The best boy on campus

Chapter 1784 Strategizing!

The Yugoslav giants in the nearby provinces also know the seriousness of the matter, not to mention who in the underworld society is not a little arrogant these days, how can they tolerate others blocking the door and bullying?

So they all dispatched their manpower in the shortest time, and rushed to Nanjing one after another.The phone in He Xiaobin's hand kept ringing, all of them were from the members of the Southern Alliance in the urban area who were fighting against each other. Without exception, they were all defeated by the War Soul Hall. He was hacked to death on the spot, and the streets were covered in blood.

He Xiaobin forced himself to remain calm, telling himself in his heart not to care about the temporary defeat in front of him, because the death of these Yugoslav Alliance members is just to hold back the pace of the War Soul Hall to take Nanjing, as long as they can persist until reinforcements from other provinces Come, their death is worth it!

The same news also reached the ears of Liu Boyang and Yang Lin. Although they are all good news, both Liu Boyang and Yang Lin are aware of the situation they are facing now, and they cannot be complacent about the little victory in front of them. Don't be too happy too early, the Yugoslav Alliance's influence in the south is not a joke, if one is counterattacked, the one that will never be restored is the Zhanhuntang!

"That guy Xiaobin is so calm, I dare say he must be waiting for reinforcements! Brother Yang, we have to find a way, we can't let the reinforcements from the provinces of the Yugoslavia arrive, otherwise we will turn from active to passive Already!" Yang Lin said after analyzing the situation.

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "I know, but the legs are on someone else's body. If the Yugoslav League from other provinces really wants to come to rescue, we can't stop it. There is only one feasible way I can think of."

"What way?" Yang Lin and Gao Zhenfei asked in unison.

"Blow up the road!" Liu Boyang said succinctly: "Except for the railway and air, blow up all the road traffic that can lead to Nanjing, so that the channels for Yugoslav reinforcements to enter are blocked. At the beginning, my grandfather was in W City with the New Fourth Army. When the big gang-pai tear their faces apart, that's what Tianwangtang and Bawangtang do!"

Yang Lindao: "The method is a good method, but it is a little difficult to operate. First of all, we are not very familiar with the city of Nanjing, so we don't know how many traffic arteries connecting other provinces and cities in a hurry. Furthermore, Even if all these traffic arteries are really blown up, there must be many small and side roads that are unknown to people that can enter Nanjing, and it is impossible for such a large city to be completely isolated from the outside world just because a few roads have been blown up."

Liu Boyang said: "Besides this, I really can't think of any other way. Otherwise, I can only wait for reinforcements from the Southern Alliance to come and fight a protracted war with them!"

Yang Lin thought for a while and said: "A protracted war is not good for us. The south is their territory, and their manpower can be continuously replenished, but our rear reinforcements still need to be dispatched. What if they block the traffic in neighboring provinces?" If not, then we will be fighting alone, and we will definitely not be able to consume Yugoslavia!"

Liu Boyang rubbed his forehead and said, "Then what do you think is a good way?"

Things fell into such an impasse, which Liu Boyang did not expect in advance. He Xiaobin, a guy who is more cunning than a fox, did not run away when he encountered a sudden change. Instead, he insisted on fighting Liu Boyang until the end. Liu Boyang underestimated him a bit.

Gao Zhenfei interjected: "Second-brother, I think what you and Brother Yang said are both reasonable. Although blowing up the main roads can't completely prevent the Yugoslav reinforcements from entering, it can at least delay their entry, and every minute of delay , is beneficial to us. When we really take down Nanjing, the defense is impenetrable, so what if the reinforcements arrive? But we can’t blow up all the main roads, we have to keep a small part, which is convenient for us to take down. After Nanjing, we will send troops to the outside world, otherwise we will have to rebuild roads, which will be troublesome. As for the few main roads left, we can focus on defense. If it is not possible, I will do this job myself. Fumo opened Haikou, but as long as I, Gao Zhenfei, are alive, no Yugoslav reinforcements will be able to enter Nanjing!"

Liu Boyang looked at Gao Zhenfei's serious and high-spirited expression, patted him on the shoulder with a smile and said, "Da Fei, don't be so excited, it's not time for you to go out yet, so far, haven't we always had the upper hand?" ?Actually, we really shouldn’t be in a hurry, because He Xiaobin of the Yugoslav League is definitely more anxious than us. You’re right, we have to blow up roads and save roads, and think about everything in the long run. One more crime will be added, destroying public facilities and road safety, this crime is not light!"

Of course Yang Lin and Gao Zhenfei knew that what Liu Boyang said was just a joke. If they were really afraid of adding more charges to Baidao, they would not have made these crazy actions now. Liu Boyang never thought that things would turn into what they are now. But even if he thinks about it, if he is asked to choose again, he will still do so, because the victory of Nanjing is of great significance to the Battle Soul Hall. The road can be triumphant, unimpeded!

For this result, no matter how high the price is, it is worthwhile to risk everything!

Isn't fighting a battle all about morale?

"Feng Hu, Duan Yi, you two listen up!" Liu Boyang turned his head and ordered.

Feng Hu and Duan Yi immediately took a step forward, their faces full of rigor and seriousness.

"I don't care what method you use, within one day, find out all the main highways that can enter Nanjing, and then lead people to blow up three quarters of them, and the remaining quarter will focus on defense." Liu Boyang said .

"Understood!" Feng Hu and Duan Yi agreed, and immediately took orders to leave.

"Jiang Yan!" Liu Boyang shouted again.

Jiang Yan also stood up and said, "Brother Yang, tell me!"

"The road transportation is left to the two of them, but Nanjing not only has land transportation, but also air, railway and water transportation. The remaining three will be handed over to you. Dafei's assassination hall will allocate 1000 people to you, and give me the opportunity to travel to Nanjing. The railways and waterways are strictly guarded, especially the waterways! It is unlikely that their reinforcements will come by plane, so this can be regarded as a non-point point!" Liu Boyang said.

"Yes!" After Jiang Yan finished speaking, she also turned and left.

Yang Lin thought for a while and said: "Brother Yang, although we have already prepared a countermeasure, how can we take the initiative to attack when we sit and wait? Why don't we just prepare with both hands, capture the thief first and capture the king first! Let's take advantage of Feng Hu and his actions , Go directly to Xiaobin to start. The death of Hao Zhendong in Yugoslavia may not cause too much trouble, but if the founder He Xiaobin dies, it will be a heavy blow to them. Even if their reinforcements come, they will Out of order!"

"It makes sense!" Liu Boyang thought for a while, and immediately called Ren Xiaotian, and said, "Old Ren, you don't have to come back, and immediately use the advantages of those members of the Anyintang team you brought over to check for me in the shortest possible time. Find out the whereabouts of He Xiaobin, he is still in Nanjing City, he has not escaped, you know what I mean!"

Ren Xiaotian's answer over there was also straightforward: "No problem!"

Just as Liu Boyang put the phone down, the phone rang again. When he picked it up, it was Li Gui from W City, Province S. Li Gui, Zhang Qiang, Hou Qiang and the others hadn't heard Liu Boyang's voice for a long time, so it was inevitable A little excited, Li Gui came up and said: "Brother Yang, according to your instructions, the [-] people of our Jiulong Club vanguard team have arrived in Nanjing, and the remaining [-] people will arrive tomorrow morning at the latest. Where shall we meet you?"

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