestation of demonstrations!

Of course the country knows this, but the top priority now is not to punish those troublemakers with bad intentions, but to quickly rescue the distressed miners in the mining area. Prime Minister Song personally issued instructions to ask the provincial fire department and public security department to cooperate fully The rescue work in dt city is to rescue the miners buried deep underground at all costs!


Although after transferring the contract to the state, Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao are no longer the owners of those coal mines and kilns, but they are also the inheritance left by Mr. Song. In a rage, Liu Boyang decided to go to dt city to find out what happened , who the hell dared to attack Lao Tzu's coal mine!

Fortunately, Prime Minister Song also rushed to the front line of the disaster-stricken mining area to guide the rescue work. Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao followed Premier Song to take a special plane and landed in dt city. Go directly to the scene of the mine disaster.

The mining area where the explosion occurred was not far from the place where Peng Qihai brought Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao the last time, and the straight-line distance was only a few kilometers. The gas mask was handed over to Prime Minister Song, saying that there was still a lot of gas and poisonous gas permeating in the mining area, and any inhalation into the lungs would be dangerous, and the Prime Minister could not make any mistakes anyway.

With a heavy heart, Premier Song put on a gas mask and went deep into the mining area under the protection of many armed policemen. All the local officials were accompanied by trepidation—such a big accident happened, no matter what the reason was, the provincial leadership team and the dt city government There must be a complete change of blood, and the mayor, governor and the like can escape the disaster of prison, it is their good fortune!

Liu Boyang and Song Jiayao were also assigned a gas mask. Liu Boyang wanted to go into the mining area to see the explosion site, but he didn't want his wife to be in danger, so he tried to persuade Song Jiayao not to go in, but Song Jiayao was very stubborn and said nothing. She wanted to go in, not only because it was the legacy her grandfather gave him, but also because she felt ashamed of those miners who died—the last time she came to the mining area, Peng Qihai taught her to be kind to the hard-working miners...

Liu Boyang had no choice but to put on a gas mask and walk into the mining area with his wife. It was already dark, and countless firefighters were digging with the most primitive shovels and shovels, hoping to dig out the buried miners. Everyone prays that the miners below can hold on, we are racing against death ㊣ (5) for time!

When Liu Boyang saw this scene, his heart became more and more heavy, because the gas inside had not been drained cleanly, if the modern machinery such as excavators were to be ignited and detonated, the consequences would be fatal!Can only use the most primitive shovel, how long will it take to dig to more than 20 meters!

Song Jiayao was already weeping with anxiety, sobbing uncontrollably while hiding in Liu Boyang's arms, this scene was too traumatic, more than 70 people were buried alive!Who was so cruel and planned such an explosion? !


The rescue work lasted all night, and all the firefighters and armed police officers and soldiers were never idle. Prime Minister Song, who was over [-] years old, insisted on staying on the front line without rest. He personally shoveled the soil with a shovel for a long time, but finally couldn't shovel it. So, I can only stand by and watch, directing the firefighters to dig non-stop.

The 20-meter-long pit was finally dug out, but there were very few miners surviving below. When most people dug out, they were just cold corpses. The armed police officers and soldiers directly covered them with white cloth and carried them away...

In the early morning, the sky was drizzled with cold rain, and it seemed that they were also mourning for this unfortunate mine disaster. At this moment, the director of the Public Security Department of X Province in the mining area suddenly received a call from his subordinates, saying that dt city Another accident occurred in a steel factory in the western suburbs, and the death toll was as high as [-]! !

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