The best boy on campus

Chapter 1826 Liu Zhentian's Ending!

Liu Boyang nodded lightly, took off his windbreaker and handed it to Murong Xiaoxue, Murong Xiaoxue burst into tears with excitement, she never dreamed that Liu Boyang would appear in this situation, took the windbreaker and put it on her body, covering her body She exposed her embarrassment, but she never cried out. ..

Suddenly Murong Xiaoxue thought of something, and said with regret and guilt on her face, "Boss, I'm sorry for you, Team Leader Liu, he... he..."

Liu Boyang's face was livid, he didn't say anything, and he walked towards the inside. At this time, the fight in the alley was over, and the dozen or so rotten-legged shrimps in Wuwei Hall were not enough to see in front of the four Liu Boyang brothers. , Liu Boyang killed three in seconds, and the others were divided by Gao Zhenfei's old cat Cui Guodong. The alley was full of corpses, and none of them were whole corpses.

Gao Zhenfei's old cat, Cui Guodong, and the three stood beside the unconscious Liu Zhentian, keeping silent. Liu Boyang slowly squatted down. At this moment, he didn't cry, but he felt something stuck in his throat, which made him almost out of breath Come.

Liu Zhentian's entire back was chopped off, blood flowed all over the ground, and the back of his head was beaten to pieces with an iron rod. The chance of surviving was very slim!

Gao Zhenfei hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Brother Yang, I'm sorry..."

Liu Boyang's tone was as cold as ever, but it made people who knew his temperament creepy, "What did the leader just say, what is the name of their hall?"

"It seems to be called Wuwei Hall..." Cui Guodong repeated.

Liu Boyang didn't say anything more, he hugged Liu Zhentian with both hands, and wanted to send this man who had never called "Father" to the hospital since he was a child. Even if it was meaningless, it was better than letting him sleep on the cold ground, but suddenly Suddenly, there were bursts of police whistles in the distance, and the sound of fighting in the alley just now alarmed the nearby citizens. Someone called the police, and the Macau police were still very efficient. In less than 10 minutes, five pedestrians rushed to the police station. to the scene.

PTU is the mobile unit of the Macau police. Different from ordinary police, the police of the mobile unit wear berets and high-waisted military boots. There is a lightning icon under the cap badge. Usually five people conduct foot patrols. It is the Macau police. A mobile force to fight and prevent crime.

In view of the reporter's claim that he heard the sound of group fighting, the ptus all pulled out their heavy-barreled .[-] revolvers, covered each other and rushed to the scene of the crime.

Liu Boyang's face was cold, and Murong Xiaoxue suddenly came up and said, "Boss! The police are here! You run first, and just leave Uncle Liu here. The police will send him to the hospital. If you let the police The police found that the four of you killed so many people, they will definitely not let you go!"

Macau is a society ruled by law, anyone who kills someone must bear the responsibility, not to mention Liu Boyang and his methods of killing are too cruel, as long as they are caught by the ptus, they will definitely be dealt with as a serious xing case, Liu Boyang himself may not care about anything, and he will not A few police officers in the district are underestimated, but the four of them still represent the image of mainland spies. If it really makes a big fuss, it will make the whole mainland ugly.

However, Liu Boyang still doesn't intend to let go, no one can understand his anger and sadness at the moment, he doesn't want to trust anyone except himself!

Gao Zhenfei heard the footsteps of those puts approaching, so he persuaded: "Brother Yang, just listen to her, we have not done anything since we came to Macau, we can't be arrested for murder first, let alone What's more, we are not familiar with this place, and we don't know where the hospital is, which will waste more time!"

Gao Zhenfei's words finally persuaded Liu Boyang to wake him up. He gently put Liu Zhentian back on the ground, looked at Murong Xiaoxue and said, "Xiaoxue, take care of him for me for now, I will go to the hospital with you!"

Five figures appeared indistinctly at the entrance of the alley, and the four Liu Boyang brothers were as fast as ghosts, flying directly onto the wall, and disappeared from the scene of the crime within a few tenths of a second.

Five ptus finally rushed in, and found that the ground was covered with bloody corpses, and a woman was sitting in the corner, and hurriedly shouted in Mandarin: "Hurry up and help!"

At the same time, the leading police officer immediately said on the walkie-talkie: "Headquarters, ptu2668 Zhang Guobin reported that a fight was found in the back alley of Beimao Building on Queen's Road in Heisha Ring. There were many deaths at the scene. A Chinese woman was slightly injured. Please send a white car. over!"

Soon, the stormtroopers and police patrols also arrived, cordoned off the scene, collected evidence, the noise of the walkie-talkie was endless, and under the flashing red and blue police lights, Murong Xiaoxue looked pale, silently watching the dying Liu Zhentian being carried to the ambulance Car, with an oxygen mask over his nose, eyes closed, narrowly escaped death.

Scenes of coming to Macau came to mind, Liu Zhentian's voice and smile were so familiar, how much he took care of himself as an elder, Murong Xiaoxue couldn't help crying again, a female policeman stepped forward to put a blanket on her, almost A police officer from the serious crime team stepped forward to ask questions, but found that the victim was actually a colleague from the mainland who came to investigate the money laundering case.

It's a big deal!

At the same time as the three white cars drove away, the four Liu Boyang brothers came out from the other direction of the alley and took a taxi to keep up.


In Areia Preta, the Royal Taibao Hospital, Liu Zhentian is undergoing emergency surgery and is not out of danger yet.Accompanied by two police officers, Murong Xiaoxue sat on the bench at the door of the operating room. Liu Boyang, as Liu Zhentian's biological son, couldn't get close at this moment and could only sit far away.

It was already late at night, but Murong Xiaoxue didn't feel sleepy at all, her eyes were bloodshot, she sometimes looked at the heavy-faced Liu Boyang, and sometimes looked at the emergency room with bright red operating lights, tears welled up in her eyes.The scene in the back alley of Beimao Building flashed in her mind from time to time, and every time she thought about it, it pricked her heart like a needle.

I don't know when, a white belly appeared in the sky, the red light in the operating room finally went out, the exhausted doctor came out, and immediately a large group of people stood up, Murong Xiaoxue immediately rushed up and asked: "Doctor, how is he doing this?" Sample?"

The doctor took off his mask and said, "Sorry, we did our best."

Murong Xiaoxue's complexion suddenly turned pale!

Liu Boyang instantly petrified!

The doctor realized that he had said something wrong, and quickly added: "The patient's trauma was serious, but it was not fatal. What was fatal was the blunt force blow to the back of his head, causing massive congestion in his brain. Mentally prepare for not waking up."

Hearing this, Liu Boyang's heart skipped a beat, and a boulder was hanging on the ground finally, but he was not in a relaxed mood, because the underlying meaning of "never wake up" is a vegetable!

Liu Boyang really couldn't imagine the scene of Liu Zhentian turning into a vegetable, what a blow to his hard-hearted and soft-hearted grandfather Liu Tianlong, and what kind of bad news it would bring to his mother who was waiting at home!In an instant, Liu Boyang felt dizzy and dizzy, and his heart was blocked and uncomfortable!

The capital agent Liu Zhentian who came to Macau to investigate the case encountered such a thing, and the Macau police also expressed deep sorrow. In fact, they knew well that the murderer behind the incident was self-evident, and it must be the revenge of Song Huaqiang, the boss of Neptune!

But the police never judge cases based on speculation. This time, like Wang Tianhe's murder before, Song Huaqiang had alibi, and there were many other suspicious points. For example, none of the dead bodies found at the scene was Song Huaqiang. His confidantes are all members of a second-rate gang in Heishahuan-Pai Wuweitang. What makes the police even more puzzled is who killed so many people at once, and the method is extremely cruel?

Regarding this, the police had been trying to pry Murong Xiaoxue open, trying to find clues from her, but Murong Xiaoxue kept silent, except for being in a daze and crying secretly, the police thought she was murdered that night The incident frightened me, and it was not easy to press forcibly, so this matter became another case without a clue.

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