The best boy on campus

Chapter 1900 Desperate moment!

In an emergency, Bai Xiaoping raised the saber above his head, and slashed vertically, a beam of saber-like light fell in the air, splitting the two flying ghosts into pieces, and at the same time, Bai Xiaoping jumped up again. He raised his eyes, his eyes were darkened, his brows were furrowed, and the indigo robe on his body was shining brightly, like a god descending from the earth, he rolled over in front of Han Dian at a speed faster than lightning, and the three-foot silver light knife slashed down in the air, firmly It really split Han Dian's body in half vertically, and the powerful aura also made a big hole in the ground under Han Dian's feet!

Finally, Han Dian couldn't help letting out a scream, and before the two pieces of his shattered body could fall, they overlapped strangely again, and at the same time, the head of the person who attacked Bai Xiaoshuang earlier flew across the sky, slamming into Bai Xiaoshuang fiercely. Xiaoping's back!

Bai Xiaoping dodged the attack like a flying ape, and then switched the three-foot silver light saber from his right hand to his left hand, protecting it with both hands, and cast a bright shadow between his eyebrows, the position was exactly the same. "Give up your life and forget your death, don't return to the sky!!!" As he yelled loudly, he swung his arms obliquely, and a bright brilliance pierced the sky from the back of the heavy saber, as if the distant horizon had calmed down and the light stopped The teleportation stopped, the wind stopped, and the breathing stopped, and there was only the eternal dot in the pupil!

"Bang!" Bai Xiaoping and Han Dian collided firmly, and after a stagger, Bai Xiaoping fell heavily on the ground, with his left hand on the ground, and a ray of saber light extended infinitely on his right hand.However, Han Dian's original grinning facial expression turned dull, and with a sound of "chi", his limbs were torn open, and his whole body was torn apart!It was as if a corpse had been dissected, and then it was reduced to ashes.

At the same time that Han Dian was smashed to pieces, all the remaining resentful souls disappeared, and the entire stone road became empty again.

Seeing the Han Dian destroyed with their own eyes, the three Liu Boyang brothers and Enying were naturally extremely happy, and hurriedly supported Bai Xiaoshuang to the front, Liu Boyang stared at the three-foot silver light saber in Bai Xiaoping's hand, feeling this The saber was much more powerful than my own Knife, so he asked: "Senior White, what is the origin of your saber? I haven't seen you showing it before!"

Bai Xiaoping shook the silver knife in his hand, and with a hint of fascination in his eyes, he said: "This knife is called the 'Scale Shedding Knife'. It is a treasured knife handed down from our Bai family's ancestors. Let's talk about its origin. , That would be a big deal. It is said that Zhang Daoling, the Celestial Master of the Han Dynasty, preached in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan in the past. He accidentally saw three green dragons fighting each other in the clouds. The way to cast a soldier: known as "shedding scales! "Afterwards, this sword was handed down from generation to generation by the celestial masters of all dynasties. Like the Longhu celestial master sword and the real martial arts sword, it is a magic weapon that attaches equal importance to the prestige and belief of Longhu Mountain. Later, because our Bai family has some connections with Longhushan, this After the decline of the Dragon and Tiger Daomen, the knife was passed to the hands of the seniors of our family."

After hearing the origin of this knife, the three Liu Boyang brothers were all startled. After re-observing it, they found that although the shedding scale knife was shining with silver light, there were patterns of dragon scales on the knife body, exuding a trace of king tyrant. Qi!

"What's a 'walking corpse demon', the cowhide is blowing loudly, but that's all, old man Bai, you showed your power and chopped him to death with two knives, what a waste of my feelings!" The old cat was in a good mood, and said There was a sarcastic talk.

However, the two brothers Bai Xiaoping and Bai Xiaoshuang didn't think so. If it was really that simple, Daoist Zhang Zhiting had already removed Han Dian, and Han Dian was able to revive in the end, it meant that he must have something special.

The current victory is only temporary, to be precise, it is the last ray of darkness before dawn, this darkness is extremely powerful and dangerous, if you are not careful, you will burn your hands.

Suddenly, Bai Xiaoping's keen nose smelled an unusual smell, which was mixed between the mist and the smell of grass and trees. It was inaudible but very strong. It was a horrible, indescribable blood!

"No, he's back again, let's go to the room first!" Bai Xiaoping said in a deep voice, and then formed a mudra with both hands, using the ultimate method of the Taoist Qingwei School to absorb the wind element in the air into the body , Tongue burst into a thunderous roar: "Wind Art Ladder Vertical!"

"Crack", "crack", "crack", three transparent rings arranged in the shape of a ladder appeared neatly in front of Bai Xiaoping, Bai Xiaoping stared at his left foot with his right foot, and stretched to the circle with his strength. On the ring, there was a layer of waves on the calm ring, and then turned over again, and then jumped to the upper ring, and so on, and went to the room easily. Liu Boyang's old cat, Cui Guodong Enying, did not dare to be careless. They hurriedly followed suit, let Cui Guodong and Enying go to the room first, then Liu Boyang and Lao Mao helped Bai Xiaoshuang to get up.

At the same time, the ground of the entire Luoying Village, like a skin suffering from a festering disease, began to turn up and crack, and then streams of black juice flowed out... Immediately after that, countless pale palms stretched out from the ground, Void grabbed something, and then the ground rumbled, as if something huge was about to break out of the ground!

"Clang!" Bai Xiaoping's expression was cold, he clenched the sloughing knife with both hands, and stabbed fiercely towards the roof under his feet. In an instant, a huge shock wave that was invisible to the naked eye centered on the roof and spread rapidly in all directions. And then, all the people who were swept by the shock wave seemed to be corroded by sulfuric acid, turning from white to black, and finally turned into stinking bones, emitting wisps of black smoke and disappearing on the surface.

But when everyone thought that Bai Xiaoping had repelled another wave of attacks from Han Dian, suddenly, Bai Xiaoping's complexion changed, his whole old face instantly turned pale, and from his mouth and nose, he couldn't stop gushing Fresh blood came out, and there were pieces of internal organs in the blood...

As soon as Bai Xiaoshuang saw this, he knew that something was wrong, and regardless of other people, he immediately pulled out the ghost-shaping staff from his waist, and rushed towards his elder brother quickly!

Liu Boyang Laomao and the others were stunned, and hurried over, only to see Bai Xiaoshuang gritted his teeth in extreme pain, and slammed his fist hard at his belly, there was a muffled sound, after the fist hit his belly, it seemed that something suddenly Disappeared, Bai Xiaoping opened his mouth and spat out a big mouthful of blood, his tangled brows loosened slightly, and his whole body softened immediately, but his right hand holding the knife was strong enough to support himself, his face was extremely pale, and his seven orifices were incessant. Black blood poured out.

Suddenly, a gloomy sneer pierced his heart, and then Han Dian appeared in front of everyone again unscathed, but compared to before, he had an extra handful of the kind that an ancient tailor used to measure clothes. The wooden ruler, Liu Boyang suddenly came to his senses, this is probably the magic treasure that Han Dian possessed, the "Measuring Ruler" mentioned by his master Lan Fengtu!

"You two beasts, you dare to make me suffer, I want your life!" Han Dian sneered as soon as the words fell, the figure came, and the measuring ruler came like lightning, and Bai Xiaoshuang pulled it away The elder brother Bai Xiaoping, who was seriously injured, tried to block Han Dian's blow with the ghost-shaping stick, only heard a "pop", the measuring ruler was not damaged at all, and the ghost-shaping stick in Bai Xiao's hands was broken in two , Han Dian slapped Bai Xiaoshuang's chest with his palm, and immediately vomited blood from him!

ps: I feel really tired writing two books at the same time. I feel very tired when I write a new book during the day and an old book at night.A person's experience is always limited. From the next period until next month, "Young Master" will be updated three or two times a day. I try my best to write as much as I can, but there is nothing I can do if I can't write.

The purpose of concentrating on writing a new book is to ensure that it will be exciting and not hit the street. I hope everyone can understand.Still the same sentence, the new book is guaranteed to be wonderful, I wrote it very enjoyable, and it will be released on March [-]st, so please look forward to it!

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