The best boy on campus

Chapter 145 Good Risk, Good Risk!

Actually, do you think Captain Qian wants this?Once a man has power and power, who hasn't lost his temper? Is Captain Qian in his 40s willing to bow to a girl in her 20s?

But he can't help it. The backing behind Hong Shanshan is too strong. Even the current Party Secretary of City W dare not give him face. That person had a conflict, of course, if he had another identity - Liu Tianlong's third son, he might still be able to say something in front of him

After listening to Hong Shanshan's story, Qian Dadui pondered for a while, and said: "So, that kid surnamed Liu who was hacked by the group also killed a lot of people?"

According to Qian Daduan's previous speculation, those "burial persons" around Liu Boyang should not have died at the hands of Liu Boyang, but at the hands of other murderers who had fled the scene

He felt that no matter how brave Liu Boyang was, he would not be able to fight so many deaths by himself, so the deaths of most people at the scene should have little to do with Liu Boyang. Although the people who brought so many people to bury the red coral were true, most of them were killed by Liu Boyang alone.

"My brother's self-defense." Liu Xiaoying interjected as soon as she heard this. She was so afraid that something would happen to her brother, and she would argue for him about anything that was not good for him.

"Who are you?" Captain Qian of course knew that Liu Xiaoying was Liu Boyang's younger sister. This sentence was just asking her identity, such as a student or something

"She's a student of City No. [-] Middle School..." Red Coral answered on her behalf

Captain Qian just listened halfway, and immediately put on a straight face. He just got angry at Red Coral, and now he finally has a place to vent.

As a middle school student, Liu Xiaoying stays here without going to class so late, and her brother fights with so many gangsters in the street, it's probably not a good thing, such siblings belong to the category of lax tutors at first glance, It is necessary for him to establish his majesty and make them correct their attitudes. He was about to say something coldly when he heard Red Coral say:

" also Liu Tianlong's granddaughter"

Red Coral's words are linked together like this: "She is a student of No. [-] Middle School in the city, and also Liu Tianlong's granddaughter."

Hearing the word Liu Tianlong, Captain Qian was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise, "Which Liu Tianlong?"

"How many Liu Tianlongs do you know?" Red Coral said with a smile

"I...I'm stupid..." Captain Qian roared in his heart, and his heart trembled immediately

Just now I felt strange, how could Hong Shanan have such a close relationship with such an unknown girl?

It is only now that I understand that this little girl is not an ordinary person, she is actually the granddaughter of Liu Tianlong who traveled all over the world back then

If someone else told me like this, I probably wouldn't believe it, but now it's Hong Shan who said it, so there's a [-]% chance that I can't be wrong

People who are with red coral are definitely not simple

Fortunately, I was careless just now and almost reprimanded Liu Xiaoying

Fortunately, I stopped my words in time, otherwise I really have to weigh how I will live in my next life

At that moment, his attitude immediately took a sharp turn, like a gentle uncle. The author's level is low, there is nothing to describe... He turned his face to Liu Xiaoying like an uncle and said: "That's right, um, girl , don't worry, I know what happened to your brother, I will investigate this matter and give your brother justice."

Liu Xiaoying is Liu Tianlong's granddaughter, so the boy surnamed Liu lying on the ground just now is Liu Tianlong's grandson. Such a simple logic can be deduced even with a stupid head. Alright, if it gets out that the old man loses his temper, the whole city of W will bleed profusely

Liu Xiaoying looked at the Captain in surprise, why did his attitude change so quickly, and why did his tone of voice suddenly become softer than wool?

As a girl, Liu Xiaoying didn't know much about her grandfather and uncle Liu Zhenlong. Adults rarely told her. She only knew that her father was the mayor, her uncle was doing business locally, and her uncle used to do business in the south. , As for grandpa, he used to be in business too, but Liu Xiaoying didn't know what they did. I asked her a few times, but even my baby brother Liu Boyang didn't tell her.

Although Xiaoying can vaguely guess that the business of her grandfather and uncle may be involved in the underworld, she can tell a thing or two from the vicious uncles who step into the house every year to pay New Year's greetings to the old man, but she doesn't know how famous her grandfather is. Daddy, the old man is the one who can cause a hurricane in W city with just a yawn

"Liu Zhenjiang is her father." Red Shanshan looked at Captain Qian's expression and added again in a very funny way

"Damn..." Captain Qian roared again in his heart, and sighed secretly for the second time. Fortunately, he didn't talk nonsense. Otherwise, if the little girl went back and complained that he bullied her, then his black hat would be lost.

I have long heard that the mayor's father is Liu Tianlong, a mafia boss. I have never known whether it is true or not. Now it is clear, because his precious daughter is right in front of me.

"Sister" Liu Xiaoying pouted and blamed Hong Shan. She didn't like others to tell that her father was the mayor, because she was afraid that everyone would alienate her for no reason. Besides, how could she be in the mood to listen to Hong Shan and Qian Da The captain is talking nonsense here, her heart has already flown all the way to the hospital with her brother

Seeing that Liu Xiaoying was about to cry with worry, Hong Shanhu hurriedly persuaded: "Okay, Xiaoying, don't cry, sister will take you to find your brother." In front of Liu Xiaoying, Hong Shanshan didn't act arrogant , but like a considerate sister next door

"Yeah," Xiaoying bit her lip and nodded.

"Brother Qian, now that you understand what happened, I don't think we need to go back with you anymore? And you see, this little girl is in such a hurry, I'll take her to the hospital first," Hong Shanshan said with a smile After Captain Qian finished speaking, he turned around and left

"Wait..." Captain Qian stopped her, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to ask you, if that kid survives, do you want to save him?" He was referring to not letting Liu Boyang worry about today's matter be punished

Immediately, Hong Shan and Liu Xiaoying stopped in their tracks

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