The best boy on campus

Chapter 1479 Enying makes a move!

?Tonight, the Central Hospital in PR City is quite busy. In the middle of the night, four seriously injured patients were sent. One of them is actually the leader of the famous Labor Party in China. He is the most hopeful in the general election in the next two months. The figure of a leader!But how did he become like this?Suffering such a serious injury, the winning streak is obviously extremely weak, what happened to him?

The doctors and nurses on duty at the central hospital did not dare to neglect, and sent Li Yuanhao, Na Chuanfeng, Liu Boyang, and Enying to the emergency room successively. Although the economic level of country C is not as developed as country Z, the medical level is not bad. After all, the hospital is a place related to human life and human health, more important than any other place, so no matter what country it is, it attaches great importance to the construction of hospitals.

However, the injuries of the four seriously injured people sent tonight, Li Yuanhao, Na Chuanfeng, and Enying, are all curable. Now, his soul is unfettered, and he returns to himself, so if the hospital tries its best, it is still possible to rescue him.

Compared with Liu Boyang and Li Yuanhao, Na Chuanfeng and Enying's injuries were relatively light, especially Enying. At that time, most of the power of the palm given to her by the white-faced woman had already dissipated. She just didn't want to attract suspicion. They just came to the hospital with the ambulance, and Tie Zheng and You Longjian didn't know that she was the real Jiangshi, so they did their best to take care of her along the way.

At such a tense moment, no one in the hospital was wary of the surrender technique, so Enying actually had the opportunity to secretly assassinate Li Yuanhao, but she didn't want to do it now, because Liu Boyang's behavior at that moment deeply It touched her and made Enying ring a lot. Besides, she has no obligation to kill Li Yuanhao now. Her previous employer Li Longji has given up on her. She would rather seek revenge from Li Longji than kill Li Yuanhao again!

As mentioned earlier, the profession of descending teacher is equivalent to Taoist priests or wizards in country Z. People with real skills can indeed deal with "ghosts" in some special ways. Enying is a young man from country C. The only surviving descendant of a generation with supernatural talent, she was born with yin and yang eyes, and can see things that ordinary people can't see. On the way back just now, she saw Liu Boyang being dragged into the air with her own eyes, which can be said to be weird Yes, he could only see Liu Boyang's soul, but he couldn't see who the person who took Liu Boyang away was!

That person may have surpassed the scope of ghosts and gods, but another level that humans have not yet been able to speculate on.

When Enying pushed into the emergency room for an examination, this girl, whose real age was only 15 years old, kept staring at the sky. Her appearance was pure and beautiful. Who would have imagined that she was the most frightening descendant?

Suddenly, Enying sat up from the bed. The doctors who were examining her were startled. They looked at her and said, "You... what do you want to do? Lie down..."

Enying ignored these doctors, jumped out of the bed with bare feet, found her clothes, took out a black pill from it, and walked straight to the door. Several nurses were in a hurry and chased after her to pull Enying back. Enying turned her head sharply, with a strange light in her eyes, all the doctors and nurses in the room froze in place, as if time was frozen, and Enying didn't care about them anymore, and went out of the door on her own.


In the corridor, Tie Zheng and You Longjian were sitting on the row of chairs waiting anxiously. They both held their heads and looked sad. They discussed whether they should call the brothers in China about the situation here. Liu Boyang's situation is very bad, if something happens, the two of them can't bear it.

At this moment, You Longjian sensed someone approaching, raised his head suddenly, and saw Enying appearing beside the two of them on foot, Tie Zheng and You Longjian suddenly looked very surprised, Tie Zheng asked mihuo: "Why did you come out?" Is it? Your test results came out? Is there any problem?"

Enying didn't answer, and said indifferently: "Are you willing to believe me?"

"Believe you? Believe you what?" You Longjian blurted out, but the next moment, he and Tie Zheng were surprised at the same time. They couldn't believe their ears. The little girl who was rescued by Brother Yang could speak Z Mandarin, and even So fluent!

"Push your elder brother out of the emergency room right now, the hospital for his injuries can't save him at all, only I can save him!" Enying said.

"You?" Tie Zheng and You Longjian looked at each other, but they didn't understand what Enying wanted to express.

You Longjian thought that the little girl Enying was terrified and stimulated by the series of events that happened tonight. After all, any normal person would not be able to stand seeing such things as flying down. He stood up and sighed. Enying said: "Little sister, I can understand your feelings, but brother Yang's injury..."

"Who is your little sister!" Enying put on a straight face, pushed You Longjian away and said coldly: "Don't take my words seriously, what I said is the truth, what your elder brother has is poisoning, only I can cure it! And he is very dangerous now, someone has taken him away, if you don't want him to die, you must ask me to find a way to capture his soul back immediately!"

At this time, Tie Zheng also stood up, frowned and looked at Enying and said, "What are you talking about? What is the soul and not the soul, and what is poisoning?"

"Also, who are you?" You Longjian also felt that the little girl in front of him was completely different from when he rescued her during the day, so he asked.

"The two big men are also mothers-in-law. Does it matter who I am? The important thing is that I didn't lie to you. If your big brother can't wake up, please remember, you are the one who killed him!" After finishing speaking, The proud Enying turned around and left, leaving Tie Zheng and You Longjian looking at each other.

At this moment, the ward door of Liu Boyang's emergency room was opened suddenly, and several doctors wearing masks came out. Tie Zheng and You Longjian quickly won over, and Tie Zheng asked, "Doctor, how is my elder brother doing?" Sample?"

Although those doctors couldn't hear the language of country Z, they had experienced similar situations many times, and they knew what the family members wanted to ask. Sighed……

The eyes of Tie Zheng and You Longjian turned red immediately, You Longjian couldn't control his emotions, he grabbed the collar of the head doctor with his hands, and said angrily: "I-mother asked you how my elder brother is doing, you What do you mean by shaking your head? Huh?! Let me tell you, if something goes wrong with my elder brother, your hospital will not be able to continue!"

Those few doctors were enraged by You Longjian's attitude. In country C, doctors have a very high status, much stronger than in country Z. They immediately argued with You Longjian. Going back to the chair, he has to call his brothers at home now, but he has to think about what to say, if the old cat Cui Guodong and the others know that Brother Yang is dying, they will go crazy!

But at this time, no one noticed that Enying walked into Liu Boyang's emergency room alone while the doctors were being entangled by You Longjian. Inside, Liu Boyang was lying on the bed with his eyes closed , his face was pale, there was black air between his brows, and he had no breathing or heartbeat.

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