The best boy on campus

Chapter 1772 A group of monsters!

Today is an unforgettable day for Guo Yongsheng.Since Liu Boyang asked him to find a way to keep an eye on the people of J country, Guo Yongsheng really fulfilled his duties in the past three days, almost sleeping with his eyes open.

And as a result of his all-night efforts, he finally found out the whereabouts of the Red Flower Society in Nanjing.Just today, he got the news that the top four Fenglinhuo families and the Five Elements League, the top executives of the Red Flower Society, were going to meet in a secluded tea pavilion in the back garden of the Xinanli block to discuss confidential matters.Of course, Guo Yongsheng couldn't miss this opportunity, so he led twenty elite assassins from the Assassin Hall to lurk in the tea booth in advance, trying to eavesdrop on what they were discussing.

At first, their lurking effect was not bad. The veterans of the Red Flower Club who came in Toyota cars seemed to have not noticed them. Surrounded by them, they entered the tea pavilion in the back garden one after another.

Guo Yongsheng took two killer hall elites to hide carefully on the rockery behind the tea pavilion, with advanced sonic bugs on their ears, and a telescope in their hands to observe quietly. It doesn't matter even if they don't understand J Mandarin, as long as they record it , Go back and find someone to translate it.

But then, a weird scene happened!

After the nine old men and three well-dressed middle-aged men entered the tea booth and took their seats, they were enjoying the food while watching the graceful dances of several kabuki with great interest. Suddenly, it was like watching a horror movie. Gone!

Guo Yongsheng and those two killer disciples were stunned. Just when Guo Yongsheng suspected that there was something wrong with his eyes, suddenly a human head protruded from the tree trunk beside him. It was one of the old men who had just been sitting in the tea pavilion. The three of Guo Yongsheng opened their mouths, and a cloud of green and foul-smelling gas spewed out. Guo Yongsheng jumped off the tree quickly with agility, but the two elite boys were not so lucky. Their faces were entangled in anger, and their appearance was instantly destroyed, as if sulfuric acid had been splashed on their faces. Muscles and blood vessels were mixed and stirred in the shape of tree roots. up the pond.

Guo Yongsheng didn't care about other things, he knew that he had been discovered, so he ran away quickly. He had no intention of fighting the old monster that jumped out of the tree trunk. The family and the Five Elements Alliance, you can tell by the name that it is not a joke, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people can deal with!

But before Guo Yongsheng ran a few steps, he suddenly found dozens of people in ninja costumes suddenly appearing in the courtyard like ghosts in the entire tea pavilion. Unexpectedly, a distorted figure appeared in the air, with red, white, black, blue, and cyan lights flickering slightly on his body.

Guo Yongsheng suddenly realized that he was either meeting a ghost or meeting that kind of real supernatural person, so he ran even harder, and from every corner behind him, there were terrified and miserable howls from the killer boy. Except for the two young brothers of the famous killer hall, the other eighteen were also lurking around the tea pavilion, but it is obvious that they have all been killed without exception now!

Fortunately, the tea booth was not very big, Guo Yongsheng finally ran out of it with all his life, and he was finally relieved when he got outside, but before he could suppress the heart that jumped into his throat, suddenly there was an explosion on the wall behind him. Suddenly stretched out a hand, grabbed Guo Yongsheng's collar tightly, and a ninja with only the upper body protruded from the ground under his feet, waved and shot five earthen darts, Guo Yongsheng struggled to dodge, and put the clothes behind him Only after tearing it apart did he avoid the big hand and four earthen darts, but the last one pierced through his ribs. At that moment, he was so hurt that he closed his breath, his eyes were blindfolded, and the only reaction was to continue run!

Guo Yongsheng risked his life to call Liu Boyang for help. Although Liu Boyang told him to run to a crowded place, the ninja dared not do anything in the busy city, but Guo Yongsheng had no strength anymore, and the ninjas behind him were chasing after him. , Occasionally, one or two figures would flash out of the air, waving and shooting darts. Guo Yongsheng was hit by several darts before he ran far, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises.

In the end, Guo Yongsheng fell down in an ordinary alley in the Xinanli neighborhood due to exhaustion. At that time, there was a vehicle passing by in the distance, so the pursuers behind did not dare to do anything.After those vehicles had gone far, a few hands were stretched out from the ground, grabbed Guo Yongsheng by the ankles and dragged him to the tea pavilion. Ask Guo Yongsheng's identity and the purpose of eavesdropping on them.

Seeing that Guo Yongsheng, who had managed to run far away, was about to be dragged back again, Huzi Tiezheng and Guo Yongsheng, like saviors sent from heaven, arrived at this critical moment. The master and more than a dozen subordinates are all pretty good, and they all have guys with them.

Tie Zheng was the first to notice that Guo Yongsheng was crawling upside down like he had long legs, so he quickly told Huzi and them, so Huzi hurriedly led a group of people to rescue Guo Yongsheng.

The crowd sprinted at a speed of [-] meters and snatched Guo Yongsheng back from being dragged by that "mysterious force". Huzi picked up Guo Yongsheng and was about to retreat, when suddenly the air in front of him fluctuated, and a skinny old guy with white beard appeared for no reason , and then more than a dozen followers appeared together!

"What the hell is this?" You Longjian yelled strangely with wide-eyed eyes.

The others were also looking forward in amazement, feeling that the scene in front of them was like a dream!

Only Huzi and Tiezheng could keep calm, Huzi shouted: "Shoot!"

Tie Zheng said: "Brother Seven, have you forgotten what Brother Yang said? He said that we won't let us do anything, and we should retreat first!"

Huzi smiled wryly: "You think I don't want to? You look back!"

Tie Zheng and the others looked back, and saw that the road behind was also blocked, and an old man with wooden clogs emerged from the ground, and behind him was a group of Yin Zece followers!

Everyone swallowed with difficulty, Tie Zheng said uneasy: "Is this the legendary Five Elements Ninja?"

Those two incense masters and a dozen or so assassin elites hurriedly raised their guns to shoot, but unfortunately, the bullets just flew halfway, and the old man with a white beard on the opposite side bounced all the bullets back with one hand. Tiezheng and the others lay in a large area, including the two incense masters, all those who shot were shot to death by their own bullets!

"Hmph, who are you little dolls?" The old man at the back walked up unhurriedly stepping on wooden clogs, and the sound of "slapping" was particularly frightening.He didn't open his mouth to speak, but there was a strange voice coming from the ground, as if running along the soles of his feet all the way to Huzi and his mind.

The three of Huzi didn't reply, You Longjian quietly put his hand into his trouser pocket, trying to send a text message to Liu Boyang blindly, but the phone blew up with a "bang", You Longjian yelled, and pulled out his hand, only to see the hand The blood that has been bombed is dripping, bloody and bloody!

"Two elders, I think I already know their identities. Keeping them will only cause us trouble. It's better to kill them!" The three well-dressed middle-aged men strode through the back door of the tea pavilion. Come out, said indifferently!

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