The best boy on campus

Chapter 1850 Chapter Jing!

In Chinese classical mythology, the dragon is a miraculous animal, also known as "Nine Unlikeness", with a head like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a shrimp, ears like an elephant, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, and scales like a fish. , claws like a phoenix, palms like a tiger!According to ancient books, "it has 81 scales on its back, with ninety-nine yang numbers. Throughout the ages, no matter what kind of legends about dragons, they are basically inseparable from the power and holiness of dragons. The emperors of all dynasties regarded themselves as true. The Son of Heaven, Dragon, is enough to show his great reliance on dragons! But most of the dragons that people admire are golden dragons that can soar nine heavens and bring auspiciousness. It can only bring disaster to people!

Seeing the black dragon dancing ferociously and jumping up into the sky, Liu Boyang chased after him, and the speed was not slow at all. When he rushed to the top of the cloud, he finally caught up with the tail of the black dragon. I caught it, my hands were cold, those black dragon scales were actually colder than Yan Bing!

The black dragon is Zhou Shan, the great-grandfather of the king of Zhou. It must have been buried in the ground for a long time, and his own head is not clear. tail, it turned its head foolishly, and stared at Liu Boyang with a pair of copper bell-like eyes!

Liu Boyang faced the black dragon head-on, and finally saw the true face of this guy clearly. It was just like the legend. It had a nondescript hunchback, a horse mouth, and black air was still spraying from its nostrils.

Liu Boyang let go of the black dragon's tail, and asked it as naturally as an old friend meeting: "Man, you are flying so fast, where are you going?"

The black dragon didn't understand people's words, so it moved its head a little closer. It wanted to see what kind of thing Liu Boyang was. Liu Boyang was amused by the black dragon's bewilderment. Don't worry about this beast, it's a mystery to the common people. Its IQ is not high, not as good as the kraken I met yesterday. The kraken at least knows how to defend itself, and it doesn't even have the heart to guard against people.

Liu Boyang raised two fingers and asked with a smile, "You idiot, do you know what this is?"

The black dragon spouted black air, and stared at Liu Boyang's hand with blood-red eyes. Liu Boyang stabbed his hand suddenly, popping two of the black dragon's eyeballs on the spot, and gouged them out forcefully, pulling out both of them. The bloody eyeballs fell into Liu Boyang's hands and turned into two black pearls. Liu Boyang knew that they were precious treasures. Longan was called "Pearl of the Night" in ancient times.Liu Boyang quickly put the two hard-won night pearls into his arms.

Not long after the black dragon was born, it was inexplicably blinded by someone gouging out its eyes, and it suddenly exploded in pain, like a wounded boa constrictor, desperately flying and rolling in the sky, howling incessantly, and suddenly there were thick dark clouds around it Gathering over, the sky, which was still extremely clear just now, instantly darkened.

Liu Boyang took two steps back, the black dragon slowed down for a long time, and finally thought of revenge, its eyes couldn't see, so it had to open its mouth wide and blow a puff of black smoke at Liu Boyang's side, Liu Boyang pinched his nose and dodged quickly, in fact At this moment, if he uses the "Fire of Amaterasu", he can burn the black dragon to ashes in one fell swoop, but everyone has a curiosity-seeking mentality, and Liu Boyang is no exception. He finally came across a rare black dragon in the world, and it would be so boring to kill it instantly , play with it and have a good time, so I don't care about this time's business!

Thinking of this, Liu Boyang took advantage of the gap between the black dragon's mouth full of black smoke, turned over and jumped, directly rode on the dragon's neck, clenched his fist and hit it on the head. The dragon's head is also long in flesh, but this The dragon is in pain, rolling and flying all over the sky, spinning and dancing, trying to throw Liu Boyang down, but Liu Boyang is getting harder and harder. In the Jiulong Club, he is known as the "dragon head", and what he is facing at this time is a genuine dragon head. Not to mention how exciting it is!

Heilong was punched dozens of times by Liu Boyang, and finally lost his temper, and he screamed out. It is really pitiful. It has been suffocated under the grave for more than a hundred years. It's better not to come out!

Seeing that Liu Boyang cracked the black dragon's forehead, and the red blood oozes out, Liu Boyang's own fists also hurt a little bit. He felt that the game was almost done, so he jumped off the dragon's back, just about to give it a fatal blow. Suddenly, the black dragon roared, and opened its mouth to spit out a large cloud of dark green gas at Liu Boyang. The stench was extremely foul, probably because it had stored corpse gas for hundreds of years!

At the same time, as the black dragon showed its power, the thick dark clouds in the sky suddenly shed bean-sized raindrops, and the torrential rain poured down. Countless electric snakes floated in the clouds, and they might be struck down at any time.

"Fuck! If you were a real dragon, I would still be afraid of you, how dare a stinky corpse become wild?" Liu Boyang sneered, opened his mouth and sprayed a mouthful of Amaterasu black fire, and Amaterasu black fire burned directly along the black dragon's green smoke Going up, the whole body of the dragon was burned in an instant, the black dragon screamed desperately, before it died, it rushed towards Liu Boyang crazily, trying to die with Liu Boyang, but the speed of Amaterasu's black fire burning was faster than it It was even faster than expected, before it rushed to Liu Boyang's body, it was burnt to residue, and the huge black dragon was burned up in a blink of an eye!

Liu Boyang himself was terrified, the horror of Amaterasu's black fire far exceeded his imagination, even a dragon could be burned, no wonder the master used the words "burn everything" to describe it!Liu Boyang flew down the cloud head in a good mood, and rushed straight to his body.

After his soul returned to his body, Liu Boyang unexpectedly found a large group of people with bruised noses and swollen faces lying under his feet, while Lan Fengtu stood indifferently in the middle of the crowd, with an extremely indifferent expression.

In the distance, the only two remaining children of the Zhou family were crying and hiding in the distance, looking at the blue phoenix picture like a plague god.

"Master, why did you knock them all out!" Liu Boyang asked, kicking King Zhou on the ground.

"They found us and came here to find trouble, so I had to let them sleep for a while. How about it, how powerful is Amaterasu's black fire?" Lan Fengtu asked with a smile after witnessing what happened in the sky just now.

"That goes without saying, it's powerful! But that black dragon is quite pitiful. If I don't think its history is too disgusting, I really want to take it as a mount. Riding a dragon is really more exciting than flying a plane!" Liu Boyang boasted Hehe smiled.

Lan Fengtu snorted, and scolded with a smile: "Stop talking nonsense, let's leave here first, the Zhou family can't count on their ancestors, and what fate they will have in the future depends entirely on their own good luck."

After dealing with the Zhou family's affairs, Lan Fengtu took Liu Boyang and left Jingshan Village, and took the bus back to the capital according to the method when he came.But they didn't have time to go to the hospital. Lan Fengtu opened two rooms in a small hotel on the outskirts of Beicheng, and went upstairs to rest after eating something with Liu Boyang. If you don't sleep, even if your body can hold it, you can't take it mentally.

Liu Boyang simply took a shower, lay down early, took out the two longan pearls and looked at them for a while, then put them back again.He must recharge his batteries, because tomorrow morning Lan Fengtu will take him to seek revenge for the culprit who murdered his mother, and kill the walking corpse demon Han Dian!

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