The best boy on campus

Chapter 1963 The Devil's Eye!

When enemies meet, they are extremely jealous!Benedict XVII and Duanpura are the figures in power of the Holy See of Light and the Council of Darkness respectively. They have been old enemies for many years, and the smell of gunpowder permeated the meeting now.

Dumpla leaned on a devil's Zen staff that was half a little taller than him, and walked up lightly in the void, and said with a sinister smile: "Pope Benedict, I haven't seen you for many years, you are old!"

Benedict XVII snorted coldly with disdain, and said lightly: "I am also a human being, and as a human being, I will live forever, unlike you dark people who live in the darkest corner of the world all day long, but you can Get hundreds of years of life!"

Duan Pula laughed strangely, and said, "Thank you! The Pope led all the experts of the Holy See to come out today. Could it be that he wants to embarrass us, the dark people?"

Benedict XVII smiled contemptuously and said: "Dumpla, don't put gold on your face, our Holy See is favored by God, God's messenger, and you are just the most humble and dirtiest in this world , the most evil type of creature, what qualifications do you have to embarrass me? I came to Rome this time only to uphold justice, and you are too good at disciplining your subordinates. How dare you attack human beings aggressively? Don't blame me for bullying the weak, and wiped out all of you evil creatures who don't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth!"

Dumpla seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. He laughed and said, "What a bully! Benedict, you are worthy of being the pope of the Holy See. Since the Middle Ages, the pope has been the most hypocritical person in the world." People, and your face has reached its peak! But, do you think anyone is afraid of you now? If the scarabs of the Holy See have not been destroyed, we might be afraid of you three points, but now your scarabs have been beaten It's rotten. The former head of the Inquisition and the head of the Holy Knights also died in battle at the hands of a few people from country Z. What capital do you have to be arrogant to me? Today, let's take out the old accounts of the Middle Ages and see to the end Who will have the last laugh!"

Benedict XVII was furious. Since ancient times, evil has prevailed. Although the Holy See itself is not a good thing, it always represents the side of justice. Dumpla, the shady leader of the dark clan, dared to confront the Pope face to face. Isn't it absurd to challenge?

Benedict XVII sneered and said: "That's right, our scarabs were destroyed, and we lost many elite players, but I heard that you dark people were also bullied by those orientals. Even the blood mirror, the highest treasure of the vampire family, has been taken away, I really don’t know how qualified you are to laugh at us!”

The vampire king Auston was directly scolded in the face, and he stood up angrily and said, "Stop talking nonsense, we don't need to fight with you, just fight!"

Benedict XVII smiled contemptuously and said: "Vampire King Oston, you are very kind! It's rare that everyone is here tonight, so we must fight, but how about we change places? In this city of Rome It can't be used at all, let's find an empty and secluded place, no one has to worry about it, and it will be rested until death!"

Duanpra laughed strangely: "Benduma, are you begging me? I know you don't want to affect the innocent citizens of Rome, otherwise the last fig leaf of your Holy See will be gone, but we think that here Not bad, it can annihilate the mafia as well as you, why change places?"

Benedict XVII was furious, and said coldly: "Dumpla, I'll give you face, don't take it!"

"Hahaha!" Dumpla grinned grimly, "My lord Pope said so loudly, if you begged me in a low voice just now, for the sake of our old friends, I might agree to you, but you are so embarrassing with me. Talk, then there is no need to discuss, your Holy See is afraid of hurting ordinary humans, but our Dark Council is not afraid!"

As he said that, Duan Pula pointed at the rear with one hand, and suddenly a ball of dark green light shot out, like a meteor, turning into a rainbow line from mid-air and falling to the ground. Duan Pula was shocked, thinking It was too late to stop them, only to hear rumbling tremors coming from the ground under their feet, and then the place where the oily green light ball fell in the distance, first a strong green light glowed like the dawn, and then the green light quickly amplified, covering half of the land. The city of Rome, and then, the disaster of the entire city of Rome began. The green light was like a nuclear warhead detonating, and there was an earth-shattering explosion. Where the green light of the explosion shrouded, everything on the earth was shattered, and the walls and houses collapsed. , human life is as humble as an ant, as long as it is affected by the green light, it will turn into flying ash without any suspense...

All the people in the Holy See were shocked, Dumpla, this is a demonstration of Chiguoguo!Benedict XVII was even more furious, the halo of thorns on his head was scorching, the strong white light made many dark people with low skills scream and couldn't open their eyes, only Duanpura and a dozen people could keep their faces unchanged. Benedict XVII said coldly, "Dumpla, you are looking for death!"

Waved a strong holy light beam and hit it, the tip did not move, the devil's Zen stick was lightly tapped, a circular black hole was opened in front of him, absorbing everything, and unceremoniously absorbed the holy light beam of Benedict as a knight , after the circular black hole engulfed the holy light beam, it gradually shrank and even disappeared.

Duan Pra smirked and said with a sly smile: "Benduma, you have the nerve to show off this little skill?"

Benedict XVII smiled coldly and didn't answer. He saw a faint white light suddenly burst out from the black hole in front of Dumpla that had disappeared. Immediately afterwards, countless white lights evaporated, and then Forcibly propped up the gap in the black hole, and the gap was getting bigger and bigger, and the dazzling white holy beam re-condensed inside!

It's like a certain prey has been swallowed by a crocodile, but suddenly the crocodile's mouth is opened again, and then the prey comes out again!

The faces of Duan Pula and the masters of the dark clan behind him finally changed. They retreated quickly, only to see the holy light beam tearing through the gap in the space, and then exploded violently. The intense and dazzling white light instantly The sky and the earth of the entire city of Rome were illuminated as brightly as day, like a star exploding, sweeping across the dark people in the sky and earth in a raging manner. In an instant, not only the many personal guards behind Dumpla, but even those who were fighting with the mafia in the city of Rome The low-level dark clan who started the war were all swallowed up by white light, and then directly turned into ashes!There are countless black wizards smashed to pieces, the desperate wails of middle and low-level werewolves are earth-shattering, the vampires below the Marquis are crushed, and the world has turned from noise to silence!

The seemingly ordinary blow of Pope Benedict XVII actually implies such a great destructive power, which shows the horror of his own strength!

"Benduma, you!" Dumpla angrily moved a few steps closer.

"Hmph, do you still dare to be arrogant in front of me? Monster clowns will always want monster clowns. Even you, Duanpura, in the eyes of my Pope Benedict, are just an ant who can't wait forever! " Benedict XVII said disdainfully!

"Really?" Dumpla smiled instead of anger, and speculatively said: "You dare to kill so many of my people, I want the whole of Rome to be buried with them!"

As he said that, Duopula suddenly raised the devil's Zen stick in his hand and placed it horizontally on top of his head. Suddenly, there seemed to be a green light flashing on the long devil's Zen stick, and then the sky that was originally covered with clouds suddenly turned green, and a huge and The strange vortex-shaped demon eyeballs condense out from the sky, sand and rocks fly between the sky and the earth, and the wind is strong!

Now, not only the people in the Holy See of Light looked at Dumpla with horrified eyes, but even the masters like Auston among the dark clan turned pale with fright, and stepped back in a hurry. Speaker Pula's terrifying ultimate move, "Evil Eye"!Once it is used, it will definitely turn the world upside down and destroy the world!

"Dumpola is worthy of being the head of the Dark Clan. He can arouse the coercion of heaven and earth with only one person's power. My Lord, you must not let him complete the spell, or the city of Rome will be over!!" Archbishop Tacitus in red He rushed forward with a pale face and said to Benedict XVII!

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