The best boy on campus

Chapter 1694 Danma will not die!

"Danma will not die!" Jamba stood firmly in front of the sheepfold, and continued to stare into the distance without even looking at Ram. "Why didn't you die? Most of the grazing children in the village have come back, why didn't Danma come back?" Ram continued to say viciously: "It's useless if you wait any longer. I've already said that tomorrow you Entering the mountain, you can definitely see Danma's body, I forgot, poor old Qiangba is blind, even if the fragments of his precious granddaughter's body are right in front of him, he can't see it!"

"Danma won't die!" Qiangba said loudly again, at the same time, those old fingers were tightly grasping the fence of the sheep pen, and there were faint tears in the cloudy eyeballs.

Jamba is the priest in the village, and he has won the respect of most of the villagers, but there are also very few people who don't respect him enough, or are hostile to him!The neighbor Ram is one of those families. When he was young, Ram and Jamba's son chased the same woman. That woman later became the wife of Jamba's son, that is, Danma's mother. , but Ram can only marry a woman he doesn't like.After marriage, Jamba's son and daughter-in-law gave birth to Danma, the most beautiful girl in the village, while Ram's wife gave birth to a daughter who was ugly and fat like a fat pig, which aggravated Ram's jealousy. So from time to time he troubled Qiangba's grandpa and grandson. In such an isolated mountain, this can be called a kind of fun.

"Poor old Qiangba, I'm going back to the tent, and you'll just wait here by yourself. I advise you to accept your fate early, so that when I get up tomorrow morning, I won't see you standing there frozen into a popsicle!" Ram finished speaking with a sneer, wrapped his sheepskin coat tightly, and walked into his tent.

"Danma won't die!" Jamba still turned a deaf ear to Lahm's words, staring into the distance with empty eyes, and a few tears had already rolled down his face.The only thing he can comfort himself now is that Danma brought Sangmei into the mountain together. Sangmei is one of the most ferocious Tibetan mastiffs in the village, and only the "Tudeng" from "Baaji"'s family can do it. I beat it, so it should be able to protect Danma.

But thinking of "Tubden", Qiangba couldn't help sighing in his heart again, just like the prodigal son of "Baaji" who greedily wanted to pursue Danma, that "Tubden" had been beating "Thuten" all the time. Sangmei’s idea, poor Sangmei, from the day she was born, she was often bullied by “Tudden”, her life experience is as pitiful as her master’s...

Unknowingly, the night became much darker, and Qiangba was already frozen stiff. In the village, it is difficult to find old people who live to be over 60 years old. He can live to be more than 70 years old, which is already the mercy of God. .Deep despair enveloped Qiangba, he began to cough heavily, covered his mouth with his hands, coughed violently for a long time, and finally felt sticky in his palms, Qiangba thought he had coughed up a mouthful of phlegm, so he didn't care. He took out the cotton cloth in his pocket and wiped his hands clean, but what he didn't know was that the cotton cloth was covered with shocking blood...

Just when Qiangba was about to go back to the house with old steps, he suddenly heard a familiar shout from behind: "Grandpa!"

Qiangba was startled, thinking he heard it wrong, turned around in a daze, and heard the familiar voice crying again: "Grandpa! I'm back! You... why are you standing here?"

Immediately Danma quickly ran towards his grandfather, cried and threw himself into Qiangba's arms. Qiangba raised his palm and touched his daughter's head, finally believing that it was not his own illusion, sobbing: "It's Danma. , Danma is back?"

"Well! I'm sorry, Grandpa, Danma made you worry!" Danma cried loudly in her grandfather's arms.

But Qiangba smiled kindly, and murmured with trembling hands: "It's good to be back... It's good to be back! Where's Sang Mei?"

It's good that Qiangba didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Danma cried even more violently, "Grandpa, Sangmei is dead. It died with the snow leopard to protect me and the flock! Woohoo, Sangmei is dead..."

Qiangba sighed deeply, stroked his granddaughter's hair, and after a long silence, he murmured: "This is fate...Danma, don't cry, be strong. Birth, old age, sickness and death are all the reincarnation of nature. According to the rules, Sangmi will definitely go to the Land of Ultimate Bliss, won’t she?”

"En!" Danma nodded with a small face, and then she seemed to remember something, turned around and pointed to Liu Boyang and the others and said, "Grandpa, I brought a group of guests back! There are brothers from the Han family and sisters from the Han family. , they need help, and only you can help them!"

"Really?" The expression on Qiangba's face suddenly became solemn. He is not as simple as Danma. He knows that there are still many bad people in this world. In the mind of an elderly Tibetan like him, Han people are usually synonymous with bad guys. In the past, Han people often used advanced guns and anesthetics to hunt Tibetan antelopes, wild yaks, and snow leopards on the plateau. Although the country banned poaching later, a small number of people still have evil intentions. Undead, so the phenomenon of poaching is still very serious. It is the little rubbing of people that has ruined the reputation of the Han people.

Liu Boyang and others didn't know what Danma said to the old man, but they could feel the hostility emanating from the old man, so the female flight attendant with frozen hands and feet stood up forcefully and said in a friendly tone: "Hello, old man! I am Wu Xiufang, a flight attendant on train t830 of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, took the liberty to bother you, but two passengers on our train were dying of altitude sickness. I heard from your granddaughter that your old man has a way to heal them both. It took so much hard work to bring them here, please, for the sake of the Holy Mountain Living Buddha, you old man must help and save their lives!"

When Qiangba heard the stewardess say this, his wariness dissipated a lot, so he nodded and said, "Okay, please follow me into the tent!"

As I said before, among Tibetans, dissidents and arrogant people are only a minority after all, and most people are kind-hearted.Qiangba held his granddaughter's hand, and returned to the black tent first, followed by Liu Boyang and others, but before entering the black tent, Liu Boyang looked back sensitively, and saw Ram in the black tent in the distance. He quickly retracted his head back.

"Her father, what's the matter?" Ram's wife, a sturdy woman with inverted triangle eyes, came over and asked.

"Danma, a little bitch, actually brought a large group of foreigners back. This is a big deal. I have to tell Baaji!" Ram said viciously.

"What? Danma didn't die? He brought foreigners back?" Ram's wife exclaimed and leaned over quickly.

Ram grabbed her and said coldly, "You don't have to look, just bring me the coat, I'm going to Baaji's house now!"

Besides, Liu Boyang and his group followed Qiangba to their black tent, and found that the tent was much larger than it looked from the outside, but the inside was very simple, with only some broken felt steps, a wooden bed, and There are sheepskin mattresses and quilts, sheep horns, yak heads, and several water jugs hanging on the felt walls. There is a small fire in the middle of the tent, which is used for heating at night. There are no black and white TV sets and old-fashioned radios that have been eliminated here. <Nianhua's beautiful flowers should live under the sun and enjoy the care of parents, teachers and classmates every day, but Danma can only live in such a place. Apart from grazing and grazing every day, she just faces the sky in a daze. Like an angel forgotten by the world...

ps: Ask for a monthly pass. .

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