The best boy on campus

Chapter 162 3331!

While Zhou Kun and Fang Ze were talking, they drove to the door of the control room, gesticulating, and asked the controllers inside to open the bar to let people soak *books* (those controllers also understand people, look at each other like that, Knowing that they were not easy to provoke, Zhou Kun and the two went up to negotiate for a while before being sent back. They probably couldn't afford to offend them, so they immediately opened the stalls obediently and let the convoy of Liu Tianlong and others pass by.

The mighty car queue took seven or eight minutes to drive away. When the car of King Snake passed by Zhou Kun, King Snake nodded to him and gave him an approving smile.

Dealing with smart people is indeed a pleasure

But Zhou Kun behind him has been staring at their cars in a daze. When the first Liu Tianlong's car drove past, he had carefully observed the license plate number of that car, and saw that there was nothing too serious about it. The special thing is 3331. What do these four numbers mean?

Until the nearly one hundred cars finally disappeared at the end of the road, Zhou Kun was still standing there in a daze, suddenly having a bad premonition in his heart, they were heading towards the downtown area of ​​City W, what were they doing there?

It seems that City W is going to have another big trouble

"Hey, Lao Zhou, don't look at it, what are you looking at when everyone is gone, you can call Team Ding first and ask, if no one knows this group of people, I will call the police," Fang Ze said.


At this moment, the captain of the third detachment of the W City Traffic Police Brigade, Ding Qiulin, who is in charge of this national highway, just finished taking a shower at home and was sitting in the bedroom shaving with a razor in front of the mirror. Her mobile phone rang, and her well-behaved daughter Ding Xiaoshan, who was only six years old, ran over to help her father get the mobile phone in her little pink slippers, and then ran to him with her chubby, pink and tender hands. After sending it over, he looked up at his innocent face and said in a sweet voice: "Dad, call."

"Hehe, Xiaoshan is so good." Ding Qiulin couldn't hide his fatherly side, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke Xiaoshan's head, "Xiaoshan go to bed first, if you can't sleep, Dad will tell you later story"

"Yeah." The little girl Ding Xiaoshan nodded obediently, then hugged her father's neck and kissed his face, then ran back to her room with her little butt pouted

Ding Qiulin's daughter-in-law is not at home tonight, he went out to attend the class reunion, and the two of them were left at home, so Ding Qiulin took a bath early in the morning, and was going to sleep with his innocent and lovely little daughter in his arms

The phone kept ringing non-stop. Ding Qiulin picked it up and saw that it was from his subordinate Zhou Kun. He immediately picked it up without taking it seriously. He shaved and said, "Hello?"

"Captain Ding, are you asleep?" Zhou Kun asked over there.

"I'm so sleepy, I made you quarrel, what's the matter?" Ding Qiulin joked with a smile

"Captain Ding, let me ask you something. I know you are well-informed. Have you ever seen the license plate number xx3331 before?" Zhou Kun asked

"xx3331?" Ding Qiulin frowned and thought about it, then said casually, "I haven't seen it before, what's wrong?"

"Fang Ze and I saw a car just now..."

"What did you just say? xx3331?" Ding Qiulin suddenly came back to his senses, interrupted Zhou Kun's words, and the razor in his hand fell to the ground with a "slap", and asked in shock

"Yeah, why did you remember? Whose car is that?" Zhou Kun asked after hearing something interesting.

"Don't worry about it, just tell me, when did you see it, who was sitting in that car, where did it go, and in what direction did it go?" Ding Qiulin suddenly heard it again after many years. When I saw this license plate number, I suddenly felt my scalp tighten, my whole body was completely cold, and there was an indescribable discomfort all over my body.

Zhou Kun over there heard that Ding Qiulin's tone had changed so drastically in an instant, full of haste and seriousness, and he was secretly relieved. It seemed that what he did just now was correct, and luckily he didn't cause any problems for those people. , that license plate number even the Ding team is so nervous, the people sitting there are definitely not ordinary people

"Uh... It was too dark just now and I couldn't see clearly, but the person sitting inside should be an old man. He didn't get out of the car from the beginning to the end. Someone told me..."

"Liu Tianlong" Ding Qiulin didn't wait for him to finish, and interrupted him again, exclaiming

"Liu, Liu Tianlong? Who is Liu Tianlong?" Zhou Kun was a little puzzled and asked in doubt.

He is still a little unfamiliar with the name Liu Tianlong. He didn't know where he was when Liu Tianlong was all-powerful.

"Why did he come out of the mountain again..." Ding Qiulin murmured to himself for a while, pondered for a few seconds, and then suddenly asked, "Tell me quickly, where did they go?"

"They just passed the toll booth and headed towards the center of City W. But Team Ding, who is this Liu Tianlong? I haven't heard of it before. It was a breeze to watch his battle just now. The horse is in the lead, followed by With so many people and nearly a hundred cars in front and back, who the hell is he?" Zhou Kun asked

"Don't ask me first, you just need to know that this person's background is not trivial, how can you deal with them?" Ding Qiulin asked with a frown

"Their caravan is too arrogant, and it's too late, so Lao Fang and I stopped their car..." Zhou Kun explained

"What did you say? Did you stop their car? Did they say anything?" Ding Qiulin's head got dizzy when he heard it. These two little brats were so bold that they even dared to stop the car of Tianba Hui Liu Tianlong and Liu Longwang.

You know, not to mention their two little executive traffic policemen, even Xue Haiming, the head of the traffic police system in City W, the captain, has to be polite when he sees Liu Tianlong. Must smoke

"They... didn't say anything. We just asked and let them go. We are not fools. They have such a big force. Of course we know that they are not ordinary people. How dare we offend them so easily?" Zhou Kun said triumphantly and thought to himself It's so risky, I'm so fucking talented, how do you think I know I can't offend them?

"It's okay, it's okay, I didn't educate you for nothing." Comrade Ding is really thick-skinned, and he immediately took the credit for himself. After hearing Zhou Kun's words, he felt a sense of relief, and continued to ask : "You just said that they came to the city?"


"What...why did they come to the city all of a sudden?" Ding Qiulin frowned and pondered for a moment, then asked, "How many people came?"

"Don't say a few hundred numbers, more than 100 cars..." Zhou Kun still has lingering fears when he thinks of the huge formation

"What?" Although he had a premonition that the matter was not simple, he was still shocked when he heard the number that Zhou Kun revealed. He almost jumped up, and immediately grabbed the towel around his neck and wiped his chin indiscriminately. , muttered: "It's not good, it's trying to 'play a big wind'! I have to say hello to Lao Li quickly, maybe this time it's directly related to his black hat."

"Captain Ding, is it that serious? But Lao Fang has already contacted the police just now, and they probably got the letter." Zhou Kun said that he knew that the old Li that Ding Qiulin was talking about was Li Qirui, the director of the Public Security Bureau of W City. Because the positions are similar and the qualifications are similar, so we are very good friends

"Hey, you two don't care what you say. How many of the little policemen on duty are sensible? I have to go to Lao Li's house and talk to him about it." Ding Qiu forest road

At that moment, he didn't hesitate any longer. After hanging up the phone, he immediately turned around and went to the closet to take out his business clothes, ready to leave after getting dressed.

Ding Xiaoshan, the innocent and lovely little lolita at the door, poked out a small head from the door, blinking her big eyes and pouting, asking, "Dad, where are you going?"

Note to readers:

Brothers, I am on the list, everyone give me some strength to collect, recommend, smash bricks, and vote

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