The best boy on campus

Chapter 1929 Countermeasures!

Hearing Pu Guoxin's smug laughter, Liu Boyang was furious. He seemed to be a little excited, which made the surname Pu see his flaws, but Liu Boyang was not willing to be led by the nose by Pu Guoxin, and immediately said angrily: "Pu Guoxin, don't speak sarcastic words in front of me, so what if those materials are in my hands? I just don't give them to you, what can you do to me?"

Pu Guoxin smiled instead of anger: "Liu Boyang, I have already said that this time I am not looking for trouble for you, but Chairman Gao sent me to retrieve those materials. You can ignore me, don't you?" Don’t you even pay attention to Chairman Gao?”

"Bastard, don't accuse me indiscriminately, you think you can suppress me by taking Chairman Gao?" Liu Boyang said angrily. "Liu Boyang, you can do it! You can do it!" Pu Guoxin gave Liu Boyang a thumbs up, "Although you are willing to admit it or not, you have made it clear that you don't take Chairman Gao seriously. You are really getting more and more crazy. If you If you continue to be arrogant, will the whole country Z not be able to tolerate you anymore?"

With a sound of "Boom!", Liu Boyang slammed his fist on the table and smashed the glass tabletop to pieces on the spot. Liu Boyang said in a cold voice: "Pu Guoxin, shut up! You annoy me, I really think I dare not kill you!" you?"

He Xiaobin has been watching this scene from the side, at this time the corner of his mouth is slightly evil, and there is an imperceptible sneer.

Pu Guoxin was also shocked by Liu Boyang's sudden outburst of evil spirit. He had learned that Liu Boyang's hand was broken, so he was angry and afraid of him, so he could only say sternly: "Liu Boyang, did you threaten me? Use, I am only following orders, even if you kill me, the country will not let you go! I advise you to think about it carefully, and if you are right with the country, you will end up without you. It is better to be a hero who understands current affairs. Hand over the information!"

"I'll give you a day to think about it. At this time tomorrow, I'll wait for you here, hoping to hear your rational and smart answer!" Pu Guoxin didn't dare to force Liu Boyang any more, so he could only take the tactic of delaying the attack.

Liu Boyang took a deep breath, his cold gaze swept over Pu Guoxin, then He Xiaobin, clenched his fists, but in the end he resisted not doing anything, got up and left without saying a word.

When Liu Boyang walked out of the suite, Pu Guoxin's tense nerves were relieved, and cold sweat had already oozed from his palms at some point.It's really ridiculous to say that the top leader of the national security team, the person who stands at the top of the power pyramid, was frightened into this by a young and energetic boy in Liu Boyang, even Pu Guoxin himself felt ashamed!

"This little animal..." Pu Guoxin said in a low, angry voice.

Compared to him, He Xiaobin seemed much calmer. Even though he was afraid that Liu Boyang would kill him just now, he was relieved to see Liu Boyang leave.It's just that no one noticed that he quietly put a recording pen in his pocket.

"Boyang, what did Pu Guoxin want to talk to you about?" When Liu Boyang returned to the hospital, Qin Lan asked with concern.

"Mom, it's okay, so don't worry." Liu Boyang was a little upset, but he still had to pretend to be calm to comfort his mother.

"Don't lie to Mom! Tell Mom what's going on!" Qin Lan was obviously not so easy to fool, and asked persistently.

Liu Boyang sighed softly, seeing that his relatives were all in the room, he didn't want to hide anything anymore, it would be nice to let his mother and brothers give him advice, so he broke into the xx shrine to steal information, All the things that happened up to today have been told, not only Qin Lan was dumbfounded after hearing this, but even brothers like Gao Zhenfei's old cat Cui Guodong were also shocked after hearing this!

"Boyang, you... what you said is true? You burned the statues of the xx shrine and got back their confidential information?" Qin Lan asked in disbelief.

Liu Boyang nodded seriously, and said: "Mom, I didn't lie to you, what I said is true."

"You..." Qin Lan didn't know what to say, she found that she really couldn't understand her son more and more, why did he dare to do anything?If the invasion of the xx shrine spreads in the world, what a crime it will be, Qin Lan can't imagine it!

"Wow! Brother Yang, you did such a good job! No wonder you didn't say hello to us before you left! Haha, the people of country J must be very angry right now! Among the materials you got back, there are really information about nuclear weapons ?" The old cat asked excitedly, this guy is not afraid of big things by nature, he is only happy if he can poke a hole in the sky.

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "Yes, but I handed over all those materials to the second child for safekeeping. The second child told me that keeping those things is life-saving capital, and there is no need to return them to the people of country J, and there is no need to actively hand them over nation."

Gao Zhenfei hesitated for a moment, and said: "Second brother is right, but that is only possible when the country doesn't know about it. The problem is that the country already knows about it! Brother Yang, what are you going to do now? Chairman Gao asked Pu Guoxin I asked you for information, should I give it or not?"

Liu Boyang said: "I am also suffering from a headache now. It seems that the second child also has miscalculations, but I really can't figure it out. Where did the country hear the news?"

Qin Lan persuaded: "Boyang, listen to what Mom said. Mom thinks your ideas are too naive. From your point of view, you have those precious materials in your hands, which can indeed be used to save your life at critical moments, but you all underestimated them. The strength of the country, this is not a trivial matter, the country's spy department is so big, how could it not know? Mom thinks the most sensible thing for you now is to listen to Pu Guoxin and hand over the information truthfully. Merit!"

Liu Boyang sighed: "Mom, I understand what you mean, but I really have to think about this matter. If I just hand over the things I just got, I'm really not reconciled, let alone hand it over to that bastard Pu Guoxin. !"

At this moment, Cui Guodong suggested: "Brother Yang, what do you think? Some unimportant things can be dealt with, so as to save some lives and explain to Chairman Gao, why not do it?"

yes!Cui Guodong's words were like enlightenment, which woke everyone up. Liu Boyang nodded and smiled: "Guodong, you have a good idea! I'm so mad that I didn't even think of this!...Well, let's do it like this , I will call Yang Lin immediately and ask him to take out the part of the information about the artificial man made in country j, and then I will go to Pu Guoxin tomorrow and ask him to go back to province S to get those materials. Just save the data on nuclear warheads and fighter jets."

The matter finally found a solution, Liu Boyang was very happy, immediately called Yang Lin, told Yang Lin about the situation here, asked Yang Lin to arrange everything, and then thought about going to fool Pu Guoxin tomorrow.

"Brother Yang, you met He Xiaobin at Pu Guoxin's place?" Gao Zhenfei asked.

"That's right, I didn't expect that he would have the guts to go there, and even ask me to save him a way out of a whimsical way." Liu Boyang said lightly.

"Brother Yang," Gao Zhenfei hesitated, "Maybe brother shouldn't have said that, since you saw He Xiaobin, why didn't you just deal with him? At this juncture, as long as He Xiaobin is killed, the Yugoslav League It will collapse at the touch of a finger, how much trouble we can save! Keeping him will bring endless disasters, do you still care about the brotherhood in the past, and you can't bear to attack him directly?"

Speaking of this, in fact Liu Boyang himself was also very contradictory. When he was in the hotel, Liu Boyang didn't think about killing He Xiaobin directly, but when he really wanted to take action, he felt that he couldn't do it. Liu Boyang himself didn't know why.

"If there is another opportunity like this in the future, I will definitely not be soft-hearted!" Liu Boyang thought and thought, and finally clenched his fists and said ruthlessly.

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