The best boy on campus

Chapter 1710 Experts gather!

It's a pity that it's not so easy to escape after offending the two vampire dukes. When Chenus was casting the black magic "Meteor Fire Rain", Rebton was also casting another black magic "Landslide and Ground Crack". Before they could run far, the ground under their feet trembled violently like a magnitude [-] earthquake. Numerous huge and bottomless ravines split from the surface, some ground quickly undulated into mountain peaks, and many The ground directly collapsed into a trough, and the entire terrain with a radius of several thousand meters changed. Countless dusty boulders flew all over the sky, as long as one of them fell on Liu Boyang and the others, they would die!

But the moment Rebton and Chenus frantically used the two ultimate black magic, the powerful aura was immediately sensed by several other big figures in London, Prince Sabillon of the Saipan family , and the only blood prince in London, he slapped the table angrily and stood up and said, "Damn it! What the hell are Rebton and Chenus doing? They dare to do something so close to the city of London. Is it true that the church is full of dead people? They have lived to dogs for a long time!"

Having said that, this old guy who has lived for more than 500 years put on his cloak, and then flew out of the family castle at a lightning speed, and flew towards the outskirts of London.The barons and viscounts of the Saipan family were all angry when they saw their ancestors, and they all kept silent, and immediately flew out of the castle.

And someone in the church also sensed that the three cardinal archbishops, the two heads of the holy knights, and the deputy head of the Inquisition, who were deliberately arranged by the Pope of the Vatican to guard the entire London church, also rushed to London immediately. outskirts.

This is the first time that high-level figures from both sides have gathered in London since the epic battle between the Dark Parliament and the Holy See in the Middle Ages!

As for the instigator of the whole incident, Bishop Thomas in St. Paul's Cathedral, he couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately slipped out of the church and ran into the small alley. Report, and then call for help from the Dark Parliament through Walter, otherwise, an unmanageable contest between light and darkness will be inevitable!

In fact, in a place like London, there is an unwritten agreement between the dark forces and the Holy See, that is, the dark forces are not allowed to use large-scale black magic to cause trouble, otherwise they will be punished by the Holy See! retaliation.That's why Rebton and Chenus didn't use large-scale black magic when they came up, but used melee combat that the blood race is not very good at fighting against Zhou Cai. At this moment, they were stunned by Zhou Cai's anger. The agreement between the Holy Court of Light is ignored!

Under the double pincer attack of the two ultimate black magics of "Meteor Fire Rain" and "Landslide and Ground Crack", Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei, and Zhou Cai suffered a lot. Facing the black magic that destroys the sky and the earth, there is no way at all. There is an ever-changing surface under your feet, and you can't even stand firmly. The three of them had no choice but to dodge and run with all their strength!

Liu Boyang was slightly faster than Gao Zhenfei, but his luck was worse than Gao Zhenfei. Seeing that there was a piece of unbroken ground under his feet, but when he stepped on it, the ground cracked quickly. It turned into a bottomless abyss, Liu Boyang's feet were already in the air, and it was impossible to dodge or retreat. He watched himself fall into the abyss. Although he could fly after his soul came out of his body, he didn't have that ability in his physical state. Just when his whole body fell into the abyss, Gao Zhenfei rushed over urgently, grabbed Liu Boyang's hand dangerously, and pulled Liu Boyang to hang under the abyss, Gao Zhenfei pulled upward with difficulty, and said loudly : "Brother Yang, hold on! I'll pull you up right now!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a stone the size of a car tire suddenly fell from the sky behind him and hit Gao Zhenfei's back on the spot. !

At the critical moment, it was Zhou Cai who came forward in time and grabbed Gao Zhenfei's ankle before Gao Zhenfei and Liu Boyang both fell to the bottom. He lifted up vigorously and finally lifted Gao Zhenfei and Liu Boyang up. Gao Zhenfei lay on the ground with his hands on the ground, After panting for a few times, he felt a burning pain in his spine, and his mind was a little foggy. Don't wake up. Liu Boyang quickly squatted down and asked him, "Dafei, how are you?"

Gao Zhenfei pretended to be strong and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Brother Yang, I'm fine!"

As soon as they finished speaking, suddenly the ground under their feet began to shake violently again, and small gullies had appeared in some places. It was not too late, Liu Boyang quickly grabbed Gao Zhenfei's arm, dragged him up forcibly, and then carried him halfway to the ground. Running forward, Zhou Guai pushed Liu Boyang from behind, allowing him to run faster, but just when he wanted to run, a huge meteorite fireball fell down in mid-air, hitting Zhou Boyang hard. Behind Guai, although he missed Zhou Guai, the unstoppable momentum and the blazing flame wave still made Zhou Cai suffer a lot, and he almost fell headlong into the abyss next to him, but at this time the terrain changed again. The land surfaces on both sides of the huge black abyss unexpectedly overlapped again quickly. Fortunately, Zhou Cai didn't fall, otherwise he would be caught in a meatloaf immediately!

Liu Boyang had just taken Gao Zhenfei and ran forward for a dozen steps, when suddenly Chenus, flapping black bat wings, landed in front of them, spread his hands, and quickly rushed up to grab Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei by the necks, strangling them. They quickly flew back into the air and said with a sneer: "You two guys can run quite well! Do you think that with that guy helping you, you can run away? Wouldn't that hit me and Rebton in the face? I Regardless of which one of you is possessed by Ragen, your lives will end at this moment!"

As he said that, he suddenly increased the strength of the injury, Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei immediately felt a strong sense of suffocation, the hands of the two grabbed Chenus' claws tightly, but they couldn't use it when they were lifted in the air. With a little bit of strength, he could only watch his neck being cut off by Chenus!

Seeing this scene, Zhou Cai was about to rush up to rescue him, when suddenly a hand stretched out from under his feet, firmly grasping Zhou Cai's ankle, and then Rebton's head came out from the ground, and said with a sinister smile : "Where do you want to run? You guys have caused Chenus and me to suffer a lot. Do you think I will let you go easily?"

The figure suddenly pulled up, holding Zhou Cai upside down, and flew into the air. Zhou Cai bent over and tried to fight back. Seeing Lei Bodun's knee hard on his waist, it hurt Zhou Cai all of a sudden. Almost breathless, dizzy, Rebton grabbed his feet and quickly rushed back to the ground, trying to stab him to death like an onion!

At the critical moment, some of the most powerful masters over the countryside have arrived. The Holy See is headed by the deputy head of the Inquisition and the two heads of the Holy Knights. The deputy chief judge of the Inquisition gave Sebilon a hard look, and said to the two knight leaders: "Save people first!"

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