The best boy on campus

Chapter 1728 The Dark Speaker!

The atmosphere at the scene was tense. The first-generation vampire king was about to fight the third-generation vampire king. If it spread, it would probably be a shocking battle, even though Belinda's magic barrier had already enveloped the place. , but if one fails, the entire Kelunwo Snow Mountain will collapse in an all-round way, and countless people will suffer from Chiyu.Just as Ragen and Oston were both preparing for 120 points of strength and ready to go, suddenly, the space around them fluctuated, and the air rippled transparently like water patterns. A man in a black robe, holding a magic wand The old man walked out of the space vortex, with only two green eyes on his face, he looked extremely strange and terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and thin man with a mask on his face, a seductive woman with black lines on his face, and a strong and burly man all came out together with the old man. Lei Gen frowned and looked at these people , and Auston said with a little surprise: "Speaker, why are you here?"

The old man who came was the speaker of the dark council, the head of the dark wizard family, and a figure in power in the entire dark world. After he appeared in front of everyone, he didn't answer Auston's words, but looked at "Liu Boyang" Asked: "Lord Ragen?"

"Dumpla, it's really rare that you still remember me. You were just a child back then, but you have become the speaker now. Black wizards are indeed the longest-lived race in the dark world!" Ragen sneered.

"Yeah, time flies so fast. You, who were on par with Cain back then, have ended up like this now." Duan Pula, the dark speaker, pretended to sigh.

"Stop talking nonsense, what are you doing here?" Lei Gen asked in a bad tone with a straight face.

"Hehe, Mr. Ragen, please don't get angry. I came here this time without any malice." Dumpla explained with a smile, "I'm here to break up a fight."

"Persuading a fight?" Ragen frowned.

"Yes, Mr. Ragen, I heard the conversation between you and Auston before. You just wanted to borrow the 'Blood Mirror', right?" Dumpla asked.

Ragen snorted coldly and didn't speak.

Dumpla laughed and said, "That's it. It was just a trivial matter. Why bother? I'll make the decision for Auston. I'll just lend you the 'Blood Mirror'."

Upon hearing this, Auston walked up in surprise and said, "Speaker, this..."

The Dark Speaker raised his hand, motioned for Auston to shut up, and then continued to smile and said to Ragen: "But I also have a small condition."

Lei Gen sneered, "I knew you were not that kind, so what's the condition?"

Dumpla narrowed her eyes and said, "I hope you can leave Europe after using the 'magic mirror' and never come back! That's the request, can you agree?"

Ragen said angrily: "Why? The whole of Europe is so big, it belongs to your family?"

Dumpla sighed, and said: "Lord Ragen, you are not aware of your current situation. Your existence is a great threat to all of us, and your return will also break the current situation. The dark world has been in balance for thousands of years. If you insist on revenge, we will only unite as one, and then we will fight you to lose both. Do you think that makes sense? Except for Europe, where can you go anywhere in the world? Go to any place called Wang Zhiba, we don't care, what do you think?"

Lei Gen sneered, "Dumpola, are you compromising with me?"

"Even if it is, there is a rumor in the ancient East: When two tigers fight, one will be injured! We don't necessarily have to make things unresolved, some things can be resolved through discussion, can't we?" Duan Pra said.

Ragen thought for a while, and said cunningly: "You are very shrewd. No wonder even Cain said that black wizards are the most intelligent and conservative race in the dark world. I don't care. The problem is that you can do it. Oston the Lord?"

Dumpla nodded and said, "Of course!"

Auston couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Sir Speaker, this matter..."

Dumpla stared at him coldly and said, "Auston, this is an order! Don't you even listen to me?"

Orston was furious, and just about to refute, Belinda next to him quickly pulled him, and Orston had no choice but to swallow his anger, standing there with a livid face.

"Haha, our current Lord Vampire King also has people who are afraid, which is interesting. Well, Dumpla, I can promise you that as long as you lend me the 'Blood Mirror', I will never go back to Europe. This is still your territory." Regen laughed loudly.

"Then it's settled! I believe that with the reputation of your lord Ragen, you won't go back on your word. Auston, you go and take out the 'Blood Mirror' now." Dumpla said in an unquestionable Said in a tone.

Auston was so annoyed that he didn't speak or move, but Belinda next to him obediently used a trick of space transfer magic, and took the "Blood Mirror" left at home in just a few minutes. It came out, and then carefully handed it to Duan Pula.

Dumpla handed the Blood Demon Mirror to Leigen again, and said, "Lord Leigen, is this what you need?"

Lei Gen just glanced casually, then took it over with his hands, and snorted coldly: "That's it. Dumpla, it's lucky to have you come forward today, otherwise I can assure you, the bastard Auston will suffer a lot!"

After saying a harsh word, Lei Gen turned to Zhou Cai and Gao Zhenfei and said, "Let's go!"

The three walked away without looking back. Oston looked at their backs, trembling with anger, and finally asked furiously: "Mr. Speaker, what do you mean? So many people are here today. Here, Lei Gen can be completely eliminated, can he also believe his words? Aren't you letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

Dumpla scolded: "Oston, listen to me! Don't think that you are a human because you are so successful in the human business world! You are not at all now. Pay attention to the affairs of the dark world. Let me tell you, just the night before yesterday, a few of them killed several cardinal bishops, two chief referees, and three knight commanders of the Holy See! Even the scarab of the Pope was destroyed by them , do you think you are stronger than the Pope? Take a step back, since Ragen promised us today, even if he backs out in the future, it will be his fault, and we can have sufficient reasons to start a full-scale war with him, and even if we can’t beat him , he can’t convince the crowd, don’t you even understand this?”

"But the 'Blood Mirror'..."

"The Blood Demon Mirror is just a relic left by Cain. You have kept it at home like a treasure for so many years, but have you penetrated the secrets inside it? It's just a piece of trash, there's nothing to miss." After all, Dumpla was born in the family of black wizards, and of course he doesn't feel bad about the question of whether or not the holy relics of the blood clan should go, and he also gloats a little bit.

You know, among the three major races in the dark world, werewolves are famous for their lack of brains, and they don't care whoever is the speaker, but the blood race and the dark wizard have been secretly competing for the speaker's position. Dumpla is the current dark speaker, who There is no guarantee that the next one will come from a dark wizard, maybe the blood clan will take the position.But now that the Holy Artifact of the blood clan has been given to others, the power of the blood clan has been weakened to a certain extent, and they may lose their competitiveness in the future. The black wizard clan can be re-elected as the speaker, and the family dominates.

Even human beings have selfishness, let alone these guys who originally lived in the most shady corners of the world?

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