The best boy on campus

Chapter 1443 Golden Fragrant Jade!

During this period of time, Liu Boyang has been busy outside and has not returned to the northeast. Nachuanfeng has been paying attention to his every move. Regarding Liu Boyang's unification of the capital, Nachuanfeng has nothing to say except that Liu Boyang is just a mess. Nachuanfeng can't accept the black material. ""

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a long time, Uncle Feng, you are well." Liu Boyang smiled lightly.

"Where, I'm getting old, I have white hair on my head, don't be so imposing for three days, brother, you are better than before, I really admire you"

The two looked at each other and laughed, many things were unspoken, as if there had never been any conflicts between them.

Gao Zhenfei and Huzi didn't understand, Brother Yang, what does this mean? Don't you want to take revenge on the old prince? Don't you want to settle old scores with Na Chuanfeng?

After the short courtesies, Na Chuanfeng pointed to the villa and said to Liu Boyang: "Brother, it is not easy for you to come to my place in your busy schedule. I have something important to discuss with you this time, let's talk in the house."

Liu Boyang nodded, and walked into Nachuanfeng's villa with Gao Zhenfei and Huzi. In the living room, guests and hosts were seated separately. Nachuanfeng made a pot of tea with his own hands, filled three cups and put them in front of the three Liu Boyang brothers, saying: "Brother, try this tea. It's absolutely overbearing. I brought it back from my country. I'm used to drinking this kind of tea. I'm not used to domestic tea."

Huzi was drinking the cup of tea, and subconsciously guessed whether such a pious guy like Nachuanfeng would play tricks inside. Nachuanfeng's heart was like a mirror, and he said with a smile: "Brother Tianhai, don't think too much, this tea is absolutely fine. Now that I have changed my mind from unbelief, I will drink it for you"

After he finished, he poured himself a glass, took a sip, and said with a smile: "You and I can drink it, and you will be fine if you drink it?"

Huzi said lightly: "I don't have any problems with your tea, it's just that I'm not used to drinking tea. Why are you so nervous?"

Na Chuanfeng sighed lightly and said: "I know that although the three of you don't say anything, you must have a big prejudice against me in your heart. I admit that I did do many things wrong in the past. You should never have done anything wrong. Murdering the old man together with the boss and the second, now that I think about it, I really regret it. God finally made me work for nothing, and drifting away is also my retribution, I admit it..."

Liu Boyang waved his hand and said with a faint smile: "Uncle Feng, we won't talk about the past today, I'm only interested in what you want to discuss with me."

Na Chuanfeng said: "Well, then I won't be a secret anymore. Brother, you must have heard it from Wang Guangxiong. After I left the Northeast, I went to the country. I worked under Li Yuanhao, the leader of the Labor Party. Now it is the political situation in the country. In the autumn of change, all major political parties want to compete for the seat of the national leader. Although Li Yuanhao is hopeful, he is also in great danger. The Labor Party does not have military power, and many political parties connected with the military want to persecute him. He will not be able to participate in the general election next year. We really have no way to compete with those people, so I would like to ask you to do me a favor and send someone deep into country Z to protect Li Yuanhao and ensure that he can become the next leader."

Liu Boyang listened, and sure enough, as Chairman Gao told him, the country's information channels and espionage agencies are not for nothing. Liu Boyang smiled calmly: "So that's the case. Me? I’m a poor man, what qualifications do I have to enter another country to protect a political party leader? It’s impossible for the underworld to compete with the army.”

Na Chuanfeng said: "Brother, you can't say that. The reason why I ask you for help is because you have this strength. Besides, even in other countries, the underworld can't compete with the army, and the country can do it. The environment has never been harmonious, and many leaders of other parties even rely on international mercenaries to protect themselves.”

In fact, Liu Boyang had promised Chairman Gao that this trip into the muddy waters was a must, but at this juncture, he still wanted to sell it. Liu Boyang pretended to be contemplative, and said with a smile: "Uncle Feng, maybe your point is reasonable, but You should understand my difficulties, brother, even though I am the eldest brother of Zhanhuntang, I still have to take the death of my brother seriously, and when we go to the country to do things, we have to make some headway."

When Na Chuanfeng heard this, his eyes rolled, and he immediately said: "Of course haha, brother Liu, don't worry, as long as you can help Li Yuanhao become the next leader of the country, we will never treat you badly. We have already discussed it. Yes, at that time, some of the state-run rights of the country will be given to you, such as electricity, banks, transportation, and bridges in the entire country. You can choose whatever you like, including that you will be rich in the future, and if you want, you can even be the central government of the country. National public office, power is monstrous"

Liu Boyang's heart moved secretly. He never expected that Li Yuanhao would be so generous. He wanted to give up the state-run rights to him. But these Z countries are all monopolized by the state. If I can also monopolize one of them, the money will really flow continuously. It is only because the country is poor in resources and has no oil and coal, so Nachuanfeng dare not mess around.

"Uncle Feng's words are true? You won't lie to me?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile.

Na Chuanfeng said: "How is it possible? Since I have figured it out, I must do it. This is not what I mean, but what Li Yuanhao means. As long as you help him become the future leader of the country, he will fulfill his promise."

Liu Boyang nodded, fell into deep thought, and murmured: "It sounds very charming..."

Na Chuanfeng said: "Of course brother, this kind of generous remuneration is hard to find in the world, and you must seize this opportunity. It turned out that Li Yuanhao wanted to ask the gangsters from E country to help him, and I strongly recommended you to him." , Firstly, the fat and water will not flow into the field of outsiders, I have believed in your character, and secondly, I also want to use this to make up the relationship between us, I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes."

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "So that's the case, then I would like to thank you."

Na Chuanfeng said: "If you see outsiders, it will be fine, brother, I hope you can think clearly in a short time, now Li Yuanhao country is in crisis every day, other parties are already eyeing him, you should send someone to go Protect him. If you still doubt his sincerity, I can give you the gift he specially prepared for you first."

Na Chuanfeng clapped his hands, and a black-clothed bodyguard came up behind him carrying a heavy black leather suitcase, and spread it out in front of Liu Boyang. Nachuanfeng opened it with his own hands, and inside was neatly stacked platinum

However, platinum is also a bit different. Although the light emitted by these cuboids is dazzling white, they are also orange-yellow, and the color is very bright.

"This is...?" Liu Boyang asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, brother, I don't know. This is the most precious thing in the world. It is more precious than gold. It is called Jinxiangyu. There are 160 or [-] yuan in it, and each piece is priceless. In the future, just take out a piece Let’s make a necklace and ring for your friends, including what they like,” Na Chuanfeng explained.

"This is Jin Xiangyu?" Huzi was also a little shocked, carefully took a few pieces and put them in his hand to watch.

Na Chuanfeng smiled and said, "Then there is still a fake? Brother Wang Tianhai, with the few dollars you have in your hand, you can buy an Audi car."

ps: No advertisements for the first release of the monthly ticket

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