The best boy on campus

Chapter 1743 Massacre!

Cheng Guoqiang's eyes widened. Since he retired from the military, he has been in society for so many years. He has never seen a fighting style like a tiger. A living person can actually spew fire from his mouth. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would say Who will believe it? !

But the scene in front of me was real. The retired special forces who rushed to the front were crying and howling like ghosts and wolves, and nearly half of the more than 40 people holding knives were covered in flames. They all backed away quickly.Although Cheng Guoqiang was not flustered, he quickly asked the boys with knives to retreat to the back, and replaced them with those with guns in front, suppressing them with dense bullet fire through the flames, but even if these retired soldiers were good at marksmanship, they couldn't Hit Liu Boyang and Huzi, seeing the two of them pass through the fire like ghosts, Liu Boyang directly slashed and killed with a cracking knife, and the place he passed was bloody and bloody, while Huzi pulled the cold and put the hidden weapon, and with a flick of his hand, a large piece of highly poisonous black nails Well, Cheng Guoqiang's hundreds of confidantes are simply not enough to kill.

Cheng Guoqiang saw it in his eyes, and his heart was so distressed that he was about to bleed. These more than 100 people are the capital for him to settle down in Dasha. I don’t know how much effort it took to get them out of the army. The tiger was defeated and defeated.Cheng Guoqiang roared, raised his double-barreled shotgun with red eyes, and aimed his life at Liu Boyang, but unfortunately the speed of shooting was a bit slower, Liu Boyang had already appeared in front of him as if he was bathing in blood and killing a god, and the split knife was fierce. With a split, the shotgun in Cheng Guoqiang's hand was broken into two pieces on the spot, the gunpowder inside exploded, and with a bang, Cheng Guoqiang's entire hand was blown up, and Liu Boyang's split knife fell on his neck unscathed.

The winner is the king and the loser is Kou. More than 100 people can't stop Liu Boyang and Huzi. Cheng Guoqiang really has nothing to say, but he is also a tough guy. Looking at Liu Boyang, he said: "Emperor Yang Qing, you have won! You are much stronger than I imagined! If I lose to you, I have nothing to say!"

There were less than forty confidantes around, and all of them dropped the machetes and iron bars in their hands.

Liu Boyang said to Cheng Guoqiang lightly: "I still say the same thing, if you submit to me now, I can let you go for what you did today, and if you show lust, I will set up a branch hall on sh's side, so that you can let me go." You come to be the hall master."

Cheng Guoqiang smiled bitterly and said: "Don't dream, I, Cheng Guoqiang, would rather have a head than a phoenix tail in my life. Even in front of He Xiaobin, I have never lowered my head. It is impossible for me to betray Yugoslavia! If you don't want to leave a hidden danger , it is best to kill me now!"

"Hehe, since you said that, I can't help it. I gave you the opportunity twice, but you didn't grasp it!" Liu Boyang lifted the Knife, and Cheng Guoqiang's head was thrown into the air immediately, leaving only one body. The headless corpse sprayed blood wildly, and then fell heavily to the ground.

More than 40 retired soldiers who fought together with Cheng Guoqiang suddenly raised their heads and stared at Liu Boyang with gritted teeth!

Liu Boyang slowly took back the split knife in his hand, and calmly said to them: "You have all seen that Cheng Guoqiang is dead, if anyone among you wants to go with him, just stand still and don't move. Hang out with me, those who join the Battle Soul Hall, just take a step forward."

"I'll count to three, and I'll make your decision after three, I hope you've thought it through clearly." After Liu Boyang finished speaking lightly, he began to count: "One!"

Those 40 or so people froze in place, with grief and shame on their faces!


More than 40 people secretly looked at each other, but still no one moved.

"Three!" Liu Boyang finally counted to the third, but unfortunately no one betrayed Cheng Guoqiang, some people even looked at Liu Boyang disdainfully, as if they were not afraid at all.

Liu Boyang was not angry, he smiled and said: "Very well, you are very loyal, you are worthy of being a soldier!"

A tall and burly guy stood up and said: "Stop talking nonsense! Today, if you want to kill, you can kill. If I frown, I won't be called a hero!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a gunshot of "bang!" Huzi had already picked up a sniper rifle from the ground and exploded his head on the spot. There was even black smoke rising from the hole.

At this time, Pei San, Guo Yongsheng, Tiezheng Youlongjian and the others also came up, each holding a captured light rifle in their hands. Liu Boyang pointed at the 40 or so people in front with his fingers lightly, and then said: "Kill all, one not Keep!"

Tie Zheng and You Longjian stared wide-eyed, wanting to intercede for these retired soldiers. Don't forget that both of them were soldiers, so they have special feelings for soldiers. Unfortunately, before he could speak, Pei San and Guo Yongsheng Already firing, more than 40 live targets fell down in an instant, and the few who wanted to run were shot through the back.

"Don't kill! Don't kill! I surrender, and I'll hang out with you from now on!" In the face of the ruthless shooting, someone finally couldn't hold back, knelt down and shouted to Liu Boyang frightenedly for his life.

With him taking the lead, five more people immediately knelt down and prayed for their lives loudly.

Liu Boyang shook his neck, casually asked Pei San and Guo Yongsheng to let them go, the six guys who crawled back from the closed gate of hell thanked Liu Boyang loudly, and cried loudly, they saved their lives, but they let them go Dignity and loyalty, even if he is alive, he will not dare to raise his head to be a human being.

The entire Cheng Guoqiang mansion, except for the six crying people who looked like ghosts and the Liu Boyang brothers, looked around and there were corpses and blood everywhere, like a purgatory on earth.

Liu Boyang said condescendingly to the six guys kneeling on the ground: "I came to sh this time with the belief of beating away the people of J and conquering the Yugoslavia. Even if there is only one bullet in my hand, I would like to kill It penetrated into the hearts of the people of country j, not their fellow countrymen. But you also saw that those people who died just now were too obsessed and stubborn, did they think that I really dare not kill them all?! I Don't like people who don't know how to seize opportunities, what do you think?"

The six retired special forces soldiers were completely overwhelmed by Liu Boyang's murderous aura, and knelt on the ground with their heads lowered, daring not to say a word.

Liu Boyang continued to sneer and said: "You all raise your heads up for me! You are so arrogant to follow Cheng Guoqiang, and you are so arrogant. Do you still feel wronged by following Laozi? Laozi spares your life now, but it doesn't mean you won't in the future Kill you! Listen to me now, you immediately pile up the corpses of these people on the ground, burn them for me, and find a way to wipe off the blood! Just keep Cheng Guoqiang's head !"

The six retired special forces got up from the ground in trepidation, then wiped away their tears without any hope and followed suit.In the entire mansion, including those who wore black clothes and masks before, there were almost 140 corpses. It would be troublesome to put them together, but these six people did not dare to complain, and divided into six groups to pick up the corpses.

"Cheng Guoqiang's house is not bad. We will live here for the time being. Anyway, we need a place to stay." Liu Boyang looked around and said.

The six retired special forces worked for a whole afternoon before they piled up all the corpses and burned them clean. They also cleaned up almost all the blood in the yard. They were so tired that their waists and backs ached and they almost collapsed, and they were even less human.

When the sky was getting dark, Liu Boyang called them together, and said: "You guys are doing pretty well, and the work is cleaned up. Next, I want to ask you, what are Cheng Guoqiang's places in SH City, besides him, How many other bosses at the same level as him?"

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