The best boy on campus

Chapter 1997 Cold field!

Liu Boyang looked coldly at these self-confessed young masters, and before he could say anything, the old cat stood up impatiently and scolded very rudely: "Why are you so fucking noisy? It's none of your business if the young couple are a little awkward, when is it your turn to talk?"

Immediately, everyone present looked at the old cat with strange eyes. They never expected that the old cat would dare to speak dirty words on such a solemn occasion. Even Grillo frowned and looked at the old cat twice more. Eye. "What are you doing again?" Mastroianni asked angrily.

"You don't care what I do, I just can't see you being sentimental, can't you?" Lao Mao sneered.With his status here, he was at most Liu Boyang's follower, and he was not looked down upon by those young masters at all, but he immediately aroused the anger of these young masters.

Mastroianni and the others have actually disliked the old cat for a long time. This guy has been hugging Miss Monica since he came here. I really don’t know what Miss Monica thinks, how to lower his value This kind of people are together.

"Miss Monica, what's the background of this kid?" Mastroianni pointed to the old cat and asked Monica. Although Monica was not the focus of today's banquet, her beauty and background were also part of the group's attention. The boys and buddies are chasing after each other, but Monica's temper is worse than Giovanna's, and she has been with the old cat from the beginning, so they have no chance at all.

"He, he is my boyfriend." Monica said generously, holding the old cat's arm. She didn't care about the old cat's rudeness at all, but felt that the old cat's behavior was a pure man.

Mastroianni was suffocated, and the other boys and buddies were also blocked, and they all stared at the old cat with jealous eyes!

Monica's father is another elder of the Milan Mafia, Duccio!Although I didn't come to the banquet today, it is definitely not something that these young masters can provoke. Now that Monica has personally admitted her relationship with the old cat, this group of young masters can only calm down and dare not fight anymore. The old cat made an attack, and turned to focus on Liu Boyang.

"Miss Giovanna, this kid..."

"That's enough! Stop arguing!" Qiao Fanna screamed suddenly holding her head, and then cried and wanted to run away, but before she could take two steps, someone grabbed her hand. It was her mother, Feng Guixiang. , Feng Guixiang hugged his wronged daughter into his arms, and then looked at Liu Boyang with a complicated expression.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Grillo has no choice but to speak, and said calmly: "Dear girl, don't cry! If you have any grievances, you can tell me, and Dad will make the decision for you! Do you like this kid or not?"

Giovanna didn't speak, but cried bitterly in her mother's arms, Monica shrugged her shoulders and said with a smile: "Hehe, Uncle Grillo, let me tell you, of course Nana likes this kid, she's just angry with him It’s not good for her, that’s why I’m crying!”

"Is that so?" Grillo's face changed slightly, looking at his daughter.

Giovanna still didn't speak, she cried endlessly, and finally Grillo became impatient, and said lightly: "Don't cry! You don't even look at the occasion, you know how to cry, what a shame! If you are wronged, just say it, if you really like this kid, can't Dad uphold justice for you?"

Qiao Fanna's crying really quieted down, she had a certain fear of her father in her bones, and immediately raised her pear blossom and rainy face and said: "What's the use of liking him, he doesn't like me..."

As soon as these words came out, the boys and buddies present who still had fantasies about Giovanna felt cold in an instant, especially Mastroianni, his face turned into a pig's liver color!

Grillo nodded lightly. It seems that Liu Boyang finally didn't lie to her. It was really his daughter who was interested in him, so he said to Giovanna: "Emotions can be cultivated slowly, and he may not be unreasonable." I like you. Just now this kid took the initiative to tell me that he wanted to take care of you. I thought it was his wishful thinking. Since you also have him in your heart, then Dad will make the decision for you. From now on, I agree with you two to date, and The business in my hand will be handed over to him slowly in the future, and let him take over from me."

The guests present didn't do anything when they heard this. The purpose of their coming here today was to get close to Giovanna. The more reason was to please the Mafia, but Grillo's words completely wiped out their dreams. If it is broken, not only will it be useless to pursue Giovanna, but it will also be useless to curry favor with the Mafia in the future!

Many parent-level guests finally figured out the way. Could it be that Grillo and this oriental boy were singing a double reed?Otherwise, why would he suddenly say such a thing?

"Mr. Grillo, what do you mean? Miss Nana's love affair, you'd better be more cautious!" Mastroianni's father, Mr. Gore, the prosecutor of the Milan court, said slightly displeased .

"That's right! The succession of the party leader is also a major matter. How can you solve it like a child's play with a word from you? Don't say that we don't know the origin of this Dongfang boy. Even if we do know, he has never joined us. Mafia, why should the position of party leader be passed on to him?" Marco Feili, a member of the mafia, couldn't help but said.

Although Marco Feili's status in the Milan Mafia is not as high as the party leader and the three elders, he can be regarded as a giant. He is younger than Grillo, Sandraci and Duccio. The position of the party leader is definitely his. Who would have thought that Grillo would make such an absurd decision.

A big brother who has a good relationship with Marco Feili also stood up and said: "Our mafia has never had a tradition of passing the position of party leader to outsiders in history. Even if you really want to be hereditary, at least You want to give birth to a son, if you just pass it on to your son-in-law without any reason, how can you convince us?"

Grillo had long expected that he would encounter strong doubts and opposition after he announced what Liu Boyang asked him to do. This was really as expected, but what could he do? I have seen it with my own eyes, and my daughter likes Liu Boyang from the bottom of my heart. If he doesn't stand by Liu Boyang's side, he will lose a lot of things.

"Shut up! About my own daughter, I have the final say! Marco Feili, it seems that I am still your eldest brother, how dare you talk to me like this?" Grillo yelled angrily!

Ma Ke Feili said disapprovingly: "Brother, don't blame me, I am not targeting you, but I value the traditions and gang rules of our mafia more. If you are only thinking about yourself, you will let this unknown origin I don’t agree with my words, I don’t agree with my heart! And most of the brothers in the gang, I’m afraid they won’t agree either!”

The guy who assisted also said: "Brother, I wonder if you are bewitched? Why do you say such things suddenly? Why don't we let Elder Sandraki judge and see whether you did something wrong or not?" We are wrong! Hey, where is Old Man Sandra Chiyuan?"

After all, Grillo has a guilty conscience, and Sandraci has not even left the scum of death at this moment. The inexplicable "disappearance" of such a big living person in his home is also a very serious matter. , what's more, the prosecutor of the Milan court and several important government officials are here. Even if Grillo has experienced more storms and waves, his face can't help but change color at this time. He lied and argued: "Sandraqi just had something to do and has left!"

The wife beside him, Feng Guixiang, looked at him strangely. Others didn't know Sandraqi's whereabouts, but Feng Guixiang knew about it. Ever since she saw Sandraqi go upstairs, she hasn't seen him come down yet!But my husband actually said that he had already left, when did he leave?

"Elder Sandraki actually left? Hmph, I'm afraid he also knew about your unreasonable decision in advance, so he left! Today we came to celebrate Miss Nana's birthday, originally out of good intentions, and also for the sake of big brother Your face, but your decision is really chilling, I, Marco Feili, will go back first, brother, think about it carefully!"

After Ma Kefei finished speaking, he gave Liu Boyang a vicious look, and then strode away.

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