The best boy on campus

Chapter 1454 The strange ice girl!

?This seemingly inconspicuous water whip has such destructive power!Ice thicker than the city wall can be smashed, and if it hits a person, the consequences can be imagined!

Although Huzi dodged the attack far away, he still looked shocked and frightened. He no longer dared to take his guard lightly and focused on his guard!

Kristina said nervously: "Senior Ice Girl, as far as I know, you have never intervened in worldly disputes, and money and other vulgar things rarely move you. Want to be our enemy?"

The ice girl said lightly: "Don't waste your thoughts in vain. If you don't want to say anything, it's useless if you try to trick me. Since you are about to die, I just want to remind you that the Liu among you has offended j I am the disciple of a certain expert in the country, he has been kind to me, so I have the obligation to put an end to this enmity for him!"

The brothers were secretly shocked when they heard this. Just now, when they heard Christina say that the ice girl is from country J, they thought she was hired by the Pheasant Gang with a lot of money. Could it be that the ice girl was not working for the Pheasant Gang at all, just to pay back the money? A favor?

The old cat said coldly: "Why are you talking so much? If she wants to hit us, we can play with her. I don't believe so many of us brothers are afraid of her! Brother Dafei, you and Lao Li will bring Brother Yang to the In a safe place, leave this witch to us to deal with!"

Gao Zhenfei nodded, said "be careful", and then carried Liu Boyang to the back together with Li Wanhao. What Ice Girl hates the most is that people describe her as a "witch". The old cat's words completely offended her. I saw her grasping the void with both hands and raising them flat, shouting coldly: "Go to hell!——Thousand Waves!!"

In an instant, the icy river water under her feet gushed out like an upside-down waterfall, rising to a height of seven or eight meters, covering the sky and the moon, and the snow-white water foam crashed towards Lao Mao and the others like nine heavenly horses!

The four old cats didn't dare to resist, so they had to jump quickly. After the huge waterfall hit the river, the entire ice layer shook. Although the four old cats avoided it, their ears were stunned by the shock. The body was also poured with a lot of cold water, but this so-called "Thousand Waves" was not as powerful as imagined.

But Lao Mao and the others were really happy too early. After the waterfall fell and hit the ice, the burst of river water spread instantly, covering the entire river in an instant. "Thousand waves" hit, but he didn't know that his feet had lost friction, and he couldn't stand at all!

As the saying goes, power starts from the ground. For a warrior, if he can't even stand firm on the basic horse stance, how can he launch an attack?How can you avoid the enemy's attack?

Cui Guodong was the first to notice that something was wrong with his feet, and before he could say anything, he saw the ice woman pointing with one hand pointing in his direction, and dozens of water swords rose out of the river, all of which were transparent. It's just that under the light of the thin moonlight, the fluorescence on the surface can be vaguely seen!

"Be careful!!" Huzi and the others also saw the water swords for the first time, and shouted at Cui Guodong!

But it was still too late, under the urging of the ice girl's thoughts, the dozens of water swords had already shot over like lightning, and the speed was like piercing through the air. Cui Guodong opened his eyes wide in shock and quickly dodged, but because he couldn't use any strength under his feet, , his dodge was not as flexible as expected, the extremely sharp ice arrows "swish!" pierced sharply from his ear and side, but in the end due to the large number, Cui Guodong was stabbed in the ribs, and his clothes Cui Guodong gritted his teeth and shuddered in pain, but he still held back and didn't make a sound!

"Guodong, are you okay?" Lao Mao and others hurried over to ask Cui Guodong.

Cui Guodong deliberately tried to be brave, and said with a sneer: "It's okay!" In fact, he knew his own pain. Don't underestimate the impact and destructive power of water. Drops of water can wear through rocks. Cui Guodong was stabbed in the ribs, and the wound was thin and long , the blood slowly oozes out, it's as painful as a piece of flesh being cut alive!

The ice girl saw that so many ice swords failed to end Cui Guodong's life, she was not in a hurry, she raised her hands horizontally, and countless water swords rose from the river under her feet, this time the number was bigger than before, and the sky was full of water Sword, that flickering light is chilling!

"Not good! Find a place to hide first! Don't be stabbed to death by this witch's trick!" The old cat hurriedly said to the brothers. Both Zheng and You Longjian rolled and hid behind the pirate ship, while Cui Guodong quickly walked around behind the Ferris wheel, only the old cat was left. The man in black lifted it up and stood in front of him like a meat shield!

At least hundreds of water swords pierced through the air, and shot at the pirate ship and the ferris wheel with "puff puff puff", and the horse turned into a stream of water, losing its destructive power. The shot was riddled with holes, and the skin was ripped apart!

The old cat is very nervous hiding behind the meat shield. This is not the way to go. The Ice Girl has too much advantage in fighting on the river, and everything can be used by her. Her tricks are endless. The brothers are exhausted with her, I am afraid He was tortured to death by her without even touching her side!

Still the same sentence, you must find a way to land! !

"Guodong, old eight and old nine, we must..." The old cat was about to say something, but at this moment a strange thing happened. The dead body in front of him actually "lived" With the sound of bones breaking, it suddenly grabbed the old cat's neck with a backhand in a very strange posture. Out of breath, the old cat was furious, and quickly grabbed the "corpse"'s hand, screamed violently, and with a violent force, directly twisted off the "dead corpse"'s entire arm, and the old cat threw away the broken part of the "corpse". Arm, kicked the "dead body" several meters away, he covered his throat with his hands, looking very frightened!

What the fuck is going on?Can the dead still live?Turned into a zombie? !

I saw the dead body with the broken arm that was kicked out by the old cat rolled a long way on the river, but stood up unsteadily again. His complexion was pale, his eyes were frozen, and even his hands and feet were a little stiff. A dead person, but how can a dead person move?

Of course, Cui Guodong Huzi and others also saw this weird scene, and asked what happened to the old cat, how did it cheat the corpse?The old cat said coldly: "How do I know? Be careful, too, it's so fucking evil!"

"It's the Ice Maiden!" Christina, who had already retreated, suddenly shouted, "She manipulated the dead body. There was water on the corpse, and the Ice Maiden actually manipulated the water element to move the dead body! "

The brothers suddenly realized, yes, just now those ice swords poked the dead body and poured it all over, and the Ice Maiden just happened to control it again, it has become the Ice Maiden's fighting machine!

Seeing the ice girl in the distance make a few gestures like a puppeteer, the corpse stumbled all the way and rushed towards the old cat. The old cat was furious, picked up an ice pick from the ground, rushed towards it and slashed it vigorously, directly The head of the dead body was cut off, leaving only a headless corpse!

The headless corpse was still able to move. It grabbed the old cat's neck tightly with one hand, and the old cat tore off its other hand in a rage, and then sent the headless corpse flying backwards with a punch, "Plop!" "With a bang, it fell directly into the river around the ice girl!"

The ice girl slowly put away her gestures, and looked at the old cat expressionlessly!

: Ask for a monthly ticket, brothers...

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