The best boy on campus

Chapter 213 2 roads.

Red Coral had no choice but to sigh, and then told Liu Boyang all the ins and outs of the whole matter

She was afraid of irritating Liu Boyang who hadn't fully recovered at this moment, so she narrated the whole process very slowly and in detail for more than half an hour

In fact, at the last moment, it was Mr. Liu's idea to hide the news of Liu Boyang's fake death from everyone. Under the urgent situation at that time, there was no way.

In the fight between Liu Tianlong and Qinwangshan last night, if Liu Tianlong won in the end, what he defeated was just Qinwangshan's old man, and he didn't really take control of the entire W city. Liu Tianlong himself, sooner or later If he returned to County H, how could he rest assured that Liu Boyang was left in City W? How could the four major gangs let his grandson go?

If the final result of the battle between the two tigers is that Liu Tianlong loses and dies in W City, then he will not worry about his grandson, not to mention that Liu Boyang has not woken up at that time, even if he does wake up, he will be killed by King Qin The people on the mountain were all exterminated, and suffered another disaster

Of course, the most important point is that Liu Boyang killed people after all, and he killed more than a dozen people in the street. Many people have seen it with their own eyes. If he can wake up, he will inevitably be troubled and sued. The court, even if Liu Tianlong and Liu Zhenjiang personally came forward, they cannot be 100% sure to keep him

Therefore, it is necessary for Liu Boyang to run away. Only by letting him go to other places first, avoiding this catastrophe with a hidden alias, and after a long time, the wind will pass before he can come back

It was precisely because of the above reasons that Liu Tianlong used this tactic to change positions. When Sun Xiaorou and the others were all immersed in grief and had no time to notice, he asked Liu Zhenjiang to contact Dean Wang quietly. Individuals worked together to stage this deception

At that time, when Liu Boyang was covered with a white sheet and pushed away, and Xiaoying was chasing him and crying loudly, of course Liu Boyang was not dead, but was sent downstairs secretly, and then the red coral and Wu Tian quietly carried him into the car and sent him all the way out of W City

In order to prevent accidents, Liu Boyang could not take care of him when there was an emergency on the road. Dean Wang also specially appointed two more careful female nurses to follow him carefully all the way.

Wu Tian was nowhere to be seen early this morning, and he was on his way to send the two female nurses back

At that moment, after hearing the whole story, Liu Boyang clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and said, "Then what happened to my grandpa?"

He couldn't have imagined that during the time he was in a coma, so many complicated things happened in a series, even his grandfather, who had been reclusive for many years, was dispatched, and in the end he even had an incident with Qin Wangshan, a mafia boss in W City collided

Although Liu Boyang has never heard of Qin Wangshan from his grandfather, he has heard of that old thing from his uncle Liu Zhenlong. He is one of the few old foxes and heroes in China. Like Liu Tianlong, he is not only famous in W City, but also in the whole world. They all have a terrible name

My grandfather Liu Tianlong has never suffered many defeats in his life, and the worst game he lost was the confrontation with Qin Wangshan 30 years ago. In the battle, his old man lost to Huarong and quit with endless regrets. City W has not been able to live up to its shame until today

Unexpectedly, 30 years later, the two of them would confront each other again, and the cause of all this was actually because of their own...

Liu Boyang no longer wanted his grandfather to be involved in the disputes of the underworld. Even if one day, the people of the Liu family wanted to seek revenge from the people of the Qin family, it would have to be him, Liu Boyang, who brought people back to kill him, not his grandfather Liu Boyang. Grandpa Tianlong is old, and now he should be enjoying happiness in County H, so don't worry about these moral matters anymore

Liu Boyang trembled with regret when he thought that he had dragged down his grandpa what happened yesterday. How could he be so useless? He didn’t try to save face for his grandpa, but he actually caused his grandpa to work hard for his own affairs.

Seeing Liu Boyang's face turning blue, Hong Shan stood up and said, "What's the use of regretting and getting angry now? You didn't provoke the matter, and someone wants to target you. Can you sit still? You are now What you have to think about is how to go in the future, the previous things have already happened, is it still useful for you to think about it?"

"You haven't told me, how is my grandpa?" Liu Boyang asked in a cold voice, not to mention grandpa's mishaps, even if grandpa was slightly hurt, Liu Boyang would never forgive himself

Hong Shanshan thought for a while, then sighed: "Your grandfather... I haven't figured out the specific situation, but I called City W this morning, and it is said that..."

"What did you hear?" Liu Boyang asked coldly

"Let me tell you, you must keep calm. Your grandpa may have been in trouble..." Red Coral spoke cautiously while looking at Liu Boyang's face

Sure enough, in just that moment, Liu Boyang froze in place.

time freezes at this moment

It was like a thunderbolt slamming down from the sky, and it instantly paralyzed Liu Boyang's whole body

Cold from head to toe

After a few seconds, Liu Boyang gritted his teeth and held back his tears and asked, "Say it again, what happened to my grandpa?"

"Don't be so excited yet, okay? The deceased is dead. Your grandfather has put in so much effort to drag us out to send you out. You must not do stupid things to disappoint him," Hong Shanshan advised in a deep voice.

Liu Boyang didn't say a word, he tore off his hospital gown abruptly, his arms were bare, his eyes were red and he was about to go out

"Stop, where are you going?" Red Coral shouted immediately

"I want to go back to City W. I want to visit my grandfather. I want to find out who did it. As long as Liu Boyang is alive, I can't spare that bastard."

"You are messing around, do you know how chaotic W City is now? Your family is in danger now, who do you go to?" Red Coral scolded

"Unable to help themselves?"

"The mayor of your third uncle Liu Zhenjiang was dismissed and investigated, and is now in criminal detention. Your second uncle Liu Zhenhai is now under residential surveillance and summoned at any time. Your fourth uncle Liu Zhenlong and your grandfather are both alive and dead, and their whereabouts are unknown. Who are you going to look for in City W now? ? Do you still have a home?" In order to dissuade Liu Boyang, Hong Shanshan told all the current situation in a panic, but after she finished speaking, she felt a little regretful. Did she speak too directly?

Liu Boyang froze in place

That sentence "Do you still have a home?" suddenly plunged him into a boundless and cold abyss

Yeah, do I still have a home?Not only did I harm my wife and brothers, but I also ruined my uncle and grandpa's family. Where would I have a home?Where is my home?

"Liu Boyang, listen to me. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. If you go to City W now, it's like throwing yourself into a trap to avenge your grandfather and revive your Liu family. Then you have to endure it."

"Now not only City W, but even the surrounding cities have been shocked by what happened last night. The central government will personally come to investigate and punish you. If you really want to make a comeback, you can't stay in City E for long. You have to leave. The farther the better, when you recover from your injury, I will follow your grandfather and second uncle's wishes and send you to the coastal city of G. It is far away from here, the wind is quiet, and the city is chaotic, so it is easier to settle down. I believe that with your strength Ability, you will be able to break through the sky in no time.”

"Liu Boyang, if you are a real man, you have to know what it means to try your best. Now that you have nothing, who will look at you when you go back? It's not too late to kill you if you don't make trouble. Wait until you look like a dog in G city. "

"My grandpa once told me that the men of the Liu family bleed but not cry. Do you want to go back to do a good job in the future and revitalize the Liu family, or do you want to go back now in disgrace and add to your brothers and relatives? It’s so sad, you choose yourself.” Red Coral said so much in a row, and finally settled down

Note to readers:

Hehe, do you think Liu Tianlong will die? ?

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