The best boy on campus

Chapter 1761 Trace the source!

The old Taoist smiled and said: "Of course not. If it wasn't for eliminating the group of traitors and thieves who stole the classics of the Dunjia Sect and the Five Elements Sect, I probably wouldn't have come to the secular world, let alone meet you. Liu Boyang was completely speechless. He really wondered if he was dreaming now. The words the old Taoist said were just like those ridiculous novels about fairy tales. Looking at his eyes, Liu Boyang was really confused, should he believe what he said?

Liu Boyang said with a bitter face: "Dunjia School? Five Elements School? What is that?"

The old Taoist looked at Liu Boyang's frowning and puzzled expression, pointed to the carpet in front of him with a light smile, and said with a smile: "Sit down first, and let me tell you slowly."

Liu Boyang said "Oh" and sat down obediently. At this time, the white young man who opened the door had already come over with a cup of freshly brewed tea, handed it to Liu Boyang, and said politely: "Tea, please."

Liu Boyang trembled unnaturally. Why are the two guys, the old and the young, so weird? Can you imagine that in the 21st century, there are still people who would say "use tea"?Liu Boyang felt as if he had returned to ancient times.

After taking a sip of the cup of tea, the taste was really mellow and full of aftertaste, and inexplicably calmed down Liu Boyang's uneasy mood. This seemingly ordinary cup of tea actually had unexpected effects.

"Are you still used to drinking this tea? I picked the tea leaves myself in the mountains. It is of little use to people of our sect, but to ordinary people, it has the effect of clearing the mind, calming the mind, and prolonging life." The old Taoist smiled. explained.

Liu Boyang nodded symbolically, put down the teacup, and said: "What you said just now really made me confused, I can't understand what you are talking about at all, can you introduce your teacup to me in detail? world?"

The old man said with a warm smile: "Of course. In fact, you don't need to be confused, let alone be afraid of me. In this world, there will always be some people and things that you have never thought of and can't touch. We can meet today , can only be said to be due to the number of days. How old do you think I am now? Hehe, according to the standards of the secular world, I probably have the age of ears (that is, 60 years old). But in fact, I have lived hundreds of years as an old Taoist In the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, when I was eight years old, I met a stranger and was taken into the mountain gate, and I have only walked down the mountain three times so far."

Liu Boyang swallowed with difficulty. Liu Boyang is not surprised that a person can live to be hundreds of years old. Lei Gen, who is more ruthless than this old Taoist priest, has lived for 3000 years!But when you suddenly meet a person who claims to be born in the Ming Dynasty and sit and talk with you, you can feel the strange feeling in Liu Boyang's heart.

"I only found out after I entered the mountain gate that there are indeed some schools of practice in this world that transcend the world of mortals. Our school is called 'Please God Gate', although it cannot be said to be the most powerful of all the schools of practice, But it is also among the best, we are the only sect in the practice world that can directly deal with gods."

"In the world of practice, besides the 'Inviting God's Gate', there are many sects with great power, such as the Dunjia Sect, the Five Elements Sect, the Yujian Sect, the Daode Sect, the Xingchen Sect, and the Escape from Heaven Sect. What you saw during the day today Among the old Taoists other than me, there are two from the Dunjia Sect, three from the Five Elements Sect, and one Daoist from the Daode Sect."

"We came to the secular world this time because the country is in trouble, and the current leader personally invited us. On the other hand, we also know the group of rebellious officials and thieves who stole the classics of the Dunjia Sect and the Five Elements Sect 1000 years ago. That is, the whereabouts of the people from the J country and the red flower ninja in your eyes."

"You count as a person of the new era, and you should also know Tang Zong and Han Wu, which was the most prosperous period in our country's history, especially during the Tang Taizong period. The most glorious period of Zong and Wuxingzong. A few Dongying people mixed into Dunjiazong and Wuxingzong by chance, stole the classics, and then traveled across the ocean, returned to their land to establish a sect, and initially formed ninja The embryonic form of this special group of people."

"Over the past 1000 years, it's not that the Dunjia Sect and the Five Elements Sect have never chased and killed those traitors, but they have not been able to kill them all. As the domestic dynasties continue to change, and the times continue to change, gradually, they are becoming more and more concerned about overseas officials. The Dongying people are powerless, and they haven’t troubled the Dongying people for nearly 200 years. Unexpectedly, the group of Dongying people went so far as to openly invade China. After hearing the news, the Dunjia Sect and the Five Elements Sect felt deeply ashamed, so they wanted to come Thoroughly clean up the sect, we 'Invite Shenmen' and 'Tao Dezong' have good relations with them and were drawn to help them."

Liu Boyang finally understood what the old Taoist said. He closed his eyes and thought about it, and asked: "I heard that there is Fenglin Huoshan and the Five Elements League in the Red Flower Society. What is the relationship between the Dunjia sect you mentioned and the Five Elements sect?"

"Fenglin Huoshan and the Five Elements League are both ninja families created by the rebels and thieves back in Japan. It's just that they also established a common alliance. It used to be called the Chrysanthemum Organization, and later changed its name to the Red Flower Society. The Chrysanthemum Organization The original intention of the establishment was to resist the pursuit of Chinese soldiers, and then gradually infiltrated into the Japanese regime, cao controlled the cabinet, and it was not until the Meiji Restoration that they were cleared out by the rulers and turned to cooperate with the underworld."

"Fenglin Huoshan refers to the four major families of 'Fengtian', 'Windi', 'Huoxuan', and 'Shanhuang' respectively. Needless to say, the Five Elements Alliance, their five parents are typical traitors of the Five Elements Alliance. The high-level ninjas of the nine families should all have learned the escape method of the Dunjia School and the ability of the Five Elements School to draw the Five Elements into their bodies, and they do have the capital to be proud of ordinary people."

Liu Boyang finally heard the ins and outs of the whole thing clearly, and before he knew it, he had already finished the cup of tea that the fair young man gave him. Liu Boyang was silent for a few minutes, digesting the words of the old Taoist, and then raised his head and said: : "What you said opened my eyes. Excuse me, whether it is the Dunjia Sect, the Five Elements Sect, Fenglin Huoshan and the Five Elements Sect, it has nothing to do with the current me. You specially called me here, What exactly do you want me to do?"

The old Taoist smiled and said: "I don't need you to do anything, I just want to get to know you. Anyway, you are also the disciple of 'Yiyangzi', and I am also your teacher. I came to the secular world once. How can I meet you?" Just to recap the past. If there is a chance, I would like to meet your master Lan Fengtu and the others."

Yoko?This title made Liu Boyang feel awkward. Could it be that this is the Taoist name of his master whom he has never met?It's really...cheesy...

"Uh, actually, I have never met my master. The skill I learned from my master Lan Fengtu is only the same as 'invoking the gods'. The rest are my master's original kung fu. He is very famous in itself, his family-inspired saber technique and original boxing technique are enough to spread across the country." Liu Boyang said frankly.

The old Taoist laughed and said: "Of course, when Yiyangzi selects his apprentices, he must select outstanding ones. How can mediocre talents fall into his eyes?! You are also very good! As an apprentice, you can praise your master in front of others. That's rare."

ps: First of all, let me say something here, I didn't write "The Young Master" as a novel of fairy tales, it was just to get to know the people of J country and lay the groundwork. The city is still that city.

If there is no accident, the book "Gongzi" is coming to an end. It has been a year and a half since I wrote it. In the same way, with 400 million words in one book, you can imagine how exhausted I am.There are a lot of ideas in my mind, and when I write them out, they will always be unsatisfactory. I can only do my best to give everyone a happy ending.

According to my original idea, I wanted Liu Boyang to go out of Asia and go to the world. Unfortunately, watching the subscription of this tragedy, I probably won't be able to write about that day.In the future, I will read the subscription talk. If there are still things I like to read, I will continue to write. If everyone doesn’t like to read it, I will end it.I am also a reader myself, and I am also annoyed by those authors who have nothing to do and drag the plot to muddle along.

Regardless of whether the old book is finished or not, the new book will be published on time next year. At that time, Qingdi may graduate from senior year and write full-time. There will be less miscellaneous shit and excuses. The quality and speed of the book should be improved.I sincerely hope that old readers will return.

Finally, ask for the next monthly ticket. It’s best to vote for some, and don’t force it if you don’t want to vote. It’s an outdated book without much thought.It's just gratifying to look at.

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