The best boy on campus

Chapter 1976 Mafia Gold!

When the leading Caucasian man said this, he glanced at Liu Boyang intentionally or unintentionally.But Liu Boyang was shocked after hearing his words!

what did he say?Casapa, the leader of the Roman Mafia, is Giovanna's uncle?Although Kazapa was killed by the Dark Clan, in the final analysis, his death is also inseparable from the Black Dragon Gang. In a sense, Liu Boyang is also Giovanna's enemy. How can things in this world be so coincidental?

"Gobrun, what are you talking about? My uncle is missing?" Giovanna asked in surprise!

The guy named Cobron nodded and said: "Yes! The entire Roman Mafia evaporated overnight! But the strange thing is, we can't find out who did it at all. The boss is very worried now, he has already Contact the mafia in other regions to find out the truth together, this is the strangest thing that has ever happened to our country y mafia!"

Giovanna pondered for a long time, and said: "Well! I see, Gobrun, you go back first, you tell Daddy, although it is important to find out the truth, but let him take care of his body, I will protect myself, I will I'll be home tomorrow."


"Okay, Gobrun, you guys go back," Giovanna said.

The guy named Cobron had no choice but to sigh and walk away with the other three Caucasians.

Qiao Fanna was silent for a long time, and seeing Liu Boyang staring at him, she forced a smile and asked, "I made you laugh!"

Liu Boyang shook his head and asked, "Is your father the leader of the Milan Mafia?"

Giovanna said: "Well! My father's name is Grillo, and he is the biggest head of the Milan Mafia."

Finally got the affirmation, Liu Boyang inevitably felt a sense of guilt.Giovanna is the daughter of the leader of the Milan mafia, and I came to Milan this time to eliminate the mafia and seize the city's underground world. In this way, wouldn't I become Giovanna's father-killing enemy?

But Giovanna was so kind and enthusiastic to him, how could he treat her like that?Liu Boyang suddenly felt very entangled. He picked up the wine glass and took a deep sip of the red wine.

Qiao Fanna kept looking at Liu Boyang's expression, and asked, "What's wrong with you? Why didn't you speak? Did knowing my true identity make you feel pressured and dare not continue to associate with me?"

"Why do you say that?" Liu Boyang looked at her and asked.

Giovanna sighed softly, and said: "Actually, I know that the name of the mafia daughter is quite scary. Since I was a child, no matter whether I went to elementary school or university, as long as I know my true identity, no one dares to follow me." I date normally, and I have never talked about a real boyfriend. Not to mention male classmates, I don’t have many female friends. Monica is my best friend, but her father is a black hand A member of the party, her status is only slightly lower than my father, so she dared to be my friend."

For some reason, although Qiao Fanna and Liu Boyang have known each other for a short time, she is willing to tell him these things that have been buried in her heart for a long time.

"So, the identity of the daughter of the Mafia, not only did not bring you happiness, but it also caused you a lot of distress." Liu Boyang said with a light smile.

"You're right." Giovanna took a sip of red wine, looked at Liu Boyang, and suddenly asked with great interest: "But you are very strange. Most people would stay away from me if they knew my real identity, but you seem a little You are not afraid of me, why is that?"

"Hehe, why should I be afraid of you? You are you, and your father is your father. I make friends with you, not your father. What should I be afraid of?" Liu Boyang laughed.

Giovanna sat there for a long while without speaking.Although what Liu Boyang said was the truth, since she was a child, no one had ever talked to Giovanna like this, and she felt very touched. For a person who is used to being isolated by others, what is more important than someone willing to have an equal relationship with her Make her happy?

"You're so good! Starting today, I, Giovanna, really regard you as a friend!" Giovanna said with red eyes.

"Haha, that's true. Don't tell me you haven't considered me a friend since we played together for a long time today?" Liu Boyang joked with a smile.

Qiao Fanna blushed, to be honest, before that, she really didn't regard Liu Boyang as a long-term friend, at most it was just a temporary affair, but now she has completely changed her mind.

"Hey, something big happened in your family, your uncle is missing, don't you really need to go home to find out what's going on?" Liu Boyang looked into Qiao Fanna's eyes and asked.

Giovanna shook her head and said, "No, I'll go back tomorrow. I don't want to get involved in the matter of my uncle and my father. Although they are my relatives, I also know that what they do on weekdays is not good. , if I am looking for a boyfriend, I will definitely not find a gangster, and you also hate men who are gangsters?"

"Me?" Liu Boyang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he was a member of gangsters, if he said he hated men who were members of gangsters, wouldn't that mean he hated himself?So Liu Boyang could only smile vaguely: "It's okay."

The two were chatting, and a piece of dance music was over. The old cat and Monica came back together. The speed of the development of the two was surprisingly fast. Just now, the old cat was polite to Monica. Her son had already put her arms around her waist, and the sexually unrestrained Monica also put her arms around Lao Mao's arms, and asked Liu Boyang and Qiaovanna with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing, are you done dancing?" Liu Boyang asked casually.

"No, I'm tired, come down and have a rest." Monica said, fanning the sweat off her face.

The old cat kept smiling at Liu Boyang. Except for Gao Zhenfei, the brothers in the Jiulong club were not good men and women when it came to picking up girls, but the old cat was fundamentally different from Liu Boyang. Ever since his first love ended in high school with tragedy, He likes to play this kind of pure love affair, any beautiful woman will always come, and if he has enough sex on the bed, he will take it easy, but Liu Boyang is much better than him, as long as it is a girl Liu Boyang has slept with, he will usually treat her. Take responsibility and bring her home as a daughter-in-law.

"It's so stuffy here, why don't we go out to get some fresh air, and find a place to spend the night by the way, it's getting late!" Monica said naturally.


"Yeah, it's so late, Brother Yang, let's not go back. Monica and I just agreed. She thinks I'm young and dares to doubt my man's ability. I must let her try it tonight." The men of our country Z are amazing!" The old cat said with a malicious smile.

ps: I won’t say apology, I overestimated my ability, I’m too busy to write the book “Young Master” and I’m writing a new book, and I don’t have so much energy. , things backfired, everyone bears the burden.

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