The best boy on campus

Chapter 1812 Picking up the family!

The reason why Liujiawan is called "Liujiawan" is precisely because of the existence of the big bay at the west end of the village. This big bay has no name, and even the older generation in the village did not name it, but ancestors have valued it for generations. It never throws rubbish in it, and even the common fish and shrimp farming in the countryside does not use this bay, so the water in this big bay is clear all year round.Liu Boyang, Yang Lin, and the others were mischievous when they were young, and they would come to this bay to play in summer, and they couldn't swim at that time.In Liu Boyang's impression, the water in this bay is very deep, so deep that Liu Boyang has never dived to the bottom of it, and the big black fish caught from this bay is delicious. Every time Liu Boyang carries two When Heiyu came home, that girl Xiaoying would always cheer and jump for joy.

Fast forward so many years, the mischievous boy has grown into a notorious gangster in the whole country, Liu Boyang has not come to swim in the bay for a long time, nor has he come here to catch fish, the memories of his childhood are vivid in his memory , even this bottomless bay has become much quieter.

The grove behind Dawan is the place where Liu Boyang's nine brothers worshiped together. At this time, someone opened up a small open space. There are six tombstones erected on the open space. In addition to Liu Boyang's tombstone, there are also There are Gao Zhenfei's, Lao Mao's, Cui Guodong's, and Huzi's, and there is one piece whose name is not written, and it may never be written on it, but Liu Boyang knows in his heart that it is reserved for He Xiaobin.

The six tombstones were all clean and spotless. In front of Liu Boyang's tombstone were some scraps of yellow paper that hadn't been blown away by the wind, and in front of Lao Mao's tombstone was braised pork wrapped in a packet of newspaper.

Liu Boyang stood silently in front of his tombstone without saying anything, but the old cat couldn't help it, his eyes were red.This package of braised pork was his favorite food when he was a child. At that time, his brothers were poor, and even Liu Boyang didn't have much money. It was really rare to eat this kind of braised pork that cost seven yuan a catty. The old cat had it twice. Climbed into the butcher's house to steal twice, and was caught and beaten to death. The brothers often fought with that family for this.

Now that the brothers have money, they don’t have to go into other people’s homes to steal meat anymore, but the time when they were young, who were willing to be beaten for a meal of meat, is gone forever...

These tombstones belong to Yang Linli, there is no doubt about it.Because he is different from Liu Tianlong and Liu Zhentian, he does not know that Liu Boyang is not dead yet, so he put the tombstones of several brothers here, one is to commemorate the brotherhood between each other, and the other is to let Liu Boyang Lao Mao and others Fallen leaves return to their roots.

Liu Boyang touched his tombstone with his hands, smiled lightly, and said nothing.

"Brother Yang, Brother Yang helped you set up these tombstones with his own hands. We didn't expect you to come back safe and sound. These tombstones are very unlucky. Why don't we tear them down now!" Feng Hu stood behind and watched. After a while, he finally came up to speak.

Liu Boyang shook his head lightly, and said eight words: "Keep it, keep it for the rest of your life!"

After "visiting" the tombstone that Yang Lin set up for his brothers, Liu Boyang Laomao and the others were even more upset, they got on the car again and rushed back to City G.

But it has been delayed for such a long time, Liu Boyang is not in a hurry anymore, he simply delays for a while, and asks Feng Hu to drive him to the urban area of ​​City W, where he wants to pick up Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia's two daughter-in-laws together, and go g city reunion.

Liu Boyang had been to Sun Xiaorou's house before, so he was no stranger to this place. When he came to the neighborhood, he called Sun Xiaorou and called her out. At that time, Sun Xiaorou was doing homework at home. Before he could change his shoes, he ran downstairs frantically, and appeared in front of Liu Boyang wearing slippers and a loose shawl, his eyes were red.

Sun Xiaorou is different from Yang Lin and the others. As Liu Boyang's "family member", Prime Minister Song actually asked Song Jiayao to tell them that Liu Boyang is not dead! But as for when Liu Boyang will come back, they don't know, and they don't usually Dare to contact Liu Boyang, I can only think riri every night, dreaming that Liu Boyang will be safe and sound!

Now that Liu Boyang suddenly appeared in front of her, and looked at her with a smile, Sun Xiaorou was so excited that she couldn't even speak, she couldn't vent her lovesickness and worries these days except crying!

"Silly girl, why are you still standing there, don't you know me?" Liu Boyang asked with a smile.

Sun Xiaorou curled her lips and burst into tears, then ran towards Liu Boyang, threw herself into his arms, and sobbed: "Boyang, you scared me to death, do you know that I... I almost thought you'd never come back..."

"Haha, didn't I tell you a long time ago? Your husband, I have the indestructible body of a diamond, and even the King of Hades dare not take my life, so I don't die so easily! Besides, I didn't marry you into the family. Why should I die? Then I am at a big loss?" Liu Boyang hugged her gently, pinching her delicate earlobe and said.

Sun Xiaorou hugged Liu Boyang tightly and refused to let go, crying unceasingly, because she was worried and reluctant to part with Liu Boyang before, but now hearing Liu Boyang's words, she wept with joy.

Ma Ling, who was sitting in the car, saw this scene, and felt a little angry. Liu Boyang, a bad guy, forgot about himself when he returned to China, and flirted with other girls in front of his own face. put it...

But having said that, she can still understand Sun Xiaorou's mood very well, she can't do without Liu Boyang now, if she can't see Liu Boyang for a long time, she will also collapse.

Liu Boyang coaxed Sun Xiaorou for a while, and told her that he would take her to G City, Sun Xiaorou agreed without saying a word, took Liu Boyang's hand back to her own home, called her parents, made up an excuse, and Put on clothes and go out.Anyway, Sun Xiaorou's parents are businessmen, and they don't come back often. As long as Sun Xiaorou wants to go out, she is very free.

After dressing up, Sun Xiaorou was obviously clean and beautiful, with the appearance of a fairy descending to the world. She held Liu Boyang with her small snow-white hand and refused to let go. It was not until she got into the car that she discovered the existence of another girl.

Sun Xiaorou looked at Liu Boyang suspiciously. Liu Boyang stood awkwardly between the two women, coughed dryly, and pointed to Ma Ling to introduce Sun Xiaorou: "Her name is Ma Ling, and I met him in country J. From now on... you are sister..."

Liu Boyang spoke very "reservedly", but it didn't mean that Sun Xiaorou couldn't understand, she was a little jealous, she was so worried about him at home, he actually went to country j to pick up girls!

Sun Xiaorou gently scratched Liu Boyang's palm with her nails, and greeted Ma Ling calmly on the surface: "Ku Yiqi wow (hello)..."

It turned out that she thought that Ma Ling was from J country, and she even greeted Ma Ling in half-baked J language. This unintentional move won Ma Ling's favor all of a sudden. I am not from country j, but I am from Hangzhou, zj province, nice to meet you!"

Girls, especially girls who are sensible and general, as long as they have the right temper, they are easy to talk to. Sun Xiaorou and Ma Ling quickly got to know each other through exchanges and greetings. The two sat beside Liu Boyang, one on the left and one on the right. Lao Mao and Gao Zhenfei sat aside consciously, and because Sun Xiaorou joined in the carriage, it became more eye-catching.

Sun Xiaorou soon spotted Polly sitting next to Gao Zhenfei, and asked in surprise, "Who is this sister? Bo Yang, you also met in country j?"

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