The best boy on campus

Chapter 1714 History of Vampires!

Liu Boyang saw that the group of soldiers outside had rushed in, and he didn't want to make a big deal in this situation, so he chose to compromise for the time being, and said coldly: "Okay, I won't say anything about your old troubles. Come on, hurry up and give me some peace, do you really want to make a big fuss?"

Lei Gen snorted twice, then reluctantly suppressed his anger, the surrounding aura immediately returned to its original state, and when those soldiers rushed to the vicinity of Liu Boyang and the three of them, they suddenly couldn't feel anything strange again, just Neng stared at Liu Boyang and the others suspiciously, then retreated in a whisper. "Hey! You just said that the Holy See wants to kill me, what do you mean?" Liu Boyang asked Lei Gen in a deep voice.

"You are really stupid to say you are stupid! What do you think the church is? Let me tell you, they are the most hypocritical and insidious people in Europe! They will only be polite to you on the surface, but they will stab you secretly. You knife! Don't even think about it, I am attached to your body now, for them, you are a potential threat and hidden danger, do you think they will let you go?! Wait for the two holy knights After the leader asked the pope for instructions, your troubles will come, they will burn you to death with the stake!" Ragen said lightly.

When Liu Boyang heard this, he was very shocked and asked, "How do you know this?"

Regen said: "Nonsense! I started to deal with the church a long time ago, and I have seen their hypocrisy too thoroughly. Regarding this, you can rest assured that the two of us are now one. If you encounter any trouble, yes I am also at a great disadvantage, so I will not lie to you."

"Really!" Liu Boyang sneered and said, "So, it makes sense for you to be attached to my body? Then tell me, what should I do now?"

"Since you have already entered this place, it is not so easy to get out. The soldiers outside are all elites under Andrew's command, and this place is too close to the Anglican Church. If you force your way, Andrew and the others will rush back in less than 5 minutes. .So the only thing you can do now is to wait! See how the Pope arranges it, if they really want to harm you, I will naturally help you get out!" Ragen said.

Liu Boyang sneered and said: "I really don't understand you Westerners now, good people are worse than bad people! If even the church has such ulterior motives, who can the people living in this place trust?"

Ragen smiled arrogantly: "So, this is where the church is inferior to us dark people. Although we are not good people, at least we dare to admit that we have done bad things. The church is different. They like to say one thing and do another. "

After talking so much with Lei Gen, Liu Boyang suddenly found that his anger towards this guy was not as strong as it was at the beginning. To be honest, since Lei Gen leaned into his body, apart from killing two old lamas in red, Except for almost killing Sister Baobao, he never really harmed himself. Before, Saba wanted to eradicate him indiscriminately, but it was Ragen who helped him in time to save himself from danger. Maybe he really hurt the baby by mistake It's just my sister.

"Legen, let me believe what you said. I just want to ask you one thing now. Since the baby was injured by you, is there any way you can save her? I don't ask for anything else, just ask her not to become a vampire , as long as it can be restored to its original state!"

Ragen smiled and said, "I don't have the ability to restore them to their original state. Our blood race has the ability to turn ordinary people into our compatriots, but we can't turn them back into humans."

Liu Boyang said angrily: "So the baby can't be saved?"

Regen said: "That's not necessarily true. If you have a way to break into the lair of the current blood vampire king Auston and grab the 'Blood Mirror' left by Cain back then, maybe you can restore her."

"'Blood Demon Mirror'? What is that?" Liu Boyang frowned, and asked, "And the vampire king Oston? What kind of vampire is that? Does your vampire really have a king?"

"Nonsense, which race does not have a big man who is the master of the house. The current vampire king Auston, when I and Cain were alive, was just an inconspicuous little wretch. Later, I was sealed, and Cain also After his death, the position of the vampire king was passed to Oston's father, and now it is passed to Oston. The ghost king is a higher level than the prince. The hierarchy of our vampires is very clear, from the ghost king to the next. They are the upper prince, lower prince, duke, marquis, earl, viscount, baron, and ordinary vampires. Those bastards you have seen before, Saibiron is the lower prince, and Rebton and Chenus are both dukes. In the eyes of ordinary people, they are already very remarkable, but in my opinion, they are not even scum!" Lei Gen snorted coldly.

"Yes yes yes! You are amazing! You are the most powerful!" Liu Boyang was speechless, praising Lei Gen on his lips, but he was thinking in his heart, no matter how powerful you are, you will be sealed by others?Prove that you are not the strongest yet.

"You haven't told me what the 'Blood Mirror' is!"

"The 'Blood Mirror' is the most powerful magic weapon of the blood race. It was given to him by Cain's master Lilith back then. Boy, now we are not acquainted with each other. For a long time in the future, I may They will all be stored in your body, do you want to hear about the origin of our blood race? So that you can learn more about me." Ragen said.

Liu Boyang thought, anyway, he has nothing to do in this house now, and Andrew and the others don't know when they will show up, so they said: "Okay, tell me, but I hope you don't talk about it in vain, but tell me and me Wife can help."

Lei Gen was silent for a moment, as if he had fallen into a long memory, and said sadly: "In fact, at the beginning, Cain and I were brothers, he was the elder brother, and I was the younger brother. We are both born of Adam and Eve, the ancestors of Western humans. At that time, because Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan and ate the fruit of wisdom, they incurred the wrath of God and were expelled from the Garden of Eden and came to the earth. Later, Cain was in charge of farming and I was in charge of herding. Once , when offering sacrifices to God, Cain could only take out some vegetables and rice as sacrifices, but I took out meat such as lambs as sacrifices. God favored my sacrifices more, so it led to That guy Cain's jealousy, he's a bastard, he stoned me to death!"

Liu Boyang listened with gusto, and he himself had the experience of brothers turning against each other, so he was more sensitive to such things, and asked, "And then?"

"Then? Then this matter was known by God. God summoned Cain and punished him by letting him wander on the earth forever, enduring endless loneliness."

"However, when Cain was wandering near the Red Sea, he met Lilith who jumped into the Red Sea and became the Witch of the Night because she disobeyed God. Lilith was the lover of the devil Satan. At that time, most of the existing demons on the earth were born of her. Cain learned from Lilith to use blood to use the power of black magic, so he became the ancestor of vampires."

"Then, Cain resurrected me with black magic. In order to express his repentance to me, he taught me all the black magic and skills, but I still have a heart for what happened back then, so I always want to treat him Revenge. Later, a big war broke out between us. Many people who didn’t know the truth thought that we were fighting for the position of the first generation ghost king. In fact, it was completely wrong. I just wanted to ask myself for an explanation. But I still didn’t I was able to defeat Cain and was sealed by him under the Domoleno Glacier, fortunately you rescued me."

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