The best boy on campus

Chapter 1957 Werewolf girl!

Seeing that Judas dared to speak nonsense in front of his face, Zhou Cai sneered, "Really? It seems that you don't plan to cooperate with me anymore, Judas, you are a smart person, and you should know what will happen if you don't listen to me!"

Judas lowered his head and didn't dare to make another sound. As Kasapa's confidant, he was not stupid, and he knew that he would never betray his boss, because if he really agreed to Zhou Chai, he would point out the card to those officials and lords. Regarding Sapa's kidnapping of the girl, Zhou Guai will not kill him, but Kazapa will chase him endlessly, and Judah's situation will probably be even worse than it is now!

Zhou Cai slammed the table and said coldly: "Judas, let me ask you again, are you willing to testify against Kasapa?"

Judas was still like a dumb fly, not saying a word, he was determined to be dumb.

At this moment, Cui Guodong stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Zhou, since this guy refuses to go on the road, then leave it to me. I have plenty of ways to make him listen to us!"

Judas raised his head and looked at Cui Guodong with a guilty conscience. He had never seen the Liu Boyang brothers before, and he didn't know where they came from, but seeing Cui Guodong's fake smile, he definitely wouldn't give it to him. He is a good fruit to eat!

However, Lei Gen waved his hands carelessly, and said, "Don't bother, it's just to let him learn to be obedient, it's easy, it's up to me!" As he said, he pushed the woman in his arms, and casually threw a black Magic, a black light shot towards Judas, Judas had no time to hide, it hit the center of the eyebrows!

Then Ragen gave a sinister smile, lay back and hugged the beautiful woman again, but Judas on the ground seemed to be in great pain, his whole face changed, he put his head in his hands, rolled Howling in pain on the ground, the black magic seems simple, but it can directly destroy a person's nerves. Judas felt his head was about to explode, his eyes were wide open, and he beat his head vigorously with both hands After a while, he was curled up on the ground like a dead dog, sticking out his tongue and moaning, and his whole body was about to collapse.

"Let me go... I beg you... let me go..." Judas was about to be tortured to the point of madness, begging for mercy with the last bit of willpower left!

"Then do you want to cooperate with us?" Zhou guessed.

"Willing... Willing!" Judah said with an air of gossamer!

"You're a fucking typical person who doesn't clean up. It's fine if you don't do it earlier, and you're wasting my time!" Regen sneered disdainfully, and dispelled the black magic lightly, and Judas regained his freedom. body, he wiped the cold sweat from his head and knelt on the ground again, it was as if he had experienced the most terrifying nightmare just now, it was no different from crawling through hell!

"Very well, Judas, from now on you will have nothing to do with the Mafia, and our Black Dragon Gang will cover you. If I need you to stand up and play a role in the future, you will tell us about Kazapa's kidnapping of the girl." Come out, as long as the mafia is brought down, I will not treat you badly, you know?" Zhou Guai looked at him and said.

Judah nodded in cold sweat, and said with a bitter face: "Then where will I stay? No matter what, Kazapa can't find me, otherwise he will tear me to pieces!"

"You stay in this wine for the time being. We have enough people here to protect you. Without my permission, you can't go anywhere!" Zhou Chaai said.

Judas face darkened, and his only glimmer of hope was shattered. Don't look at what Zhou Chaai said, but Judas knew in his heart that Zhou Chaai's letting him stay in the wine was not to protect him at all, but to put him under house arrest. , Judas still wanted to take a chance to escape, so how could he escape?

Zhou Guai is in a good mood. With Judas as a bargaining chip, the Black Dragon Gang no longer needs to be afraid of the Mafia, and they can officially start a contest with them. The Black Dragon will unify Rome, just around the corner!

But at this moment, Liu Boyang suddenly said to Judas, "Judas, raise your face and look at me!"

Judas froze for a moment, and looked at Liu Boyang in confusion. He felt that Liu Boyang's eyes were particularly sharp, as if they could penetrate his soul!

"Let me ask you, how many girls have you kidnapped for Kasapa so far? What kind of background are these girls, and which officials and lords did you dedicate them to in the end?" Liu Boyang asked lightly.

Judas body trembled, and looked at Liu Boyang with a fearful look, his heart suddenly popped up, he didn't understand why this strange young man would suddenly ask such a question, did he already know his secret?

Judas' face became extremely ugly in an instant, and Liu Boyang couldn't explain why, he seemed to have an intuition that Judas was still hiding something, and this matter was of great importance!

"My elder brother asked you something! Say it!" Cui Guodong stepped on Youda's shoulder and shouted loudly!

Judas wanted to beat him to death and didn't want to tell the secret, but he accidentally saw Ragen's expression again, and immediately froze. He didn't want to suffer the same crime just now, so he asked tentatively: "You... ...Have you received some rumors...?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, only Liu Boyang's intuition became stronger, and he said deceitfully: "Yes, we already knew, do you still want to hide it?"

Zhou Cai and Lei Gen looked at each other, looked at Liu Boyang with a surprised look, but soon stared at Judas again.

Judas said with a bitter face: "Okay, since you already know, I'll tell you... I once kidnapped a beautiful girl a while ago, she was actually a werewolf... She is the girl whom Councilor Raphael has taken a fancy to Kasapa asked me to capture her and present it to Senator Rafael. I only found out later that after she was raped by Senator Raphael, she committed suicide in shame and anger, and her body slowly turned into a werewolf ..."

"What?!" Hearing the explosive news, even Lei Gen was taken aback, sat up angrily and said, "You even dared to kidnap a werewolf, do you think your life is too long?"

Judas quickly knelt down, and said with snot and tears: "I didn't know at the beginning! If I had known that she was a werewolf, I would not have kidnapped her if I killed her! In fact, Kazapa was also because of this incident. He is very disappointed in me, he no longer trusts me like he used to..."

Ragen sneered and said, "I'm not interested in knowing what your relationship with Kasapa is, but one thing is for sure, you are dead! Do you know how important the werewolf is in the dark clan? Now the dark wizard and the blood clan The number is increasing, but the number of werewolves has decreased sharply, because before they awaken, they are no different from ordinary humans, and they are easily excluded and bullied. However, werewolves are members of the dark family after all, and things are rare. For your sake, the vampires and dark wizards don't want them to be extinct, so recently the Dark Council decided to protect them well. How dare you provoke werewolves at this juncture, tsk tsk, I really want to know how you will die if the news spreads! "

Judas was so frightened that he didn't look like a human being. In fact, if he hadn't met that poor little werewolf girl, Judas wouldn't have believed that the dark race really existed in the world. He always thought it was a medieval myth, but now he couldn't help it. Believe it or not, he saw a werewolf with his own eyes, and that little girl was an extremely rare white wolf among werewolves, otherwise she wouldn't have revealed her real body after death!So Judas has been out of his mind since that incident, and he just got better in the last few days, and now he was suddenly mentioned by Liu Boyang, which really made him terrified!

"You must save me! I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't do it on purpose to kidnap that werewolf girl, all this is the fault of Senator Raphael and Casapa!" Judah knelt on the ground and cried out for help !

"Hmph, don't push the blame so cleanly, of course you should be responsible for the bastard things you did yourself, and no one can help you!" Ragen said coldly.

But after listening to the whole story, Liu Boyang suddenly had a wonderful idea in his mind!

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