The best boy on campus

Chapter 1700 Zhou guessed out of the mountain!

When Zhou Cai rushed to the tavern, Qin Que's food and wine had already been served, and Liu Boyang and Qin Que deliberately did not move their chopsticks, waiting for Zhou Cai to come together.Zhou Cai hurriedly opened the door and came in. He didn't look like he had just killed someone. He took off his black jacket and put it on the stool, then sat down and said, "If I had known you were a treat, I wouldn't have eaten that." The pancakes are fruity, and it can save me three dollars."

Qin Que smiled and said, "I got you, do you still feel bad for three dollars?"

"Nonsense!" Zhou guessed at him, bit off the lid of a bottle of Xiao Shao, poured it for himself first, and then ignored Liu Boyang and Qin Que, took a sip by himself, and said: "I It’s not as rich as you and Lao Fang, and I have to save some of the money I saved before.”

Qin Que laughed, took another bottle of Shao Shao with his hand, unscrewed the cap, poured it for Liu Boyang first, then filled it up for himself, and said, "Okay, let's stop talking, Lao Zhou, today I I called you here because I want to introduce a friend to you, that is this little brother, you have seen it in M ​​ancient, do you still have any impression?"

Zhou Cai looked up at Liu Boyang, the expression on his face did not change at all, then continued to drink and eat, and said, "I remember."

"This little brother's name is Liu Boyang. I've mentioned it to you many times? It's all because of his help that I can be cleared of the charges and regain my freedom. Moreover, he is also Lan Fengtu's apprentice, Liu Tianlong's disciple. Grandson." Qin Que continued to introduce.

Zhou Cai said without raising his head, "Yes, I've heard of it."

Seeing that Zhou Guai was so shameless, it seemed that the food and drinks were more important to him than Liu Boyang, Qin Que also felt a little embarrassed, and coughed twice: "Old Zhou, besides 'knowing' and 'remembering', can you say Something else, Brother Liu sincerely wants to get to know you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Guai sneered and said, "Know me? Why do you know me? Could it be that you want to take me back to Prison No. [-]? You don't seem to have mentioned this kid's other identity. Isn't he in the security team now? The most important person?"

"Hey! Old Zhou! What do you mean by that? Don't you even believe me? We have been friends for many years, can I still harm you?" Qin Que said with a frown.

Zhou Cai didn't answer Qin Que's words. Instead, he stopped his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a white napkin, leaned back on the chair, looked at Liu Boyang with a faint smile, and said, "Boy, tell me, what's the matter with me?" ? For Lao Qin's sake, as long as I can help, I will help you once."

Qin Que was a little ashamed immediately, he didn't expect Zhou Cai to give himself face like this, and Zhou Cai had already seen the purpose of inviting him to dinner for no reason...

"Brother Zhou, hello, little brother Liu Boyang, I really want to ask for your help today. It doesn't matter whether I am in the security team or not. The important thing is that I never thought of arresting you. I also have my principles and work for the public. There is no way, but I will never force myself to do what I don't want to do." Liu Boyang said sincerely.Because he wanted something from others, he was very polite to Qin Que.

Zhou Cai looked at him with a half-smile, took a puff of cigarette leisurely, and waited for the next article.

"Brother Zhou and I have never been friends before, so I am too embarrassed to ask you for help directly, but my brother is indeed in trouble now. I am afraid that no one can help me except you." After Liu Boyang finished speaking, So he told Zhou Cai all the ins and outs of his relationship with the vampire and what happened in the Potala Palace without any reservations.

After Zhou Guai listened, he nodded with a smile and said, "So that's the case, but I misjudged you before. I didn't expect you to be a kind and righteous person."

As soon as Liu Boyang heard Zhou Guai's words, there was a turning point, so he hurriedly said: "Brother Zhou, do you know about vampires in the West? The situation of my girlfriend, is she really dead or fake? How can I save her?!"

Zhou guessed: "I know a little about vampires, but I don't know much. After all, I haven't really touched them. Your girlfriend may be like those lamas said, she didn't really die, but a fake death. In fact, don't you know Is it common sense? People who have been bitten by a vampire will never die, but become a vampire too!"

Liu Boyang was shocked and said: "Brother Zhou, what do you mean... Even if my girlfriend is not dead, she has become a vampire now?"

Zhou Cai smiled lazily and said: "How do I know, these are just legends, but legends are generally not false. Now you pray that the group of old lamas can keep your girlfriend in check, in case she becomes Vampire, it won't be so easy to change back in the future."

Liu Boyang's heart sank, and he sat on the chair in a daze, feeling that his hands and feet became cold in an instant.

If Baby Sister really becomes a vampire, then she would be better off living than dead, her whole life is over!

Qin Que looked at Liu Boyang's slumped expression, and quickly smoothed things over, "Old Zhou, don't scare little brother Liu, do vampires really exist in the world, and can you believe in legends?"

Zhou Guai said, "I'm not trying to scare him, I'm just telling the truth. Do I have to deliberately lie to him? Since there is a ghost king in Beiman Mountain in our country, and there are seven demons in Wu Gorge, why can't there be vampires in the West?"

Liu Boyang's mind became more and more serious, and he was silent for a long time before he said: "Brother Zhou, if things are really like what you said, what should I do to save my girlfriend?"

Zhou Cai smiled lightly and said, "Brother, you think highly of me. I'm not even as good as Lao Qin now. I don't know what you're going to do. But if you want to know the way, it's very simple. Go to Country Y by yourself. How about a visit? The earliest legend of vampires arose there, and the churches and missionaries there are the nemesis of vampires, you will definitely find a way if you consult those people.”

Liu Boyang's spirits lifted, and he suddenly had a feeling of seeing the blue sky through thin clouds. He finally found someone who could provide him with valuable information. Why didn't he think of it when he went to the west to find missionaries?

"Brother Zhou, thank you!" Liu Boyang said excitedly.

Qin Que smiled and waved his hands: "You're welcome, I didn't help you, it's all common sense. If you really want to go to Country Y, I don't mind going with you, I just go there to relax , being chased by those 'flies' in the country all day long, I'm also tired of it."

Liu Boyang said in surprise and joy: "If brother Zhou is willing to go with me, what else do I have to worry about? Let's make an agreement like this. I will ask someone to book a plane ticket when I go back tonight, and I will try to leave tomorrow morning. Everything All travel expenses will be borne by me!"

Zhou Cai smiled and said: "You are still in a hurry, but it's okay, saving people is like putting out a fire, then tomorrow. But don't bring too many people with you, I don't like crowds!"

"No problem!" Liu Boyang agreed without hesitation.

Qin Que was quite surprised to see that Zhou Cai was willing to personally help Liu Boyang. He was also happy that Liu Boyang's difficulty had been temporarily resolved, and said with a smile, "Brother Liu, you can rest assured now. Old Zhou won't help you easily. People, as long as he agrees to help, he will definitely help to the end! If it wasn’t for my daughter-in-law who couldn’t leave me all day long, I would go with you too. Now I can only wish you all the best, go early and return early! Come on, Let's do one together!"

Liu Boyang and Zhou Cai raised their glasses at the same time, touched Qin Que, and drank it down in one gulp.Liu Boyang put down the wine glass and said, "Brother Qin, thank you very much for being able to invite Brother Zhou this time. I will keep this love in my heart, and I will slowly repay you in the future!"

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