The best boy on campus

Chapter 1855 Haunted by ghosts!

The "walking corpse" Han Diankong has thousands of years of Taoism, and he is nothing more than a demon and clown in front of Daoist Lu Ya. He can be killed easily. Daoist Lu Ya's mission is complete, and it turns into a red light and leaves Liu Boyang's body , soaring away with the little gourd.At the same time, the violent storm between heaven and earth also stopped, the dark clouds dissipated, and it became sunny again.

The dilapidated "Jingyue Nunnery" has been destroyed into ruins. Liu Boyang still can't figure out why Han Dian is here, and why he is still attached to the old nun, but these are not important now, he The first thing to do is to find the mother's soul.

Liu Boyang and Lan Fengtu split into two groups. Lan Fengtu searched in the main hall of Jingyue Nunnery, while Liu Boyang went to search for each of the small houses behind Jingyue Nunnery. It stands to reason that since Han Dian was hiding in this In this place, his mother's soul must also be hidden here.

Pushing open the doors of the rooms in the backyard, Liu Boyang was shocked, and saw that there were several corpses piled up in one of them, which were already stinking, and a large group of flies were flying around the stinking corpses. Maggots were born, crawling around, very disgusting.

Liu Boyang pinched his nose, frowned and walked over to take a closer look. There were six dead bodies in total, five females and one male. The male corpse turned out to be Li Chunqiu who disappeared in the warehouse behind the Capital Museum without any reason, and the female corpses were nuns without exception. , Their faces were all black, and their seven orifices were bleeding.

At this time, Lan Fengtu searched the main hall to no avail, so he also came to the backyard. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Boyang staring at the six corpses in a daze, and said, "This is probably where Han Dian has been hiding these days. Human form, but he himself is the fetus of demons and ghosts. He moves in the world under the blue sky and white sun, and must ingest human life essence as a supply. These nuns may be captured and killed by him, but after all, Jingyue Temple and Han Dian We don't know what the origin is, otherwise there are so many temples in the capital, Han Dian has no reason to pick this place, not to mention that so many people died in this nunnery, the little nun didn't know it before, this is also a Mystery."

Liu Boyang shook his head and said, "I don't care about this, master, where do you think Han Dian will put my mother's soul?" The head master calculated exactly the same, so he pointed to the small bottle and said: "It should be inside, this small bottle is called 'Soul Gathering Bottle', it is specially used to collect people's souls, as long as you take her back, your mother will be saved !" <Qiu's hand just refused to let go, and the small glass bottle seemed to be embedded in it, unable to move at all. <Qiu's finger bones were broken, and he finally took out the small glass bottle, but suddenly, the corpse Li Chunqiu opened his eyes, staring at Liu Boyang coldly!

Naturally, Liu Boyang also noticed this, the hairs all over his body exploded, he quickly stepped back and pointed, "Master, he opened his eyes!"

The corpse of Lanfengtu Mianqiu had already stood up from the house, and the corpses of the other five nuns also got up unsteadily, and walked out lifelessly.

"Boyang, burn this house down, and they can't come out no matter what!" Lan Fengtu whispered. <Qiu’s six corpses were burned to ashes before they came out, and the strong stench was so choking that people couldn’t breathe.

I encountered so many strange things in the "Jingyue Nunnery" today, Liu Boyang didn't want to find out what happened inside, and finally got his mother's soul back. , rushed to the People's Liberation Army Hospital to rescue mother Qin Lan.

Speechless all the way.

Four or ten minutes later, the two finally arrived at the PLA Hospital. Liu Boyang hadn't been here for three days, and the ward was still the same. Dian, get back the soul, Liu Boyang nodded with a light smile, said a few words casually, and then, under the eyes of several brothers and the whole family, he came to his mother Qin Lan's bedside with the Soul Gathering Bottle, gently Opened the bottle, but did not see any changes inside. After just three seconds, Qin Lan, who had been in a coma for three days, really woke up. She opened her eyes weakly, looked at the ward blankly, and then looked at Liu Boyang and his family said, "Boyang, why are you all here? What's wrong with me? My head hurts."

"Mom, don't you remember what happened?" Liu Boyang asked softly.

Qin Lan shook her head in confusion, rubbed her temples and said, "I don't remember anything, I just feel like my mind is muddled, Boyang, how long have I been asleep?"

Liu Boyang felt sorry for his mother and didn't want to tell her the nightmare experience, so he gently tucked his mother's quilt and said, "Mom, it's okay, you just took a nap because you were too tired, everything is fine now , Wait, I'll call the doctor in to see if you have any potential illnesses."

As soon as Liu Boyang finished speaking, Gao Zhenfei, the old cat, had already walked out. After a while, a large group of doctors were called in. In fact, in the past three days, the doctors in the PLA Hospital had always believed that Qin Lan was dead. They didn't believe a single word of the saying of "refusal to take away the soul", but the Liu family was led by Mr. Liu himself, and they were not allowed to mess with Qin Lan's "corpse", so they had no choice but to place it there. At this time, they heard that Qin Lan When he woke up, he was startled, and hurried over to see what happened.

After some examinations, these doctors couldn't believe it or not. Qin Lan actually "resurrected from the dead", and all the vital indicators were normal. Except for a weak system, he was no different from a normal person.

The doctors looked at each other, and then looked at Liu Boyang with all kinds of unimaginable eyes, not knowing what to say anymore.

"How is it? How is my mother?" Liu Boyang asked.

"The patient is fine except that he has not eaten or drank water for three days, and his body is weak. ... Sorry, please allow me to ask, is it true that the patient's soul was rejected as you said before? Is there such a thing?" A doctor finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked Liu Boyang.

Liu Boyang said in his heart that it is not only the soul that refuses to go, there are many more terrifying things that you have never seen, but it is inconvenient for Liu Boyang to reveal too much about these things, so he said lightly and perfunctorily: "Even if it is, doctors, thank you guys Tian Lai took good care of my parents, and when they get better, I will definitely thank you very much!"

As soon as those doctors heard Liu Boyang say this, they knew that he didn't want to reveal more inside information, and everyone sighed secretly, and forced a regrettable smile: "What's the matter, this is what our hospital should do. As long as patients If there is nothing, everyone will be happy. Now we will go out first, and you can call us again if you have something to do. You'd better prepare some food for the patient, she is very weak and needs supplementary nutrition."

"Okay!" Liu Boyang personally escorted the doctor out. Just as he got to the door, he happened to see Xiaoying and Enying coming upstairs carrying a kettle. When Enying saw Liu Boyang, his face turned livid and he shouted: "Brother, what is that thing on your shoulder?!"

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