The best boy on campus

Chapter 1740 How can life be the same as the first time you see it!

When he was on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau last time, Cheng Guoqiang once told Liu Boyang that he was a soldier in the A-unit, and after changing his job, he opened a trading company in Jh City, ZJ Province, and left a business card for Liu Boyang, saying that Liu Boyang had arrived Be sure to contact him after South.But looking at the current situation, Cheng Guoqiang obviously lied. Liu Boyang doesn't know if he has opened a company in jh city, but his real identity as a mafia boss has been smashed by Liu Boyang, and he is not in jh, but in sh!In fact, it can't be blamed that Cheng Guoqiang didn't tell the truth at the beginning, and said that it is impossible for anyone to tell others his true identity in such a situation of meeting by chance, even if Liu Boyang once saved his father.

Cheng Guoqiang's gratitude to Liu Boyang is still obvious. He found a hotel with a good environment near the Bund, and invited the six Liu Boyang brothers to dinner. Liu Boyang and Cheng Guoqiang had a tacit understanding and did not mention the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

It's not complicated tonight. That little dude Cheng Xin is the son of Cheng Guoqiang. Under the light of his father, the young Cheng Xin has cultivated the style of a second-generation ancestor since he was a child. It was the BMW Seven that was even more arrogant than his father, and he was even more famous in school as a leader.During the day, I bet with a cronies and friends, and if I lost, I went to the "Huanxisha" entertainment city to take everyone to have fun. In fact, they are such little brats with no hair, even if they order the red card beauties of Jiao Didi, they dare not touch their hands. Feet, at most it is to open a room for those high-quality girls to help with homework.Then the next thing happened, the beauty that Cheng Xin ordered was taken by a group of j country people, the two sides got into an argument, and almost had a fight at "Huanxisha", Cheng Xin, a hero who didn't suffer from immediate losses, took the woman away on his own initiative Lu, unexpectedly failed to get rid of the group of J nationals in the end, and only then did the scenes that happened later.

At the dinner table, Cheng Guoqiang personally filled a glass of wine for Liu Boyang, and then asked, "Brother Liu, what is the purpose of coming to sh this time?"

Liu Boyang thought for a while, and said with a smile: "No, I've never been here before, this time I came here specially to see it, and I have the right to relax." With the previous experience, before thoroughly understanding Cheng Guoqiang's details, Liu Boyang Not intending to confide in him.

Cheng Guoqiang didn't seem suspicious, and smiled: "Well, then I'll take you to have fun for two days later, and I dare not say anything else. I'm familiar with sh and zj. I'll take you to my house to meet the old man some other day. He has been thinking of you since you saved his life on the plateau last time."

Liu Boyang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll definitely pay a visit when I have the chance."

Little Yan Wang Cheng Xin listened obediently, since he saw that even his father was polite to Liu Boyang, he regarded Liu Boyang even more as an idol, at this moment he couldn't help but asked: "Dad! How did you and Brother Liu meet? Did grandpa know Brother Liu too?"

Cheng Guoqiang said with a smile: "Your brother Liu saved your grandfather's life. When we accompanied your grandfather to worship Buddha in Xizang Potala Palace last time, we took the same train as your brother Liu."

Cheng Xin's big eyes sparkled, and he said, "Wow! If I had known, I would have gone that time too! Brother Liu, so we have a bit of a relationship, why don't you accept me as your apprentice, I want to learn kung fu from you !” Speaking of which, the little brat jumped down from the chair, danced and gestured a few gestures, and shouted: “Humph haha!”

Cheng Guoqiang gave his son a hard look, and then said to Liu Boyang with a little apology: "Little brother Liu, don't mind, this bastard was spoiled by me, and I didn't have time to take care of him when he was young, and something like this happened today. Come, I'll deal with him when I go back!"

When Cheng Xin heard what his father said, his smiling face couldn't help but collapsed, and he sat back on the stool with a bitter face, not daring to be mischievous anymore.

The waiters came in and out attentively, and brought up all kinds of delicacies. The taste of sh likes to be sweet, so almost all the dishes on the table were filled with sugar. At first, Liu Boyang Huzi and others ate fresh food and felt quite appetizing , but I got tired of eating, and couldn't bear to take away Cheng Guoqiang's kindness, so I had to put down my chopsticks and drink more.

During the dinner, Pei San went to the bathroom once, and when he came back, he quietly handed Liu Boyang a note. On the surface, Liu Boyang was talking and laughing calmly, but when he spread the note under the table, there were only six beautiful characters on it: "I'm waiting downstairs. you."

If there is anyone in the world with handwriting that Liu Boyang will never forget in his life, then there are only these six characters in front of him!Their owner is Liu Boyang's most unforgettable first love, deeply engraved in his memory and soul!

Liu Boyang forced himself to control the excitement and apprehension, tried his best to maintain calmness, said please stay with Cheng Guoqiang, and then left the room.

After walking out of the hotel, Liu Boyang looked around anxiously, trying to find the familiar figure, but he couldn't find it after searching for a long time. In the end, a well-dressed woman with a slightly big belly appeared behind Liu Boyang. Rou said, "You are still the same."

Liu Boyang's heart was shocked, and he turned around to look, only to see the pretty face of Songkou Middle School in his memory, which would never grow old, standing behind him with a smile on his face. Dust, on the contrary, the elder who pulled her back, looked very lonely.

Thousands of words came to his lips, but he couldn't say them out. Liu Boyang's nervous and excited mood finally calmed down after seeing the real person. He tried his best to make himself appear graceful, and said with a smile: "You are too."

Zhao Jiayi lightly touched her swollen belly, could it be: "It's different, you are still the invincible Liu Boyang before, but I'm already pregnant and I'm going to be a mother, we will be two generations from now on..."

Liu Boyang moved his gaze down slightly, looking at her swollen belly, which contained He Xiaobin's flesh and blood.How many times had Liu Boyang dreamed that this woman would conceive his own child, but unfortunately that dream could never come true, the beautiful woman was still the same beautiful woman, but she was getting farther and farther away from him.

Liu Boyang tried his best to control his tone, and said with a smile: "Should I say congratulations?"

Zhao Jiayi bit her lips lightly, her eyes were wet with crystal tears, but she still had a smile on her mouth, as if she didn't hear Liu Boyang's words, she touched her belly and said, "After the child is born, I want you to be his godfather. I'm afraid you don't want to."

Liu Boyang was silent, his eyes turned to other places, the endless stream of vehicles couldn't compare to Liu Boyang's complicated heart at the moment, he laughed and said: "Just kidding, even if I am willing, He Xiaobin will not be willing, he spent so much effort to keep you For my own sake, how could you allow me to have anything to do with you."

The tears in Zhao Jiayi's eyes flowed down, but she tried not to choke up, and said with a sad smile: "I know you despise me for carrying his flesh and blood, I don't blame you. What about you? What are you? When you have a child, can I be your child's godmother? It has nothing to do with He Xiaobin, I will be the master myself."

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "I'm still early, I'm not as capable as Xiaobin, I'll be a father before I'm 20, you'll have to wait two more years, I guess you'll catch a lot of sons and daughters by then, and you can earn red envelopes every year." I'm going to have a headache."

Then the two men and women who didn't know how much sadness and helplessness they were hiding laughed, Liu Boyang smiled silly and sadly, Zhao Jiayi almost burst out of laughter clutching her stomach, tears wet her cheeks.

ps: Yesterday I have changed. I apologize again to my brothers. I will have a day of infusion tomorrow. It is very uncomfortable to have a cold and a fever. Brothers, take care of your health.

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