The best boy on campus

Chapter 204 Bombardment!

When Hu Hansan heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and immediately brought people over to investigate the situation_Pao&shu&Zheng Fanchen and the group of younger brothers did not dare to be careless, and moved towards the window one after another

I don't know who was the first to clearly see the infrared light spot emitted by the bazooka on Hutou's shoulder, and exclaimed: "**** is a bazooka!"

Hu Hansan and the others regained their composure at the first moment, and were so frightened that they turned around and ran away instinctively. It was too late to care about so much at this moment, and life-saving is the first priority. With a bazooka, they don't even have time to think about it

Hearing a "boom", the shells on the tiger's head and shoulders flew over like a meteor at a speed visible to the naked eye, and rushed directly into the windows of the lobby on the third floor, and exploded instantly. Shattered, the screams one after another are endless, it sounds extraordinarily frightening

In the whole room, there was a huge high-pressure heat wave blasting away in all directions, and the fire burst into flames. Hu Hansan and Zheng Fanchen were lucky not to be blown into powder on the spot because they ran in time, but they were caught by the scorching air wave. Pushed directly out of the room, the bodies of the two rolled down the stairs uncontrollably. Hu Hansan was unlucky, and was pressed down by Zheng Fanchen all the way. When the two finally rolled down and hit the wall, they were both Eyes turned white, dizzy, burning pain all over

The two shook their heads for a long time before they came to their senses. At this moment, Zheng Fanchen's face was bruised, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. One hand was directly fractured, limp as if there were no bones, and one ankle had been knocked. It's not looking good, blood is gushing out

And Hu Hansan was worse than him, one leg was completely broken, and his waist was also seriously injured. The most important thing is that he had a white bone spur directly on one of his elbows, which looked very scary

"**What the hell is going on with your mother?" Hu Hansan crawled over with his last breath, grabbed Zheng Fanchen's collar and yelled. People have been happy and happy here for so long, but no one came to the door, and they brought trouble when they came. If it's not their reason, whose reason is it?

At this moment, Hu Hansan remembered how ridiculous the reason Zheng Bin gave him when he called him was that he was so arrogant at the time, and he fell for his tricks without thinking, and he took the trouble on himself.

But at this moment, Zheng Fanchen seemed to be stupid. Facing Hu Hansan's shouting, he couldn't say a word, and his mind went blank. He clearly remembered that at the moment of narrow escape, he never put The old man in his heart, Zheng Bin, saved him. If Zheng Bin hadn't tried his best to push him at the last moment, how could he have escaped from the wave of flames that engulfed everything, but Zheng Bin himself was blown into pieces? ashes

For the first time in history, Zheng Fanchen felt such a heart-wrenching feeling. He realized that he was so important in the old man's heart, and even passed his own life. An unprecedented sense of self-blame and regret filled him. In Zheng Fanchen's heart, at this moment he was so regretful that he wanted to cry, how much he wanted to call Zheng Bin "Dad" himself to make up for what he owed him all these years

It's a pity that Zheng Bin will never hear that he is dead

Seeing that Zheng Fanchen didn't answer his hysterical question, Hu Hansan burst into anger and said, "I'm going to fucking kill you" as he said, he stretched out his hands and rushed forward, strangling Zheng Fanchen fiercely. neck

But at this time Zheng Fanchen also broke out, the anger and grief in his chest made him almost crazy, he kicked Hu Hansan's stomach and kicked him away, then got up in grief and rushed downstairs Looking for the group of people outside, he knew that his chance of surviving today was almost zero, but before he died, the only thing he wanted to do was to avenge the old man

Suddenly at this time, many people also ran down from other floors, rushed to Hu Hansan one after another, and asked him in horror: "Third Brother, what happened? Why are there so many people outside? You How did you get hurt like this?" They were having fun in the room just now, when they suddenly felt the entire floor shake violently, as if a magnitude [-] earthquake had suddenly occurred, followed by the deafening explosion The whole house was shaking, and the fine dust from the roof was falling straight down. After calming down a little, they ran to the window to see that there were so many people digging holes.

At this moment, Hu Hansan was leaning against the wall with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, looked at them and said angrily: "Damn, I can't explain it to you for a while, so hurry up and take me out of this damn place and take me to the hospital." Hu Hansan knew in his heart that although many of his younger brothers were killed by the cannon just now, there were still many of his own troops in other places on the entire floor, and they probably were not killed by the bombing. If they were integrated, there could be six to seventy people. But no matter how many times there are these people, they will not be the opponents of those outside.

There are many families and heavy weapons. Isn't it courting death if you rush out?

A group of younger brothers looked at each other and immediately understood what they should do. Four or five people rushed down to set up Hu Hansan, and the others also rushed downstairs in a hurry. They were desperadoes. The only thing is to run for their lives, this moment is the time to give full play to their strengths

But before he could take a few steps, the whole building suddenly swayed violently again. Immediately, many people rolled down the stairs and died on the spot. Instant earthy smell

that's another explosion

The opponent is still bombarding

Now it's hard for them to fly even with wings

The men were scared to death, not to mention those prodigal women who were lucky enough not to be killed by the bombing. For a while, their hysterical cries for help were everywhere on the floor, and the scalps of the noisy people were numb.

Outside the building, Liu Zhenlong tilted his head and drank a cigarette, holding a dozen chronic detonators in his hand. He lit the cigarette butt in a casual manner, and then threw it towards the floor. When it crashes into a floor window or hits a wall, an explosion will be triggered immediately. For a while, the whole building is crumbling and rubble is flying, and from time to time, the fragmented limbs of people who were unfortunate enough to be bombed come from Flying up in the flames, of course, accompanied by that desperate scream

Not only was Liu Zhenlong addicted to throwing detonators, Cui Guodong, Yang Lin and others next to him also kept lighting detonators and threw them into the building desperately, just like setting off firecrackers during the New Year. A window is blown to pieces, and then the sky is full of flames

At this moment, they felt a sense of hatred in their hearts. They finally avenged brother Yang, and they couldn't believe that they couldn't blow up that bastard surnamed Zheng into powder.

Brothers, do you know that the protagonist wakes up in the next chapter?Originally, in order to prepare these vivid fighting scenes, I buried n many foreshadowings and referred to n many materials, just to bring you the refreshing feeling of watching fierce fighting movies, but I didn’t expect that everyone would not want to watch it, I’m really disappointed , I was really afraid of being scolded by everyone, so I had to finish this part in a hurry, and I’m sorry to everyone, it backfired, I didn’t mean it

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