The best boy on campus

Chapter 20 Disagreement

Hearing the old cat talking about business, Liu Boyang also retracted his wild thoughts *Book* (A man who can achieve great things, the critical moment will not be delayed by his children's affair, he can be affectionate, but everything must be serious first

"Well, I've already set up a stick in s. I've spread the banner of the Nine Dragons Club and recruited more than a dozen younger brothers. Let's take s as the place where W City started, just like Songkou Middle School back then." Liu Boyang sat up straight and said

"Worthy of being the boss, Brother Yang, you are really fast and resolute in doing things. Brother Yang, you have nothing to say, just listen to Brother Yang, we brothers will fight wherever you point, my old cat is willing to be a pioneer," the old cat said bluntly

"Is it in S? That's a good place to start a business, Brother Yang, it's a noble school? There are many rich students, so it's easy to collect protection fees, and there are loopholes in the school's management. It's definitely not a problem to conquer there by our brothers' means. Listen to Brother Yang, that’s all.” The second child, Yang Lin, said that his eyes are always farther than others, and he thinks things more carefully.

The second elder brother Lao Mao said so, of course Gao Zhenfei, Cui Guodong and others had no objection, they all expressed their approval, in order to make this decision, several people raised their cups to touch each other, and walked away for a while.

"But if you want to fight the world together, we brothers can't be too scattered. Old cat Yang Lin Guodong, you don't mess around in that third-rate middle school. You can't make a name for yourself. I rely on you. Come with me." Transfer to s, we brothers get together to do things easily," Liu Boyang said

"Okay, but you don't need to worry about the transfer, Brother Yang. My cousin is from the Municipal Education Bureau. Isn't it easy to help the brothers transfer to another school? I'll finish the matter within two days at most." Yang Lin said

Yang Lin Laomao and Cui Guodong are both students of the same third-rate high school. They originally went there because of the lax management of that school. Tired of playing

Liu Boyang nodded, and then said: "As for Hu Zi and Lao Si, you two didn't go to high school, so it's not appropriate for you to go to school now, so you should stop studying. Your task is to unify the surrounding schools in S for the society. Places where you can get money, Internet disco ktv, etc., as a support for the club outside the school"

Huzi and Gao Zhenfei nodded without objection, and said, "Brother Yang, don't worry, it's not a problem for us brothers to leave this matter to us."

Liu Boyang is quite at ease with these two people, especially Gao Zhenfei, who is definitely meticulous, unlike Liu Boyang and the others who come from aristocratic families, Gao Zhenfei can take the fourth place among this group of brothers with his own ability , and convinced the old cat Cui Guodong and others, which is enough to show his ability and means

"There is also the third child... the third child, are you willing to switch to work with me and the second child in the school, or stay outside the school like a big flying tiger to develop power?" Liu Boyang looked at He Xiaobin and asked

After discussing the business, He Xiaobin, who had been silent all this time, finally had to speak at this moment. He hesitated for a long time, knocked his wine glass on the table to conceal the complexity in his heart, and said slowly: "Brother Yang, my school is far away from S. It's far away, but it's relatively close to Jiayi's place of work. I have to pick her up to and from work every day, so I won't turn around. I can still do things for the club when I'm there."

"Third brother, what do you mean by that? Do you have other ideas? Don't want to work with the brothers?" The second child Yang Lin said lightly with an ugly face

Hearing He Xiaobin say such disappointing words, the other brothers, the old cat, Cui Guodong and the others also looked unhappy, why didn't they come to Szhong just to take care of their daughter-in-law?Isn't this nonsense?Is this what the man said?How can a man who has achieved great things be fettered by a woman?The girl Lao Mao loves is also in his old school, but did he say no?

What He Xiaobin said was obviously an excuse, and almost everyone present could hear it

The old cat was also unwilling, pointing at Zhao Jiayi and said ferociously: "For a woman, what are you doing, third brother? With brothers around, who can snatch her away? If there is such a cynical person, don't If you do it, I'll chop him up first and you won't stay with the brothers because of this?"

"Fifth, have you drunk too much?" He Xiaobin narrowed his eyes and said to the old cat

"I didn't drink too much," the old cat said without showing any weakness

"Then your mother dares to talk to me like that? Are you the third child or am I the third child? Don't you take me as a brother?" He Xiaobin stood up abruptly and shouted

The old cat wanted to stand up and confront him right away, but when he thought about it, He Xiaobin was right, as a younger brother, he really couldn't bear to challenge his elder brother. Those who come out to hang out pay more attention to their rank and status. , In some big gangs, committing a crime or even a dead end is really not very important now, isn't there still a big brother and a second brother?

"Third brother, sit down, you know what kind of temper the old cat has, can you be really angry with him?" Yang Lin said lightly

He Xiaobin glanced at Yang Lin, took a deep breath, sat back down again, drank silently, and said: "Second brother taught me that I shouldn't, but I really like Jiayi, and I don't want others to target her."

Sitting next to him, Zhao Jiayi saw the group of brothers arguing over her, and twisted her body feeling uncomfortable. She knew better than anyone else how false He Xiaobin's words were at this moment. It was true that he was nice to her, but still He didn't get to the point where Tiantian's car would pick him up and drop him off, he refused to come to S, but he just couldn't let go of his position in Overlord's Hall over there

Such a treacherous man, even as a woman, she feels contemptuous

"Third brother, you have a good temper, but what the fifth child said is also true, you stopped being with your brothers because of a woman, isn't it too bearish?" Yang Lin said lightly.

"Second brother, I have already said that even if I am over there, I can still do things for the brothers. I did not say that I am separated from the brothers. It is not good for us all to get together. I will develop over there. Strength, is there anything wrong with meeting up with your brothers when you become bigger in the future?" He Xiaobin was still a little apprehensive about his second brother, but he still couldn't hear the submissive tone in his words

"Heh, third child, don't be so high-sounding. Why don't you come over? The brothers all understand that you don't want to leave Bawangtang? Do you think Bawangtang is awesome? It's not like you don't know what our brothers are capable of. , it will be a matter of time to unify City W, don't just look at the short-term interests and lose the big because of small things." Yang Lin said clearly

"Second brother, what do you mean? You said that, I didn't say it." He Xiaobin stood up again

"Okay, who doesn't know about your little abacus? Open the skylight and tell the truth, do you still want to be a member of the Kowloon Society in the future?" Yang Lin said without any fear

"Second brother, if you want to force me again, I will really lose my face. The fourth master treats me with great kindness, and I don't allow you to scold him behind his back." The fourth master is the current boss of Bawangtang and He Xiaobin's benefactor

"Okay, third child, you finally made it clear. Now that you have a fourth master, brothers are nothing in your eyes, right? Are you yelling at your mother? Who are you scaring?" Yang Lin brushed Standing up abruptly, he said angrily, except for Liu Boyang, Yang Lin has never been afraid of anyone in his life, neither is your grandson of He Jiuxiao.

"It's enough, shut up, second and third, do you still see me as a big brother? Sit down for me." Liu Boyang finally spoke

Yang Lin and He Xiaobin looked at each other, and finally sat back down. They don't have to ignore anyone, but Brother Yang dare not not give him face.

"Third brother, I just want to ask you a question, from now on, are you still on the same boat as your brothers?" Liu Boyang looked at He Xiaobin and asked indifferently

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