The best boy on campus

Chapter 1822 Go to Macau!

Liu Boyang left Moon Bay Villa and took a taxi back to Zhong Nan Hai.Ringing the doorbell again to enter the house, it was Ning Yeqi who opened the door. She looked at Liu Boyang in surprise and asked, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Nonsense, can't I still celebrate the New Year with him? As soon as I entered, I saw him doing business with a wild mandarin duck. That mistress is not much younger than your age. I'm so disgusted!" Liu Boyang said as he entered the door.

"What are you talking about!" Ning Yeqi pulled him angrily, and sniffed Liu Boyang's body with her delicate little nose. Liu Boyang smiled and said, "What are you asking? I promised you would not touch him. I'll keep my word, and if I talk about that kind of shit, I'll get my hands dirty!"

Ning Yeqi did not smell blood on Liu Boyang's body, so she was relieved. On the contrary, Liu Boyang smelled a fresh fragrance from Ning Yeqi's body, and looking at her hair draped softly on her shoulders, it was obviously washed It's time to take a bath, and now there is still the sound of splashing water in the bathroom, it must be Song Jiayao taking a bath in it, Liu Boyang is a bit incredulous: "You guys are taking a bath here?"

"Then what's the matter!" Ning Yeqi didn't take it seriously, "I sweated so much when I came here, of course I have to wash it off! Auntie is so nice, she offered to help us mix the water!"

At this time, Qin Lan, who was cooking in the kitchen, came out upon hearing the sound, looked at Liu Boyang and asked, "Boyang, you...found Pu Guoxin? How did you talk to him?"

"The conversation was very pleasant. I think he should know what to do now. If he dares to call here again in the future and ask for those documents, just tell me and I will continue to talk to him!" Liu Boyang wrote lightly.

Qin Lan's expression was not at all relaxed, and he said earnestly, "Pu Guoxin is a very small person. I'm afraid that if you approached Boyang today, he wouldn't dare to target our family openly, but would make trouble in secret..."

Liu Boyang snorted coldly and said, "Anyway, I've already warned him, it's his fault if he doesn't know how to behave anymore. I won't say anything else, if he dares to dance again in the future, you see how I will deal with him!"

Qin Lan couldn't help smiling, her son's idea was real, she was busy cooking, but she didn't have time to chat with Liu Boyang here, so she ran in again, Liu Boyang whispered to Ning Yeqi: "I didn't ask you to cook Why? Why is she going again?"

Ning Yeqi blinked her eyes playfully, and said with a light smile, "Speak up, I love your mother so much, let her hear it!"

Liu Boyang stared, and Ning Yeqi quickly compromised: "Okay, okay! You have come here so hard, of course Auntie will cook for you! We want to help her, but she won't let me! You go to the sofa first Sit down, there is watermelon in the refrigerator, I will cut iced watermelon for you to eat!"

Liu Boyang really didn't understand how this girl became so familiar with his mother in a blink of an eye, it was like being at home here, he shook his head speechlessly, went back to the sofa and sat down.

Strictly speaking, this lunch meal was extremely rich. Qin Lan showed off her culinary skills and cooked more than a dozen delicious home-style dishes, which made Liu Boyang quite speechless. However, Liu Boyang could also appreciate his mother's hard work. It really warmed my heart a lot.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was also very harmonious, basically it was Song Jiayao and Ning Yeqi who were talking, Qin Lan sometimes echoed a few words, Liu Boyang just lowered his head to eat, Qin Lan's eyes quietly saw his son eating comfortably, and there was tenderness in his eyes smile.

At the end of the meal, Liu Boyang felt that he had almost finished his meal. The only dissatisfaction was that there were so many appetizers but he could not drink alcohol. He took a tissue to wipe his mouth clean, and asked, "Where did Liu Zhentian go to perform his mission?"

Qin Lan put down her chopsticks and asked with a smile, "Do you care about him?"

Liu Boyang snorted coldly: "I'm not that boring, it's just that he lost his job because of me, I have to ask."

"He went to Macau. Counting today, he has been there for a total of six days. He even called me the night before yesterday." Qin Lan said.

"What is he doing there?" Liu Boyang asked casually.

"It seems that there was a big case in China some time ago. Someone printed counterfeit banknotes to launder money. Later, the mastermind behind the scenes was caught, but the accumulated money has been captured by a very powerful gangster in Macau. Macau There is a special administrative region over there, fu has no right to go directly to arrest people, and there is no evidence to deal with money laundering, your father went here this time to find a way to recover the black money, and let the bad guys be brought to justice by the way!" Qin Lan made no secrets Said.

This case sounds very complicated, and Liu Boyang's heart suddenly became confused.

Where is Macau?It is a well-known casino all over the country, well-known all over the world, except for Las Vegas!Chasing black money in such a chaotic place, and dealing with local snakes, can Liu Zhentian handle it?

Liu Boyang frowned and thought for a moment, then asked, "How much is the black money?"

Qin Lan said: "The amount is relatively huge, it seems to be tens of billions. Boyang, you are also a member of the privileged department of the state. You should know that these tasks are all concealed from your parents and from your wife and children. It is not your father who told me, but I found out about it through other channels, after all, I also work in the central yang office, and I am not considered an 'outsider' of the country."

Liu Boyang nodded, and said lightly: "I didn't expect Liu Zhentian, who is used to fine clothes and fine food, to go deep into the grassroots as an agent. He doesn't know how to deal with a gang of gangsters who fight openly. Can he handle it? "

Upon hearing this, Qin Lan said seriously: "Boyang, you can't say that about your father. Didn't I tell you that your father is different from Liu Zuo Nian? He is a very honest official. For a high-ranking official at the provincial and ministerial level, which family doesn’t have several houses with tens of millions in the passbook? But our family has nothing but this house, and the passbook only has seven figures. Your father and I have accumulated wages over the years, we want to keep it for you to marry a wife and buy a house, but I didn't expect you to be better than us, I'm afraid you will look down on our money..."

The pretty faces of Song Jiayao and Ning Yeqi blushed slightly, and Song Jiayao picked up a chopstick of braised pork ribs and put them into Liu Boyang's small dish, and said, "Boyang, haven't you had nothing to do recently? You are very capable now Really, why don't you go to Macau to help Uncle Liu, with your help, Uncle Liu will recover the black money soon, and Auntie will have one less day to worry about, which is much better than visiting Auntie when you have nothing to do! "

Liu Boyang snorted and said, "I'll help him? He's so capable, let him check it out by himself!"

Qin Lan was a little moved, and said: "Boyang, if possible, it would be best for you to go to Macau. When your father called me the day before yesterday, he seemed to be in some trouble. I was really worried about him... "

Liu Boyang thought for a while, but he was actually quite worried about Liu Zhentian. Liu's family members were hard-hearted and soft-hearted. Liu Boyang said that he didn't want to see him for the rest of his life. Could it be that he really didn't see him for the rest of his life?

Liu Boyang pretended to sigh, and reluctantly said: "Well, since he was troubled by me, it is not impossible for me to go there, I have to let him know that I am better than him, and it was he who left me back then. Loss!"

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