The best boy on campus

Chapter 1990 Resolved through negotiation!

"What's your idea, let's hear it!" Liu Boyang looked at Avogadro and said.

"It's very simple. Tomorrow Grillo will celebrate his daughter's birthday. He will definitely invite a lot of high-level mafia officials to go there, and he will not take any precautions. Brother Yang, take us there tomorrow, and we will take advantage of the chaos to launch a surprise attack on them." This will not only catch them off guard, but also kill the main members of the Mafia in one fell swoop, saving us a lot of trouble!" Avogadro said.

Liu Boyang let out a speechless sigh, and said: "What kind of idea is this? It's a bad idea! If I really go to celebrate Giovanna's birthday tomorrow, can I do it on that occasion? Even if I kill all the mafia So what? As long as I don't go down and kill Giovanna, I will go back to the old life, and I definitely can't kill her!"

The old cat also said: "That's right, your idea is too unreliable. No matter how trivial we are, we can't destroy people's families at their birthday banquets, not to mention that there are some things that happened between Qiao Fanna and Brother Yang." , that girl also helped Brother Yang and me, if you really did that, who would Brother Yang and I be?"

Seeing that the two of them were opposed, Avogadro didn't dare to continue. After a while, he said awkwardly: "Forget that I said something wrong, Brother Yang, Brother Cat, don't mind..."

Liu Boyang suddenly sat up again, and said: "No, what you said is also reasonable. Tomorrow is indeed an opportunity for me. Although I can't kill Giovanna's father on that occasion, I can have a good talk with him!"

"Talk?" the old cat and Avogadro asked in unison.

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "To be honest, I have been thinking about it all this time. No matter what kind of conflicts we have with the mafia, Giovanna is always innocent. I can see that she really wants to Stay with me, and even if I look at her face, I can't kill her father, otherwise she is very pitiful?"

The old cat said: "Indeed, I also saw that morning, that Nizi really likes you, Brother Yang, if you kill her father without considering her feelings, I can't even imagine that she will collapse To what extent!"

"So I think, between me and Grillo, we still need to change the way we handle things. It is best to solve the problem through conversation. If he is willing to make a compromise, I don't need to kill him." Liu Boyang said .

Avogadro smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Yang, for Giovanna's sake, you want to spare his father from killing him. Compromise? It is not easy for him to become the leader of the Mafia, and the Milan Mafia has ruled Milan for so many years, and it is deeply rooted. How could it be easy to hand over the territory to others? I think it is better for you to reconsider... "

Liu Boyang smiled and said: "Lao Luo, I understand what you mean. Indeed, when you first hear my thoughts, you must think that I am daydreaming, but it is man-made, and I still have the card of Giovanna in my hand. Just talk to Grillo directly. If he is willing to compromise with me, I will promise to take care of her daughter for the rest of her life. If he is not willing, I can only confront him. Anyway, whether it is open or dark, I will Don't be afraid of him!"

The reason why Liu Boyang had such an idea was not a whim at the moment, you must know that he had a similar experience before!

At the beginning, Liu Boyang started his business in City G, and slowly developed the War Soul Hall, until he finally threatened the status of the "Night Mayor" Chen Yuesheng, the boss of Province S at that time. Once the two of them collide, it will definitely be a battle between two tigers. However, Chen Yuesheng took the initiative to compromise with Liu Boyang for the sake of his two daughters.

Some things, it depends on how we think.Can you say that Chen Yuesheng is not enough for a man, is it a cowardly act to give up the great country for the sake of two daughters?But if you think about it from another angle, in fact, Chen Yuesheng is the real wisdom. He did not choose to fight Liu Boyang, but abdicated to let the virtuous. of?Wouldn't it be wiser to fight to the death with Liu Boyang?

The same reasoning applies to Grillo. Liu Boyang promised to take care of his daughter, which is no different from his son-in-law, and he will retire sooner or later. At this moment, he just gave up the country to his son-in-law in advance. .

Of course, there is still a problem here, that is, now that Liu Boyang has won Grillo's world, he will change its name to the Black Dragon Gang, which has nothing to do with the Mafia. It will have a serious impact, and even make him ashamed in the entire mafia world and become a public enemy!

But this is better than his family being ruined and his old life lost.It depends on how he weighs this matter, whether he can figure it out.


Anyway, Liu Boyang thought so. He gave Grillo this chance because of Giovanna's face. If he refused to seize it, he could only play with him to the end.


Early the next morning, before Liu Boyang woke up, Qiao Fanna called again. It turned out that she was also afraid that Liu Boyang would not give her face and would not go to her birthday banquet, so she notified Liu Boyang again and sent Tell him your home address.It can be seen that she really wants Liu Boyang to go, otherwise she would not let go of her reserve, and called twice in a row to remind her, so Liu Boyang became more determined in her thoughts last night. It was too cruel for Giovanna!

After Liu Boyang finished washing, he woke up the old cat too, and the two of them pondered for a long time what kind of birthday gift they should buy for Giovanna.

The daughter of the mafia must have everything, but since Liu Boyang is going to the banquet, it is outrageous to go empty-handed, and it doesn't fit his status!

After discussing for a long time, Liu Boyang still felt that it would be more appropriate to buy a necklace for Giovanna. Generally speaking, girls like necklaces, which is a "common problem" of all women in the world. Besides, buying a necklace can also make Grillo see himself Regarding his daughter's feelings, when Liu Boyang negotiates with him, there are many things to say.

After making up his mind, Liu Boyang and Lao Mao set off to buy necklaces, but they called Avogadro again. Liu Boyang asked him to inform the [-] Black Dragon Gang boys to enter the state of preparation for war and ambush to Giovanna's villa early The periphery is waiting for dispatch.

Avogadro asked puzzledly: "Brother Yang, don't you disagree with our attack on the Mafia today? Why did you let us ambush again?"

Liu Boyang said: "Who said that I want you to ambush for a surprise attack? I have another purpose, and I can use it to scare Grillo at critical moments. Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say!"

"Yes!" Grillo didn't dare to ask any more questions, and hurriedly did so.


Liu Boyang and Lao Mao drove a black Fiat, wandered around the city for more than half an hour, and finally found a relatively high-grade gold shop. The two went in for a walk. Liu Boyang spent 12 euros for Giovanna bought a platinum necklace with a ten-carat stone set in it.Now all Liu Boyang's expenses belong to the Black Dragon Gang, and he can't use his huge wealth in the country for the time being, but Zhou Cai and Lei Gen are obviously not stingy people, and Liu Boyang can spend as much as he wants.

After wrapping the gemstone necklace in a fine nanmu box and making the outside into a gift shape, Liu Boyang took it and the old cat to the villa area near Lake Como.


Today, the birthday of the daughter of the mafia leader Grillo is a big event for any prominent personage in all walks of life in Milan. It is not a small thing to give Miss Giovanna a birthday, so as to please Grillo and be able to make friends with her. It is true to meet some big shots, so from the morning, there has been a steady stream of vehicles driving to the villa area of ​​Lake Como, and visiting Grillo's villa with expensive gifts.

It is said that even the party leaders of several cities around Milan sent their own gifts, which is enough to show Grillo's popularity in the mafia family of country y.

And Grillo was also very happy today. While instructing the servants at home to take good care of every guest, he personally took his precious daughter Giovanna to greet the continuous guests at the main entrance of the villa. When exchanging greetings, there were three people who never left him. These three people were two men and one woman, and they were world-class gold medal masters, "Flame Fist" Ali, "Wooden Monster" Clarence, and "Ice Phoenix" Sophia!

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