The best boy on campus

Chapter 1841 Great changes in the capital!

Enying quickly finished writing the four spells, and handed them to Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei's old cat Cui Guodong and his brothers, and then asked them to stand in the four corners of the room, waiting for the opening of the enchantment circle. ..

Xiaoying was frightened a long time ago, she quietly hid behind Liu Boyang, not daring to breathe.

"Brother Dapeng, turn off the light in the room, we are about to start!" Enying said to the old cat.

The old cat swallowed hard, and turned off the light with a "snap".

Immediately afterwards, Enying began to use the descending technique. She held her hands in front of her chest, and she did not know what kind of spell she chanted. Suddenly, a small ball of green light slowly emerged from her palms. It was in the shape of a small ball, and then quickly grew in size. The gorgeous green light illuminated the entire ward in a faint green, which was extraordinarily eerie and eerie.

Qin Lan and Xiaoying, who saw this scene with their own eyes, were frightened and dumbfounded, and quickly held their breath.A whirlwind blew up in the room for no reason, flying and curling around Enying, making Enying's hair flutter. Enying scolded coquettishly, and pushed her palms upwards, the faint green ball of light rose rapidly. Going up to the roof, at the same time, the green light was shining brightly, and the paper talisman in the hands of Liu Boyang, Gao Zhenfei, the old cat Cui Guodong and the others also glowed with green light, illuminating the whole house like an iron wall!

"Boom!" There was a sound, something broke, and a monster the size of a calf suddenly fell from the roof. It was covered in red hair, with thick limbs and sharp claws. The most terrifying thing was that it had a monster's head The body, but the head is a human head, a woman's head with pale skin and venomous eyes, her hair is disheveled, staring at everyone in the room with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Ah!" Xiaoying screamed on the spot, the whole person shrank behind Liu Boyang and dared not come out, Jin Maohou immediately fixed his eyes on Xiaoying, licked his tongue, and suddenly rushed towards Xiaoying and Liu Boyang!

Before it was too late, Enying shot out lightning, and a ball of green light shot out, hitting Jin Maohou's lower back, Jin Maohou let out a scream, abruptly stopped from mid-air, and turned back to stare at Enying with gritted teeth!

At this time, Enying's pretty face was full of evil, and a dark green light cluster condensed on her right hand, and she slammed towards Jin Maohou, Jin Maohou kicked her back foot, trying to hide, but there was only so much room in the ward, and the surrounding area was isolated by barriers Sealed, the Golden Retriever Roar had nowhere to hide, was hit on the neck by the green light group, and wailed on the spot, turning into a cloud of foul-smelling black smoke, and then disappeared, leaving no residue on the ground remain.

The ward returned to its original state immediately, and the green light of the paper talisman in the hands of the four Liu Boyang brothers disappeared. The old cat was stunned, and then asked in some astonishment: "Sister, is this the end?"

Enying nodded, clapped her little hands and said with a light smile, "It's over, I can already destroy it!"

The four Liu Boyang brothers looked at each other, and they were a little dumbfounded. Before Enying introduced how powerful the Golden Retriever is, they thought it was very difficult to deal with, but they didn’t expect it to be over after just two hits. That’s all!

Enying seemed to see their thoughts, and explained seriously: "I said before, this Golden Retriever is only in the red-haired stage. According to its age, it is just a juvenile of Golden Retriever, so I can eliminate it." It, but if the white-haired or golden-haired golden hair growls, I can't hurt it at all."

The Golden Retriever Roar was wiped out, both Qin Lan and Xiaoying changed their attitude towards Enying greatly, and Xiaoying ran over excitedly and grabbed Enying's hand, shouting: "Enying, you bad girl, it turns out that your ability It’s so big, I didn’t even know it before! I want to worship you as my teacher and learn skills from you in the future!”

Enying laughed, looked at Liu Boyang with a look of admiration and said: "I just have a way of dealing with those supernatural things. In fact, the one who is really capable is Brother Boyang. He is the most powerful man I have ever seen." people!"

Liu Boyang ignored the twittering of the two girls, and looked at the room in amazement. He didn't know where Enying got the golden retriever just now. He said it was the roof, but what if there was such a big thing hidden on the roof? , it is impossible for it to fall without any traces, but the current roof is still intact, there are no holes or signs of damage at all.

"Brother, you must keep what I said in mind. This golden retriever tonight is not accidental. It must have been released on purpose. The target is either you or godfather and godmother. You'd better get rid of it as soon as possible." Find the bad guys, otherwise other troubles will come to you!" Enying walked to Liu Boyang and said solemnly.

Liu Boyang nodded, patted Enying on the shoulder and said: "Girl, during the period when my parents were hospitalized, I will give you protection. With you here, I believe that no demons can harm them, and the culprit is caught." Just leave it to me, and I will definitely not let that person have an easy time!"

This night, until the second half of the night, the people in the ward didn't get much rest. They might have been left with a psychological shadow by the golden retriever's roar, for fear that something unclean would come to the door after accidentally falling asleep.

The next morning, Liu Zhentian hadn't woken up yet, and Qin Lan Xiaoying's old cat, Cui Guodong, had just fallen asleep. Liu Boyang asked Enying to stay in the ward to look after them, and he took Gao Zhenfei downstairs to buy breakfast. Seeing Qin Que walking towards him, Liu Boyang was slightly surprised, and said, "Brother Qin, what a coincidence, why did you come here?"

Qin Que said, "What a coincidence, I'm here to find you! Brother, do you know something serious happened?"

"What's the big deal?" Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei immediately asked after hearing this.

"Come here and talk!"

Qin Que called the two of them to the flower bed, checked that there was no one around, and then said, "I only found out about your father's business yesterday, and I have been on missions outside before, and I also returned to the capital yesterday. I originally I wanted to come and visit last night, but I was shocked when I heard something suddenly." <Old man Qiu, do you still remember?Don't look at him as a low-key person, but in fact he is the real master of the world. On the Great Wall, if he hadn't acted in an emergency, it is estimated that all of us would have been killed by Solang Zimo.But just yesterday evening, he died strangely! "Of course he has the impression of Qiu. In order to fight against Suolangzimo, Liu Boyang made a special trip to invite him out of the mountain, but that old thing was trying to sell himself, and he refused to take it lightly at first. Cheng, and almost destroyed the Great Wall before he acted. Liu Boyang still dislikes him. If he had acted earlier, Third Master Fan Wujiu would not have died. Now I heard that old man Li died , Liu Boyang was a little disapproving. "In Qiu, he was already very old, even if he passed away suddenly, it would not be a big deal?" Liu Boyang said. <Qiu is actually the guardian of the entire imperial city. With him, the capital is stable, and the land gods protect everything here in an orderly manner, so there will be no major disturbances.But as long as Li Chunqiu dies, there will be no one to govern the entire capital's territory, and it will be in chaos. At that time, the demons will dance wildly, and some unclean things will definitely come out and harm people! "

Speaking of this, the faces of Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei suddenly changed. Isn't the golden retriever roar last night an example?Could it be that there is only a connection between these two things?

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