The best boy on campus

Chapter 1722 Fall into a hard fight!

The strength of the Pope himself is already at the peak level among human beings. Even without any external power, he can still be on par with Solangzimo and the Speaker of the Dark Parliament. That is equivalent to the existence of a demigod. The scarab energy can continuously heal his injuries, and the thorn halo can also continuously replenish the holy power of the pope. In this way, the pope can be like a fighting machine, Can continue to fight until the opponent is defeated!

However, don't forget that Liu Boyang after "Please God Upper Body" has the same strength as "True God", and he is far away from half body, so Benedict still can't get cheap in front of Liu Boyang, the only thing that is not good for Liu Boyang The reason is that the "invite the gods" has a time limit. When the time is up, Zhang Daoling ascends to heaven and Liu Boyang returns to an ordinary person, he will definitely lose to the Pope.The current "Graveyard of the Gods" is indeed the original creation of Benedict XVII. It can bring the deceased former pope, cardinal bishop, head of the Inquisition, and head of the Holy Knights within a certain space. Wait, call them all and fight against the opponent together!

As the tombstones and crosses on the ground rose to the surface, sixteen former popes, more than a dozen chief referees and heads of knight orders, and dozens of chief bishops in red all emerged from the cemetery, each holding a Their respective artifacts flew into the air together!

Even Ragen was taken aback by such an abnormal move. He snorted and said, "Benduma! Tell me, what are you? They also called out, wanting to fight in groups? Thanks to the fact that you keep calling yourself a 'subject of God' and an 'messenger of God', you dare to use such a magic that destroys human relations, aren't you afraid that your God will blame you?!"

Benedict XVII sneered: "As long as the devil can be eliminated, the means are secondary, and God will forgive me! Ragen, do you still dare to be arrogant with me now? Could it be that you are already afraid of me?!"

"Bah!" Lei Gen scolded disdainfully: "What are you? You deserve to make me afraid? This kind of time-distorting trick is not even used by the dark people, and you are so proud of it, it really makes me sick! Liu Boyang, don't save face for me, beat them hard! There is nothing to be afraid of a group of dead people and undead, if I fight with my body, I can absorb them all with a single black magic!"

It's a pity that the current Liu Boyang couldn't understand what he was talking about at all. He was just surprised that there were so many opponents in front of him all of a sudden. Liu Boyang didn't know who to attack first.In fact, this is the biggest disadvantage of the "Invite God Art". When there are too many enemies, the gods who lean over can't find the point. The worst thing is that the time for Liu Boyang's "Invite God Art" is approaching...

"Honorable Pope, Chief Referee, Archbishop in Cardinals, Commander of the Knights, I summon you in the name of God, please fight for the glory of the Holy See! Go, destroy your opponents, you are my most trusted force!" Duma XVII folded his hands on his shoulders and said loudly.

The golden cross behind him was shining brightly, and all the dead and undead seemed to have understood the call of Benedict XVII, and then attacked Liu Boyang with divine weapons. Liu Boyang could no longer fight as easily as before. Like a tiger surrounded by wolves, he began to be tired of dealing with every undead rushing up to attack. You must know that each of these undead has extremely powerful power. Those ancient red-clothed archbishops basically have Benedict XVII The world's level is equivalent to dozens of Benedict XVII and a dozen people who surpassed Benedict fighting Liu Boyang at the same time. Even if Lei Gen or Cain really reappeared, there is no need to face this move. The surety of victory, let alone Liu Boyang? !

Liu Boyang beat harder and harder, and Lei Gen yelled in Liu Boyang's body, "Despicable! Shameless! Wheel fights are nothing more than gang fights! Benedict, you have completely embarrassed the church! He-mother -I can’t get out now, if I can regain my freedom one day, I’ll wipe your face! No! I’m too dirty to wipe my ass, so I’ll use your mouth as a toilet!”

Benedict XVII is the pope, and he is tired of hearing all kinds of flattery on weekdays, but this is the first time he has heard someone scold him so badly, and what's even more strange is that he hasn't gotten angry yet , this level of cheekiness is really perfect!

"Ben Duma! Why don't you talk, you stupid grandson? I'll fuck your ancestor! Are you dumb? Did you lose your temper when I was scolded by you?! You must be the product of your mother's combination with a wild boar, otherwise how could you be born?" You are such a skinless and shameless animal?" Lei Gen was in Liu Boyang's body, and because he shared the language system, he even learned how to swear by the people of country Z. These few words are really tricky and ugly, I am afraid many The people of the country can't scold themselves...

Benedict XVII finally couldn't bear it anymore, and snorted coldly: "Enough! Regen, don't worry! No matter how harsh you scold me, I won't lose a piece of meat. You just wait to be killed with this oriental boy!" The ancestors are destroyed!"

Lei Gen turned a deaf ear to it, and continued to curse with gritted teeth: "Grandson! Tell me your mother's last name! I want to greet her!"


On the side of the Anglican Church, Liu Boyang had a fierce fight with the ancestors of the Holy See, while in the "Sunbird" hotel, Gao Zhenfei stood anxiously in front of the window, looking at the stormy night outside, and said, "Brother Yang, why don't you?" He hasn’t come back yet? Brother Zhou, do you think anything will happen to him? Is that guy Lei Gen reliable?”

Zhou Cai was lying on the bed, turning the large-caliber pistol in his hand, and said lazily: "How do I know, I haven't said hello to that guy named Ragen, and he should be back by now, but People who meet the Holy See are difficult to deal with, and everything is hard to say."

"I want to go and see him!" Gao Zhenfei turned his head and said worriedly: "I have a hunch that Brother Yang must be in trouble! If we rush there in time, we should be able to help!"

Zhou guessed for a while, sat up from the bed, and asked, "Are you sure you want to go?"

Gao Zhenfei nodded firmly and said, "If you don't go and see, I won't be at ease after all! Do you want to go with me?"

Zhou Cai sighed and said: "Since I promised to help you, I can only be a good person to the end, so I will go, but let me tell you first, I have no confidence in dealing with the people of the Holy See. If there is any danger, I will I can't save you!"

"It doesn't matter! I will protect myself!" Gao Zhenfei said with certainty, since he learned the "Invoke God Art", he has never used it in actual combat. Gao Zhenfei has a hunch that he will try it for the first time tonight!

"Then what are you waiting for! Let's go!" Zhou Chai jumped off the bed suddenly, Gao Zhenfei was about to walk towards the door, but Zhou Chai grabbed him and said, "What do you want to do? Go out from the main door?! Save yourself, we just killed him." Six people died, and one died in the next room, if you go out through the main entrance, you are asking for trouble, listen to me, go through the window!"

Gao Zhenfei suddenly realized, the two came to the window without hesitation, Zhou Cai opened the window, and the storm outside rushed in immediately, the two jumped from the window on the third floor one after another, and then rushed towards the Anglican Church against the wind and rain !

In just five or six minutes, the two rushed to the vicinity of the Anglican Church with extraordinary speed. Gao Zhenfei was wondering why it was so comfortable here, when suddenly two tall figures appeared in front of them, one in black robes, the other in silver armor and silver sword , blocking their way!

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