The best boy on campus

Chapter 191 Another Dispute!

When the old cat's needle of air pierced into the flower snake's body, this time, even though the flower snake has great ability, it is absolutely impossible to survive. As the old cat said, the flower snake is like a careless The wild dog that ate the poisoned food curled up on the ground and twitched crazily for a while, then finally stopped moving *book*(

The old cat and others gave him a sneer smile, kicked him again to confirm that he was indeed dead, then spat one after another, then turned and left to deal with such a person without looking back, he will die like this.

He Xiaobin walked behind Lao Mao and the others. He didn't participate in the whole process of killing just now, but just stood with his arms folded and watched coldly.

Although the face is expressionless, but the heart is full of turmoil

Ever since he became the branch master of the Overlord Hall, it has been a long time since he has needed to do things like murder. As long as he moves his mouth or winks, there will naturally be younger brothers rushing to do it for him. I have already hidden a lot of my temper

But at this moment, when he saw Lao Mao and others punishing Hua Snake with such cruel means, he felt a little uneasy and terrified in his heart

It's not that Lao Mao and others' cruel methods frightened him, but He Xiaobin realized that after the past two years, it's not that Lao Mao and others have become more powerful, but that he has regressed

I am too satisfied with the status quo, too pursuing this kind of relatively comfortable but intoxicated life, unknowingly degraded the level of violence in my heart, and I can no longer do it like the old cat Cui Guodong, when he kills enemies with his hands, he goes down. got such a hard hand

It's not a good thing, it's a crisis

In the depths of He Xiaobin's heart, a warning light instantly lit up

If this goes on like this, I am likely to become more and more out of touch with Lao Mao and others Taste

Of course, it does not mean that it is absolutely good to be ruthless, violent, and torture others. However, there is one truth that is the same among all gangster men, that is: if you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firm.

If a man has no heart, he will also lose ambition, so he will soon be eliminated by the gangster career

He Xiaobin is in the underworld, he is well versed in this way, that's why he is so startled at this moment

He secretly made up his mind that he could no longer be "comfortable" like this, and when Liu Boyang's troubles were over, he would immediately take the initiative to ask for help from the fourth master, and start fighting in the north and south, to put down the smoldering violence in his chest. Heart, inspired again

A group of people had just passed through the corridor, and before they reached the consultation room, they suddenly heard a loud noise from outside the door of the consultation room, and someone shouted: "***, those whores The raised things should still be inside, brothers rushed in with me and hacked them to death.”

"That's right, damn it, someone dared to come to our South China Street to act wildly, don't they take my father seriously? And they turned against them for a while and blocked them for a while, and I didn't leave any of them, and they all chopped down." Another One also shouted

"Yes" followed by a frenzied response from a group of younger brothers

Yang Lin was originally walking in the front. Hearing these noises, he knew that the other party was probably coming towards his brothers. His eyes turned hard, and he grabbed the blood-stained machete fiercely, and rushed straight away without fear. go up

It's a blessing or a curse, it's a disaster, but someone dares to come here at this juncture to provoke trouble and waste the time of his brothers, isn't it boring?If you don't clean them up, who will you clean up?

Behind him, the old cat Cui Guodong and the tiger's son Gao Zhenfei also tightened their eyes. Ever since they came out to play, they never knew how to write the word "fear". Together, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes, he has to be killed to go back to the sky, not to mention those little bastards outside.

"Sister Huang, how are you? Are you alright? Brothers are here to help you out." In the consultation room, a young gangster with red hair rushed in first, holding a machete in one hand, squatting on the ground and pushing Huang Fengying, shouted

Huang Fengying is still in a state of insanity at the moment, the old cat's slap on her just now really stunned her, she can't hear what the red-haired outsider is saying with her eyes closed

"**" Hong Mao saw that Huang Fengying was unconscious, and cursed angrily: "***, I can't spare them, all of you rush in for me to find those bastards If you die, don’t let any one go away.”

"Understood brother!" Immediately, four or five nondescript younger brothers rushed in towards the corridor with a watermelon knife in hand.

Although Huang Fengying is not considered young anymore, she is in her early thirties, but she is still very famous in South China Street. Knows some pleasure acupuncture points on men, so those bastards who come to her to vent their anger every time they can do it on the bed are so happy that they are like gods

After the cowardly man in the barber shop ran out of Huang Fengying's clinic just now, he stumbled all the way. Coincidentally, he accidentally bumped into Hong Mao and others who were walking towards him. Hong Mao is also famous in South China Street. The bastard, who was leading a group of boys to find a place to eat barbecue, was suddenly covered by this stupid and wretched man, and immediately became furious. He pulled his hair and asked him what was going on. The shop man was so frightened that he had to tell what happened in Huang Fengying's clinic

Hongmao exploded when he heard it. He usually called "Huang Fengying" Sister Huang, and the relationship between the two was very ambiguous. How could he not be angry when he suddenly heard that something happened to his concubine, Sister Huang?So he immediately greeted a group of younger brothers, and rushed over with machetes, trying to smash the troubled Yang Lin and others into pieces

But those little brothers of his had just received his order and rushed into the corridor of the inner ward. The nose of the boy in the front was smashed, and that boy felt a sharp blunt, numb pain at first, and blood burst out all over his face, and he could hear the "click" with his own ears. There was a sound of the bridge of the nose breaking, and he let out a scream like killing a pig instantly, then fell down with his head in his arms and rolled all over the ground, the pain was so painful that he wanted to die

The younger brothers who followed him were also stunned. The light in the consultation room was much brighter than that in this corridor. I was at a loss for what to do, and my heart was full of horror: No, there is an ambush

Cui Guodong and others have always been relentless when dealing with lambs sent to their door to be slaughtered. Cui Guodong rushed forward in an instant, and stomped on the sad guy with a broken nose just now. Jumping up, he slashed sharply from top to bottom, and with a "click", he slashed into the shoulder blade of another person. In an instant, blood splashed everywhere, and that person screamed heart-piercingly, and was cut by Cui Guodong's knife He squatted directly on the ground, opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but the tiger had already stabbed him in the mouth, ending his life in an instant

Lao Mao and his group of brothers have been suffocated by the anger in their chests for a long time tonight, but they have been worried about Liu Boyang, so they didn't find a place to find someone to vent. Aren't you looking for excitement when you're idle?

ps: Brothers, please be aware that each chapter is about 1 words. Five chapters a day is more than [-] words. I can't wait for my brothers to be worth every penny. Sometimes there are problems in the backstage, and it's none of my business...

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