The best boy on campus

Chapter 1736 Ready to go south!3rd update

As soon as Yang Yunping said this, Liu Boyang, who was originally calm and composed, almost choked on his saliva. He gave Yang Yunping a "serious" look, and said with a smile: "I found that you are getting more and more presumptuous in speaking in front of me, even if you don't become a teacher. Even if you are a tutor, you have to be a role model, you can also say 'handjob'?"

Yang Yunping dimpled like a peach blossom, and said with a coquettish smile, "Then what should I say? Handjob? Hehe, my husband, you have ruined my family like this, and you still tell me to pretend to be reserved? It's the most recent thing to be a woman." We still understand the truth, if you want to be a slut, you can only be your own man's slut!"

"Fuck! The more you talk, the more energetic you are! Believe it or not, I will punish you right here?" Liu Boyang threatened viciously. "Come on, come on, I'm so scared..." Yang Yunping pretended to be frightened like a deer. She was not a few years older than Liu Boyang, and she really had a special charm when she acted coquettishly and flirtatiously. Liu Boyang couldn't tolerate this even more. As soon as Fang Jiewa was in trouble, a hungry tiger rushed towards her, and the two of them soon started playing with each other in the huge pool.

To be honest, Liu Boyang has met quite a few women in his life, and most of them are beauties like fairies descending to earth, but if you want to talk about who the craziest hangout with, it must be Yang Yunping, to a certain extent Speaking of it, Liu Boyang subconsciously doesn't regard her as a kind of wife who can get married, but only as a canary that can keep her for a lifetime, so she plays extraordinarily presumptuously, and is never willing to use it on Ning Yeqi's baby sister. Waiting for people to walk through the back door once tried Yang Yunping's pitiful screams, and the taste was really extraordinary, but the price was that Yang Meimei didn't get out of bed and walk all day.So when she said that Liu Boyang's taste was spoiled, she didn't just talk about it. Now the general way of playing really can't satisfy Liu Boyang's wild desire for conquest.

But a big man, especially a man with serious business, can’t afford to indulge in those things all day long. The next morning, Liu Boyang called Yang Lin and asked him to come to the capital to discuss things. Yang Lin flew to the capital two hours later. There was also a tall and beautiful woman with appearance and temperament not much worse than Yang Yunping, Yang Lin shamelessly pointed at the woman and introduced to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, this is my private tutor, Mr. Eacher. Brother Yang you mentioned."

The mature teacher Wang who looked older than Yang Yunping immediately stretched out her white hand with a smile and said, "Hello."

Liu Boyang shook hands with her very speechlessly, it seems that Yang Lin and Lao Mao have the same purpose of choosing teachers, they are both attractive to pick beautiful women, to satisfy his perverted sex with the teacher Yu-wang, as expected of a brother who has been playing since childhood, these hobbies are too similar.

"Have you eaten yet?" Liu Boyang asked.

"No, I came here just after receiving your call. Brother Yang, why are you looking for me so urgently?" Yang Lin asked.

"Then let's talk about it at the dinner table. I'll call Mieming Huzi and the others!" Liu Boyang said.

There is a newly opened Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant in the urban area of ​​the capital. Liu Boyang chose this place for the meeting, mainly to give Yang Yunping a change of taste. She has never eaten the famous Quanjude Roast Duck before.

Today’s Quanjude Roast Duck is not the same time-honored brand as before. It has long been a large-scale hotel operation. The era of buying whole ducks is gone forever. Now the menu is mostly roasted duck feet, duck wings, and ducks. Special delicacies such as neck, like this newly opened restaurant, has the size of a four-star hotel. It is said that the taste of several signature dishes is not bad.

In the luxurious big box, Liu Boyang announced his decision to fight in the South. Yang Lin and the others had no mental preparations beforehand, so they were quite surprised. The teacher Wang next to Yang Lin was very knowledgeable. Don't listen or ask.

"Brother Yang, why did you suddenly have such an idea? Didn't we discuss it a few days ago, and wait until the situation over there is more favorable?" Yang Lin asked.

Liu Boyang took a sip of his wine and said, "It's better to change the plan. Tian Zhenliu personally found me and asked me to go to the south. He also promised that if our Zhanhuntang drove away the people of J, we would support us to replace the Yugoslavia as the only underground party over there." Power, I think this is an excellent opportunity, so I don't want to miss it."

You Longjian, who was discharged from the hospital and came to join the wine shop before he fully recovered, said excitedly: "Really? He really said that?"

Liu Boyang glared at him and said, "Nonsense, can I still lie to you? I have thought about it. If I really want to go to the south, Lao Mao Da Fei Guo Dong Lao Wan and they can't move. Although we have taken the north, we still have to go to the south." They need to guard the various provinces. So this time I decided to take Huzi, Laoba, Laojiu, Laopei, and Laoguo to go, and Mieming, you will stay and continue to sit in the capital. Yang Lin discusses the specific actions with me. After the plan, I will also go back to Province S, but you have to be anxious that the brothers are ready to give me reinforcements at any time, Province S is closer to the south after all, so there is something to take care of."

Yang Lin immediately said: "Don't worry about Province S, I've put everything on the right track now, and I won't have any problems if I don't go back for a year. Brother Yang, let me go with you. The trouble is very complicated, Yugoslavia and the people of J country are not easy to deal with, I'm afraid you can't handle it alone."

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "That's not true. I eat every bite and walk step by step. I still understand the truth. I have already thought about it. This time I will not rush for success, but step by step. Stand at the next place." Keep a firm foothold, and then slowly expand southward. The first goal is the province of JS, which is close to the province of S and is convenient for sending troops."

Yang Lin thought for a while and said, "Brother Yang, I think it's too troublesome for you to fight the south alone. You may not win it in the year of the monkey. Why don't you let the brothers who are adjacent to the southern provinces take action, like me, I He is in charge of fighting js province, and Lao Wan in hn province is in charge of fighting hb province, multi-pronged and multi-line attacks can achieve the greatest results and bring out the momentum."

Liu Boyang thought about it for a while, and said: "What you said is also reasonable. I will say hello to Lao Wan later. You have already called in Hb and Js provinces. Is it possible that I want to go further south?"

Yang Lindao: "Of course, I think Brother Yang, you will directly lead the brothers of Killer Tang to take down the city of SH, not south or north, but also very influential. I heard that the headquarters of the Yugoslavia is there. If you can After completely destroying the old nest of the Yugoslav League, it will not be so easy for Xiaobin to make a comeback."

Liu Boyang took a sip of his wine and said, "That's fine too. Where are Xiaobin and the others mainly fighting with the people of country J?"

Yang Lindao: "They have fought in many places, but the most important are Nanjing and Guangzhou. Guangzhou is the bridgehead for people from country j to invade country Z from south to north, and people from country j attacked Nanjing to take down city sh. It’s just that I haven’t been able to succeed. Brother Yang, you beat SH in advance, and you can just shatter the dreams of the people of J!”

"Okay! Then it's settled. You go back to prepare for these two days, and JS Province will be handed over to you. Besides, Huzi, Lao Ba Lao Jiu, don't you guys keep clamoring to be discharged from the hospital? The opportunity has come Huzi, go back and organize the brothers in the killer hall, and let me mention everyone's fighting spirit and ruthlessness, I will find a way to arrange a train going south to sh, and let's go directly to Nanyang!" Liu Boyang said with a final word!

ps: So many English capital letters are not only a headache for everyone, but I also have a headache, but the brothers who read the book are considerate. In general, real names of people and places are not allowed in our novels, and you understand the reason.So just read a story, there is no need to be true.

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