The best boy on campus

Chapter 1897 Enter Luoying Village!

After the bangzi sounded, it turned into a suona sound again, and a sad but joyous joy filled the ears, just like the weddings and funerals of ancient rich families.At this moment, Bai Xiaoping in the car suddenly woke up and shouted, "Don't go out!"

The three Liu Boyang brothers woke up suddenly like enlightenment!

"Danzhu Mouth God, vomits filth and eliminates atmosphere, Tongue God is righteous, and lives to nourish the spirit! Urgently like the law of the Nine Heavens Xuannv!"

Seeing that the three of them were in danger, Bai Xiaoping rushed out of the car door and blurted out a heart-purifying mantra to break up the confusing staves.

The three Liu Boyang brothers who regained consciousness were shaken all over, and immediately retracted the foot that was stepping on the air. The three brothers looked at each other, and they all felt numbness in the back of the spine, and they were afraid for a while.

At this moment, the bleak night wind and the old tunes stopped. Humans and ghosts confronted each other!

With an idea, Bai Xiaoping stretched his hand into his bosom, and spilled a dozen paper money, fluttering like butterflies.

The group of lantern ghosts slowly turned their heads, and continued to walk towards the deep night with small steps...

"Is everything okay?" Bai Xiaoping walked up to Liu Boyang and the others, silently staring at the erratic ghost in the distance.

"Thank you, Senior White, for your help." The three brothers nodded in unison, expressions of deep gratitude.

"No need, these dead ghosts will only advance, not retreat. Now that they have left, they will not come back. Hurry up and get in the car to rest. There will inevitably be a fierce battle tomorrow morning!"


In the middle of the night, they encountered a group of lantern ghosts who were haunting their souls. Although there was no danger, the three brothers, Liu Boyang's old cat, Cui Guodong, still had lingering fears. They hardly slept well in the second half of the night. He dared to run out of the car without permission, but luckily nothing happened after that, and the light rain stopped when it was daylight.

After casually eating some compressed biscuits to fill their stomachs, the group finally headed to Luoying Village, but the Bai brothers still had one important thing to do, and that was to dress up!

I saw the two brothers took out a sky-blue Taoist robe from their bundles one after another. This robe was well cut, slender and tight, and the upper and lower sides were painted with stars and bird runes, which made Liu Boyang brother The eyes of the three of them and Enying were wide open. They felt that this was really the same as those supernatural movies made in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Before the official practice, the Taoist priest would wear Taoist robes on his body.

"You...why are you in a daze?" Bai Xiaoping asked when he saw the eyes of Liu Boyang and the others.

"Hehe, Senior White, so you two brought Taoist robes over here. Seeing you look like this, I feel more confident!" Liu Boyang laughed.

"But the robes worn by the priests in the movie are all yellow, why are you blue?" Cui Guodong asked.

Bai Xiaoping explained: "You don't know something, and we don't want to, but today we have to do it."

Immediately afterwards, Bai Xiaoping explained the reason why Taoist priests must wear Taoist robes when facing the enemy.It turns out that Taoist spells have a strict hierarchy, and there are distinctions between high and low.It's not what ordinary people imagine that as long as one's ability is achieved, any spells and Taoism can be easily acquired.Every level has every level of spells, insurmountable.And one of the symbols of rank is the Taoist robe!

Strictly speaking, if a qualified Taoist priest wants to give full play to his full strength, he must wear a cassock of his own level.Therefore, in most zombie movies, those Maoshan masters would wear gossip Taoist robes every time they deal with boss-level zombies. The "Dongxuan-level vest" issued by the altar, with it, those who are capable can reach a contract with the gods of the gods, so that they can use the key of the spell to open the door of the elements and release spells. They have already heard about the power of the "walking corpse demon" and experienced it themselves.Luoying Village was right in front of them, and at the moment of life and death, they could no longer hold back anything.

Cui Guodong drove forward for more than ten miles. According to the coordinates on the map, he finally came to the entrance of Luoying Village. He parked the car by the side of the road. Then everyone got out of the car and walked to the village on foot.

Bai Xiaoshuang carried the camouflage backpack behind his back, and with his right hand, a small golden bell in the shape of a mountain was held between his five fingers. The name and taboo of the Three Qings were engraved on the front, and the gossip pattern was engraved on the back. It was the sacrificial magic weapon he brought this time One: Emperor Bell!

"Dinglingling...ring..." With a slight touch of the thumb, the little bell made a melodious vibrating note, startling a few crows resting on the branch.

Along the grassy alley, Liu Boyang and his party walked forward in the dark like this. Fortunately, the dawn is about to break out now, and the road can still be seen clearly.Otherwise, the difficulty will be great.

After walking for hundreds of meters, I can finally see the outline of Luoying Village. The simple and simple mountain village in the past has now become a "****" that everyone talks about. Looking at it from a distance of hundreds of meters, You can feel the cold breath coming out of it.

The village is still the same village, but there are no people there.The fog in front of us is getting thicker, and there are more and more dead trees and dead branches, making it more and more difficult to walk.Liu Boyang and his party walked more and more strenuously, and in the end they had to stop to catch their breath almost every few steps they took.

There are a few bulletin boards at the entrance of the village. The Ming Dynasty period newspaper posted on it has rotted away, leaving only a few corners covered by wood, and a large family of black maggots live underneath.The notice board not far away and the small wall built later stood there alone, "There is a ghost!" The wind and the rain, the sun and the rain are still so bright, as if scrambling for the overflowing plasma, the bright raindrops.

And at the entrance of the village there is an old locust tree piercing into the sky like a ghost's hand. Bai Xiaoping just glanced at it, then shook his head and sighed. way out, to encourage evil.

Occasionally, the calls of wild turtledoves came from the quiet dawn, adding a strange and gloomy feeling to this quiet night for no reason.The sky and the ground were extremely humid after it had just rained, and there were still subtle raindrops in the air and the cool night wind hitting people's faces, making them bone-piercingly cold.

Under the leadership of Bai Xiaoshuang, the figure of Liu Boyang and his party gradually entered from the dark village entrance and walked on the bluestone path of Sifang Street.

All the houses in Luoying Village still retain the old appearance before the Republic of China, with the doors tightly closed, and the white paper lanterns at the door, some of which have been blown to pieces by the wind, and some even have traces of burnt paper cages.On the whole road, the atmosphere was oppressive, and the only weak light was the two bright red lanterns at the entrance of an ancestral hall directly ahead.

But he didn't know if it was an illusion or what, Liu Boyang only felt that the further he walked, the more gloomy the wind would blow, as if it wanted to penetrate into the bone marrow and reach the brain center.He shivered, and looked around at the closed doors and windows on both sides.I always felt that there seemed to be eyes watching me behind the dark window coffin.

And the two red lanterns at the entrance of the ancestral hall in front are like the bloodshot eyes of a monster, and the black hole in the half-open courtyard door is like the monster's bloody mouth.The terrifying darkness approached inch by inch, bit by bit devouring the sight of all living beings. Liu Boyang tried to find the sound of life, but only heard his own heartbeat that intensified...

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